Fork of David Smart's RA8875 library

Fork of RA8875 by David Smart


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
46:1321832f11d8 2014-03-13 hexley Fixes for vertical line wrap. default tip
45:679c2fb8480c 2014-03-10 WiredHome Remove the destructor documentation - since we don't destroy the display.
44:207594dece70 2014-03-10 WiredHome Layer support is nearly complete. It is functioning, but might benefit from a little refactoring of the API for transparency and mode.
43:3becae133285 2014-03-09 WiredHome Initial support (not yet complete) for more screen resolutions and for display layers.
42:7cbdfd2bbfc5 2014-02-23 WiredHome Added initial support for .ico file format (does not yet account for them being 2 x height for the mask), but this permitted generalizing the API for loading an image from the file system.
41:2956a0a221e5 2014-02-08 WiredHome Added PrintScreen method, to capture the current image to a file system.; Improved performance of pixel streaming (rendering a bitmap and capturing a bitmap).; Ran performance checks, then disabled debug and the performance information.
40:04aa280dfa39 2014-02-04 WiredHome Revise SetTextFontSize( ) to require only 1 parameter, and change the type from unsigned to signed to permit easier default detection.
39:805cee56872d 2014-01-26 WiredHome Preparing code for additional optimizations for RA8875 register access.
38:38d503b4fad6 2014-01-25 WiredHome Small performance optimizations only.
37:f19b7e7449dc 2014-01-25 WiredHome major API tweak to use typedef's for pixel locations, dimensions, and text locations.
36:300f6ee0b2cf 2014-01-25 WiredHome Doc changes only
35:7dcab9e3ab25 2014-01-23 WiredHome Tweak the doc for the bitmap render to get better output documentation.
34:c99ec28fac66 2014-01-23 WiredHome Updated documentation for the RenderBitmapFile function.
33:b6b710758ab3 2014-01-22 WiredHome Documentation fixes after running doxygen externally.
32:0e4f2ae512e2 2014-01-21 WiredHome Tuned up the Bitmap support - includes 24-bit color, and some hardware performance improvements.
31:c72e12cd5c67 2014-01-20 WiredHome Support for Bitmap graphics (tested 4-bit and 8-bit formats, have not tested 1-bit or 24-bit).
30:e0f2da88bdf6 2014-01-19 WiredHome Warning reduction.
29:422616aa04bd 2014-01-19 WiredHome Initial support for soft fonts compatible with mikroe font creator.
28:ed102fc442c4 2014-01-17 WiredHome Implement additional initialization in the constructor so the display immediately comes on.
27:65f9f93b54dd 2014-01-17 WiredHome Included fillellipse
26:c854037bbebd 2014-01-17 WiredHome Demo for RA8875 Display Controller
25:9556a3a9b7cc 2014-01-17 WiredHome First copy for public viewing
24:8ca861acf12d 2014-01-17 WiredHome Cursor control is working - none, i-beam, underscore, block.
23:a50ded45dbaf 2014-01-15 WiredHome Some improvements to text APIs, and migration of the test code into the library (behind a #ifdef).
22:f6ea795eb541 2014-01-12 WiredHome Update documentation only.
21:3c1efb192927 2014-01-12 WiredHome Rounded rectangle now working.
20:6e2e4a8372eb 2014-01-12 WiredHome Triangle methods are now working - now does not perform unintended recursive call...
19:3f82c1161fd2 2014-01-12 WiredHome Initial commit - mostly working (not Triangles, Externals Fonts). Not ready for other users.
18:52cbeede86f0 2013-10-22 dreschpe The last change was made on the wrong code. Fix back the kinetis support .
17:d7e48335953e 2013-10-18 dreschpe Better circle function from Michael Ammann
16:2efcbb2814fa 2013-03-25 dreschpe fix bug in bmp for kinetis
15:f5772cffc2b2 2013-03-05 dreschpe KL25Z Version patch
14:ea3206e8e3bd 2013-03-05 dreschpe Add Freescale KL25Z support.
13:2c91cb947161 2013-03-05 dreschpe Add Freescale KL25Z support
12:9de056a58793 2013-03-05 dreschpe Fix LPC11U24 bug
11:9bb71766cafc 2013-02-19 dreschpe fix warnings
10:071ae6e02fcf 2013-02-03 dreschpe remove useless line in hline
9:a63fd1ad41b0 2013-02-03 dreschpe get the lib working with LPC11U24. ; The code is switched internal.
8:65a4de035c3c 2013-02-03 dreschpe Add NO_DMA define to switch off DMA use (LPC11U24)
7:e753bb62eeb9 2012-10-12 dreschpe Fix SPI1 connection.; Thanks to Hans Bergles
6:34a13617fd35 2012-09-22 dreschpe Remove debug prints
5:9cbf4a534f7e 2012-09-20 dreschpe Bugfix: the bmp load from filesystem is working again
4:824715115046 2012-09-20 dreschpe Bugfix + add comment
3:7f1d793b90df 2012-09-20 dreschpe Bugfix: load from filesystem works again
2:f30ea1eb3681 2012-09-11 dreschpe Switch back to io pin CS. The use of automatic SPI CS could make problems with interrupt or RTOS.
1:17e12e4e149f 2012-09-11 dreschpe Switch back to manual set of CS instead of using spi hardware. Interruption of datatransfer with interrupt or RTOS could cause problems.
0:de9d1462a835 2012-09-10 dreschpe [mbed] converted /TFT/SPI_TFT