Template for LPC1768

Dependencies:   Gimbal MLX90620 Socket lwip-eth lwip-sys lwip mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of EkkoEye by EkkoSense

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/CMLX90620.cpp	Thu Apr 14 13:45:38 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+ * CMLX90620.cpp
+ *
+ *  Created on: 12 Mar 2016
+ *      Author: mike
+ */
+//NOTE:  "Step Measurement Mode" was removed from new MLX90620 data sheet, page 22 dated Sept 19 2012
+//       which is used in this implementation
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "CMLX90620.h"
+extern char* EEbuf;
+extern char* RamBuf;
+extern char* RamCmmd;                       //must reside in main.cpp
+const int PTATSENS  = 0x90;                 //ram offset = 0x90, PTAT sensor reading, 16b
+const int TGCSENS   = 0x91;                 //ram offset = 0x91, TGC sensor reading, 16b
+const int MLXCONFIG = 0x92;                 //ram offset = 0x92, config register, 16b
+const int MLXTRIM   = 0x93;                 //ram offset = 0x93, oscillator trim, lsb>6b of 16b
+const int EETRIM    = 0xf7;                 //eep offset = 0xf0, 1 byte, oscillator trim value
+unsigned short Config = 0;                  //MLX90620 configuration register
+unsigned short OscTrim = 0;                 //MLX90620 oscillator trim register
+unsigned short PtatD = 0;                   //MLX90620 PTAT data register
+short VCP = 0;                              //VCP / TGC
+short Vth25X = 0;
+float TaXX = 0.0;
+//For To
+signed char AcpX = 0;
+signed char BcpX = 0;
+float Kt1fX = 0.0;
+float Kt2fX = 0.0;
+signed char TGCX = 0;
+char BiScaleX = 0;
+unsigned short theta0X = 0;
+char theta0ScaleX = 0;
+char deltaThetaScaleX = 0;
+unsigned short elipsonX = 0;
+signed char AiPixelX = 0;                   //eeprom address range 0x00 - 0x3f
+signed char BiPixelX = 0;                   //eeprom address range 0x40 - 0x7f
+char dThetaPixelX = 0;                      //eeprom address range 0x80 - 0xbf
+short VirPixelX = 0;
+double TempPxlX = 0;
+const int TOINDEX =  0xd4;                  //eep offset = 0xD4 and 0xE0 (0xD4 + 0x0C), 6 bytes + 6 bytes
+const int TAINDEX =  0xda;                  //eep offset = 0xDA, 6 bytes
+// Constructor
+MLX90620::MLX90620(PinName sda, PinName scl, const char* name) : _i2c(sda, scl){
+    _i2c.frequency(100000);                 //set up i2c speed
+    _i2c.stop();
+//copy contents of EEPROM inside the MLX90620 into a local buffer.  Data is used for lookup tables and parameters
+int MLX90620::LoadEEPROM() {
+    //clear out buffer first
+    for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
+        EEbuf[i] = 0;
+    }
+    //load the entire EEPROM
+    EEbuf[0] = 0;
+    if(!_i2c.write(0xa0, EEbuf, 1, true)) {                //0 returned is ok
+        _i2c.read(0xa0, EEbuf, 256);                       //load contents of EEPROM
+    } else {
+        _i2c.stop();
+        return(1);
+    }
+    return(0);
+//copy oscillator offset from EEbuf to MLX90620 (MS byte = 0)
+int MLX90620::SetOscTrimReg() {
+    RamCmmd[0] = 4;                          //command
+    RamCmmd[1] = EEbuf[EETRIM] - 0xaa;       //LS byte check
+    RamCmmd[2] = EEbuf[EETRIM];              //oscillator trim value
+    RamCmmd[3] = 0x100 - 0xaa;                   //MS byte check
+    RamCmmd[4] = 0;                          //MS byte = 0
+    int r = _i2c.write(0xc0, RamCmmd, 5, false);
+    return(r);
+//get oscillator offset register from MLX90620
+unsigned short MLX90620::GetOscTrimReg() {
+    RamCmmd[0] = 2;                          //command
+    RamCmmd[1] = MLXTRIM;                    //address of register
+    RamCmmd[2] = 0;                          //address step
+    RamCmmd[3] = 1;                          //# of reads
