
Fork of arduino by SE HUI PARK

diff -r 3b83fc30bbdf -r 4e1b6bfbac98 arduino.h
--- a/arduino.h	Fri Apr 11 07:21:59 2014 +0000
+++ b/arduino.h	Tue Oct 23 16:04:36 2018 +0800
@@ -4,7 +4,80 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "math.h"
 // Macros
+//add by gastonfeng begin
+typedef enum WiringPinMode
+        OUTPUT, /**< Basic digital output: when the pin is HIGH, the
+               voltage is held at +3.3v (Vcc) and when it is LOW, it
+               is pulled down to ground. */
+        OUTPUT_OPEN_DRAIN, /**< In open drain mode, the pin indicates
+                          "low" by accepting current flow to ground
+                          and "high" by providing increased
+                          impedance. An example use would be to
+                          connect a pin to a bus line (which is pulled
+                          up to a positive voltage by a separate
+                          supply through a large resistor). When the
+                          pin is high, not much current flows through
+                          to ground and the line stays at positive
+                          voltage; when the pin is low, the bus
+                          "drains" to ground with a small amount of
+                          current constantly flowing through the large
+                          resistor from the external supply. In this
+                          mode, no current is ever actually sourced
+                          from the pin. */
+        INPUT, /**< Basic digital input. The pin voltage is sampled; when
+              it is closer to 3.3v (Vcc) the pin status is high, and
+              when it is closer to 0v (ground) it is low. If no
+              external circuit is pulling the pin voltage to high or
+              low, it will tend to randomly oscillate and be very
+              sensitive to noise (e.g., a breath of air across the pin
+              might cause the state to flip). */
+        INPUT_ANALOG, /**< This is a special mode for when the pin will be
+                     used for analog (not digital) reads.  Enables ADC
+                     conversion to be performed on the voltage at the
+                     pin. */
+        INPUT_PULLUP, /**< The state of the pin in this mode is reported
+                     the same way as with INPUT, but the pin voltage
+                     is gently "pulled up" towards +3.3v. This means
+                     the state will be high unless an external device
+                     is specifically pulling the pin down to ground,
+                     in which case the "gentle" pull up will not
+                     affect the state of the input. */
+        INPUT_PULLDOWN, /**< The state of the pin in this mode is reported
+                       the same way as with INPUT, but the pin voltage
+                       is gently "pulled down" towards 0v. This means
+                       the state will be low unless an external device
+                       is specifically pulling the pin up to 3.3v, in
+                       which case the "gentle" pull down will not
+                       affect the state of the input. */
+        INPUT_FLOATING, /**< Synonym for INPUT. */
+        PWM, /**< This is a special mode for when the pin will be used for
+            PWM output (a special case of digital output). */
+        PWM_OPEN_DRAIN, /**< Like PWM, except that instead of alternating
+                       cycles of LOW and HIGH, the voltage on the pin
+                       consists of alternating cycles of LOW and
+                       floating (disconnected). */
+} WiringPinMode;
+// Roger Clark. Added _BV macro for AVR compatibility. As requested by @sweetlilmre and @stevestrong
+#ifndef _BV
+#define _BV(bit) (1 << (bit))
+#define HIGH 1
+#define LOW 0
+#define digitalRead(x) x
+#define digitalWrite(a, b) a->write(b)
+void *pinMode(PinName pin, uint8_t f);
+//gastonfeng end
 #define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
 #define HALF_PI 1.5707963267948966192313216916398
 #define TWO_PI 6.283185307179586476925286766559