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BiosDisplay Class Reference

Glue between the BIOS and the Display interface. More...

#include <BiosDisplay.h>

Inherits Display.

Public Member Functions

DisplayError init ()
 Initializes the display but does not turn it on.
virtual DisplayError powerUp (void *framebuffer, Resolution wanted=Resolution_16bit_rgb565, FrameRate_t rate=FrameRate_Normal)
 Turns the display on with the specified framebuffer showing.
virtual DisplayError powerDown ()
 Turns the display off.
virtual DisplayError backlight (int percent)
 Sets the backlight level.
virtual uint16_t width ()
 Returns the width (in pixels) of the display.
virtual uint16_t height ()
 Returns the height (in pixels) of the display.
virtual uint16_t bytesPerPixel ()
 Returns the number of bytes used by each pixel.
virtual uint32_t fbSize ()
 Returns the number of bytes used for each frame buffer.
virtual bool landscape ()
 Returns the display orientation.
virtual bool isSupported (Resolution res)
 Returns true if the specified resolution can be used.
virtual Resolution currentResolution ()
 Returns the current resolution.
virtual void setFramebuffer (void *buff)
 Replaces the current framebuffer.
virtual void * swapFramebuffer (void *buff)
 Replaces the current framebuffer with the specified one.
virtual void * allocateFramebuffer (Resolution res=Resolution_16bit_rgb565)
 Allocate enough memory for one framebuffer.
virtual void * allocateFramebuffers (uint32_t num=1, Resolution res=Resolution_16bit_rgb565)
 Allocate enough memory for one or more consequtive framebuffers.

Static Public Member Functions

static BiosDisplayinstance ()
 Get the only instance of the BiosDisplay.

Detailed Description

Glue between the BIOS and the Display interface.

Definition at line 28 of file BiosDisplay.h.

Member Function Documentation

void * allocateFramebuffer ( Resolution  res = Resolution_16bit_rgb565 ) [virtual]

Allocate enough memory for one framebuffer.

This function is a to make it easier to allocate memory for framebuffers as the number of bytes needed depends on width, height and bytes per pixel.

Free the allocated memory when done using the free() function.

resthe resolution (default is the one that the display is using)
a new framebuffer or NULL if out of memory

Implements Display.

Definition at line 159 of file BiosDisplay.cpp.

void * allocateFramebuffers ( uint32_t  num = 1,
Resolution  res = Resolution_16bit_rgb565 
) [virtual]

Allocate enough memory for one or more consequtive framebuffers.

This function is a to make it easier to allocate memory for framebuffers as the number of bytes needed depends on width, height and bytes per pixel.

Free the allocated memory when done using the free() function.

Use the default parameters to get one framebuffer for the display's current resolution.

numthe number of framebuffers, should be >= 1
resthe resolution (default is the one that the display is using)
new framebuffers or NULL if out of memory

Implements Display.

Definition at line 167 of file BiosDisplay.cpp.

BiosDisplay::DisplayError backlight ( int  percent ) [virtual]

Sets the backlight level.

0% is off and 100% is fully on

percentbacklight in %
Ok on success An error code on failure

Implements Display.

Definition at line 123 of file BiosDisplay.cpp.

uint16_t bytesPerPixel (  ) [virtual]

Returns the number of bytes used by each pixel.

bytes per pixel

Implements Display.

Definition at line 144 of file BiosDisplay.cpp.

BiosDisplay::Resolution currentResolution (  ) [virtual]

Returns the current resolution.

the current resolution

Implements Display.

Definition at line 192 of file BiosDisplay.cpp.

uint32_t fbSize (  ) [virtual]

Returns the number of bytes used for each frame buffer.


Implements Display.

Definition at line 149 of file BiosDisplay.cpp.

uint16_t height (  ) [virtual]

Returns the height (in pixels) of the display.

the display height

Implements Display.

Definition at line 139 of file BiosDisplay.cpp.

BiosDisplay::DisplayError init (  )

Initializes the display but does not turn it on.

Ok on success An error code on failure

Definition at line 62 of file BiosDisplay.cpp.

static BiosDisplay& instance (  ) [static]

Get the only instance of the BiosDisplay.

The display

Definition at line 35 of file BiosDisplay.h.

bool isSupported ( Resolution  res ) [virtual]

Returns true if the specified resolution can be used.

true if supported, false if not

Implements Display.

Definition at line 187 of file BiosDisplay.cpp.

bool landscape (  ) [virtual]

Returns the display orientation.

the display orientation

Implements Display.

Definition at line 154 of file BiosDisplay.cpp.

BiosDisplay::DisplayError powerDown (  ) [virtual]

Turns the display off.

Ok on success An error code on failure

Implements Display.

Definition at line 113 of file BiosDisplay.cpp.

BiosDisplay::DisplayError powerUp ( void *  framebuffer,
Resolution  res = Resolution_16bit_rgb565,
FrameRate_t  rate = FrameRate_Normal 
) [virtual]

Turns the display on with the specified framebuffer showing.

framebufferthe data to show
resthe resolution to use
ratethe frame rate to use
Ok on success An error code on failure

Implements Display.

Definition at line 88 of file BiosDisplay.cpp.

void setFramebuffer ( void *  buff ) [virtual]

Replaces the current framebuffer.

Note that this requires the caller or someone else to have a reference to the existing framebuffer, otherwise that memory is lost.

buffthe new framebuffer

Implements Display.

Definition at line 175 of file BiosDisplay.cpp.

void * swapFramebuffer ( void *  buff ) [virtual]

Replaces the current framebuffer with the specified one.

This function as opposed to the setFramebuffer() one does return the old framebuffer. This way the caller can save the old one and then swap it back when done.

buffthe new framebuffer
the old framebuffer

Implements Display.

Definition at line 180 of file BiosDisplay.cpp.

uint16_t width (  ) [virtual]

Returns the width (in pixels) of the display.

the display width

Implements Display.

Definition at line 134 of file BiosDisplay.cpp.