+    _i2c.write(0xc0, RamCmmd, 4, true);
+    _i2c.read(0xc0, RamCmmd, 2);
+    OscTrim = (RamCmmd[1] << 8) + RamCmmd[0];
+    return(OscTrim);
+//initialize the configuration register
+//******* NOTE: Step measurement mode was removed from new data sheet dated   Sept 19 2012
+int MLX90620::SetConfigReg() {
+    RamCmmd[0] = 3;                         //command
+//    RamCmmd[1] = 0x14c - 0x55;            //LS byte check
+//    RamCmmd[2] = 0x4c;                    //LS config value, step meas mode, 4Hz array  *******
+    RamCmmd[1] = 0xf9;		                //LS byte check
+    RamCmmd[2] = 0x4e;                      //LS config value, step meas mode, 4Hz array  *******
+    RamCmmd[3] = 0x27;                		//MS byte check
+    RamCmmd[4] = 0x7c;                      //MS config value, 2Hz Ta, 400k i2c
+    int r = _i2c.write(0xc0, RamCmmd, 5, false);
+    return(r);
+//get configuration register from MLX90620
+unsigned short MLX90620::GetConfigReg() {
+    RamCmmd[0] = 2;                          //command
+    RamCmmd[1] = MLXCONFIG;                  //address of register
+    RamCmmd[2] = 0;                          //address step
+    RamCmmd[3] = 1;                          //# of reads
+    _i2c.write(0xc0, RamCmmd, 4, true);
+    _i2c.read(0xc0, RamCmmd, 2);
+    Config = (RamCmmd[1] << 8) + RamCmmd[0];
+    return(Config);
+//get PTAT register from MLX90620
+unsigned short MLX90620::GetPTATReg() {
+    RamCmmd[0] = 2;                          //command
+    RamCmmd[1] = PTATSENS;                   //address of register
+    RamCmmd[2] = 0;                          //address step
+    RamCmmd[3] = 1;                          //# of reads
+    _i2c.write(0xc0, RamCmmd, 4, true);
+    _i2c.read(0xc0, RamCmmd, 2);
+    PtatD = (RamCmmd[1] << 8) + RamCmmd[0];
+    return(PtatD);
+//get VCP / TGC register from MLX90620
+short MLX90620::GetTGCReg() {
+    RamCmmd[0] = 2;                          //command
+    RamCmmd[1] = TGCSENS;                    //address of register
+    RamCmmd[2] = 0;                          //address step
+    RamCmmd[3] = 1;                          //# of reads
+    _i2c.write(0xc0, RamCmmd, 4, true);
+    _i2c.read(0xc0, RamCmmd, 2);
+    VCP = (RamCmmd[1] << 8) + RamCmmd[0];
+    return(VCP);
+//get RAM dump from MLX90620
+bool firstDump = false;
+void MLX90620::LoadMLXRam() {
+    RamCmmd[0] = 2;                          //command
+    RamCmmd[1] = 0;                          //start address
+    RamCmmd[2] = 1;                          //address step
+    RamCmmd[3] = 0x40;                       //# of reads
+    _i2c.write(0xc0, RamCmmd, 4, true);
+    _i2c.read(0xc0, RamBuf, 0x80);
+    PtatD = MLX90620::GetPTATReg();
+    VCP = MLX90620::GetTGCReg();
+//start measurement MLX90620
+int MLX90620::StartMeasurement() {
+    RamCmmd[0] = 1;                         //command
+    RamCmmd[1] = 8;                         //address of config register
+    int r = _i2c.write(0xc0, RamCmmd, 2, false);
+    return(r);
+// Initial Calculations for Ta and To
+float MLX90620::GetDieTemp() {
+    PtatD = MLX90620::GetPTATReg();
+    float TaX = (-Kt1fX + sqrtf(powf(Kt1fX, 2.0) - 4.0 * Kt2fX * (Vth25X - PtatD)))/(2.0 * Kt2fX) + 25.0;
+    return(TaX);
+// Initial Calculations for Ta and To
+void MLX90620::CalcTa_To() {
+    //Calculate Ta first
+    Vth25X = (EEbuf[TAINDEX + 1] << 8) + EEbuf[TAINDEX + 0];
+    short Kt1   = (EEbuf[TAINDEX + 3] << 8) + EEbuf[TAINDEX + 2];
+    short Kt2   = (EEbuf[TAINDEX + 5] << 8) + EEbuf[TAINDEX + 4];
+    Kt1fX = Kt1 / 1024.0;
+    Kt2fX = Kt2 / 1048576.0;
+    TaXX = MLX90620::GetDieTemp();
+    //Calculate To
+    AcpX = EEbuf[TOINDEX + 0];
+    BcpX = EEbuf[TOINDEX + 1];
+//    unsigned short thetaCPX = (EEbuf[TOINDEX + 3] << 8) + EEbuf[TOINDEX + 2];
