A cute tiny piece of code implementing an IoT NAND device, demonstrating how to setup and advertise a cute GATT (NAND) service. The code has been tested on a Nordic nRF51822-DK.

Dependencies:   BLE_API mbed nRF51822

Fork of BLE_HeartRate_IDB0XA1 by ST



File content as of revision 22:d467526abc4a:

// blob.cpp - 'BLOBs' are BLuetooth OBjects
#ifndef _BLOB_H_
#define _BLOB_H_

#include "ble/BLE.h"
#include "ble/Gap.h"

#define ICCC BLE::InitializationCompleteCallbackContext   // pure short hand
#define GDCP Gap::DisconnectionCallbackParams_t           // pure short hand
#define GCCP Gap::ConnectionCallbackParams_t              // pure short hand
#define GWCP GattWriteCallbackParams                      // pure short hand

   typedef uint8_t byte;
   typedef const char *cptr;

   class Service
         GattService *pService;
         GattCharacteristic **pCharacteristics;
         int count;
         uint16_t uuid;
         Service(uint16_t uid);
         void add(GattCharacteristic *p);
         GattService *create();               // actual creation of GATT service
   class Characteristic
          GattCharacteristic *pc;
          Characteristic(Service &svc, uint16_t uuid, cptr mode, cptr name);
          Characteristic(Service &svc, uint16_t uuid, cptr mode);

   class Blob
         BLE *pble;                           // to access THE ble object
         const ICCC *pComplete;               // params to ICCC context
         const GCCP *pConnect;                // params to GCCP context
         const GDCP *pDisconnect;             // params to GDPC context
         const GWCP *pWritten;                // params to GWCP context
         Blob();                              // standard constructor
         void init(void (*)(Blob&),void (*)(Blob&));  // initialize BLE system
         void init(void (*)(Blob&));          // initialize BLE system
         void sleep(void);                    // low power wait
      public:                                 // some short hands (inline)
         GattServer& gatt() { return pble->gattServer(); }
      public:                                 // setup GAP advertising
         void device(const char *name);       // set device name characteristic
            // adding custom service
         void service(Service &svc);          // add custom service
         void service(GattService &svc);      // add custom service

            // advertising flags
         void mode(const char *p);            // Set advertising type and flags
         void data(const uint8_t*, size_t);   // advertising data
         void data(const char *str);          // advertising data
         void name(const char *str);          // add name to device
         void start(void);                    // start advertising
         void start(int msec);                // start advertising (msec: periode)
         void advertise(cptr pmod,int ms=100);// advertise
         void onConnect(void (*fptr)(Blob&)); // setup disconnect callback
         void onDisconnect(void (*fptr)(Blob&));// setup disconnect callback
         void onWritten(void (*fptr)(Blob&)); // setup data written callback

#endif // _BLOB_H_