+    TGCX = EEbuf[TOINDEX + 4];
+    BiScaleX = EEbuf[TOINDEX + 5];
+    theta0X = (EEbuf[TOINDEX + 13] << 8) + EEbuf[TOINDEX + 12];
+    theta0ScaleX = EEbuf[TOINDEX + 14];
+    deltaThetaScaleX = EEbuf[TOINDEX + 15];
+    elipsonX = (EEbuf[TOINDEX + 17] << 8) + EEbuf[TOINDEX + 16];
+        printf("Vth(25) = %6d 0x%x\nTa1     = %6d 0x%x\nTa2     = %6d 0x%x\n", Vth25X, Vth25X, Kt1, Kt1, Kt2, Kt2);
+        printf("Kt1fX   = %f\nKt2fX   = %f\nTaXX    = %f\n\n", Kt1fX, Kt2fX, TaXX);
+        printf("Acp     = %6d 0x%x\nBcp     = %6d 0x%x\nThCP    = %6d 0x%x\n", AcpX, AcpX, BcpX, BcpX, thetaCPX, thetaCPX);
+        printf("TGC     = %6d 0x%x\nBiS     = %6d 0x%x\nTh0     = %6d 0x%x\n", TGCX, TGCX, BiScaleX, BiScaleX, theta0X, theta0X);
+        printf("T0s     = %6d 0x%x\nDts     = %6d 0x%x\nelip    = %6d 0x%x\n\n", theta0ScaleX, theta0ScaleX, deltaThetaScaleX, deltaThetaScaleX, elipsonX, elipsonX);
+// Pixel Temperature Calculation
+double MLX90620::CalcPixel(int Pixel) {
+    AiPixelX = EEbuf[Pixel];                                        //eeprom address range 0x00 - 0x3f
+    BiPixelX = EEbuf[Pixel + 0x40];                                 //eeprom address range 0x40 - 0x7f
+    dThetaPixelX = EEbuf[Pixel + 0x80];                             //eeprom address range 0x08 - 0xbf
+    VirPixelX = (RamBuf[Pixel * 2 + 1] << 8) + RamBuf[Pixel * 2];   //ram address range 0x000 - 0x08f, 16b
+    float Vcp_off_comp = VCP - (AcpX + BcpX / powf(2.0,BiScaleX) * (TaXX - 25.0));
+    float VirPixel_off_comp = VirPixelX - (AiPixelX + BiPixelX / powf(2.0,BiScaleX) * (TaXX - 25.0));
+    float VirPixel_off_comp2 = (float(AiPixelX) + float(BiPixelX) / float(1 << BiScaleX) * (TaXX - 25.0));
+    VirPixel_off_comp2 = VirPixelX - VirPixel_off_comp2;
+    float VirPixel_tgc_comp = VirPixel_off_comp - TGCX / 32.0 * Vcp_off_comp;
+    float elipsonf = elipsonX / 32768.0;
+    float VirPixel_comp = VirPixel_tgc_comp / elipsonf;
+    double theta28 = theta0X / powf(2.0, theta0ScaleX) + dThetaPixelX / powf(2.0, deltaThetaScaleX);
+    double TempPxl = powf((VirPixel_comp / theta28 + powf((TaXX + 273.15), 4.0)), (1.0 / 4.0)) - 273.15;
+        printf("pixel = %d\n", Pixel);
+        printf("Acp   = %d\nBcp   = %d\nBiS   = %d\n", AcpX, BcpX, BiScaleX);
+        printf("Vcp   = %d\neps   = %d\nTGC   = %d\n", VCP, elipsonX, TGCX);
+        printf("Vcp_off_comp      = %f\n", Vcp_off_comp);
+        printf("VirPixel_off_comp        = %f\n", VirPixel_off_comp);
+        printf("VirPixel                 = %d\n", VirPixelX);
+        printf("AiPixel                  = %d\n", AiPixelX);
+        printf("BiPixel                  = %d\n", BiPixelX);
+        printf("BiScale                  = %d\n", BiScaleX);
+        printf("2^BiScale                = %f\n", (powf(2.0,BiScaleX)));
+        printf("1 << BiScale             = %d\n", (1 << BiScaleX));
+        printf("Ta-25.0                  = %f\n", (TaXX - 25.0));
+        printf("BiPix/2^BiScale          = %f\n", (BiPixelX / powf(2.0,BiScaleX)));
+        printf("AiP+BiP/2^BiScale)*(Ta-25= %f\n", (AiPixelX + BiPixelX / powf(2.0,BiScaleX) * (TaXX - 25.0)));
+        printf("VirPixel_off_comp again  = %f\n", (VirPixelX - (AiPixelX + BiPixelX / powf(2.0,BiScaleX) * (TaXX - 25.0))));
+        printf("VirPixel_off_comp2 step  = %f\n", VirPixel_off_comp2);
+        printf("VirPixel_tgc_comp        = %f\n",  VirPixel_tgc_comp);
+        printf("elipsonf                 = %f\n", elipsonf);
+        printf("VirPixel_comp            = %f\n",  VirPixel_comp);
+        printf("theta28                  = %f  << double print problem\n", (theta28 * 100000000.0));  //<<< can't print a double
+        printf("TempPxl                  = %f\n",  TempPxl);
+    return(TempPxl);