SPI Library for 240x320 TFT LCD with ILI9320, ILI9325 and ILI9328 chip

Dependencies:   BurstSPI

Dependents:   KL25Z_ILI9320_Demo Mini-DK

Other LCD drivers

Device initialization for ILI9325 and ILI9328 has been added to the library.
The library will auto-detect what driver chip is connected (ILI9320, ILI9325 or ILI9328) and use the appropriate init sequence.
Please use the Issues tab to report any problems.

SPI TFT library for LPC1768, LPC11U24 and KL25Z

Loading fonts

When using this libary, don't forget to load the TFT_FONTS library from Peter Drescher at http://mbed.org/users/dreschpe/code/TFT_fonts/

KL25Z : limitations

The filetoflash function (see below) is not available.
Writing to the LCD is a little slower as the KL25Z only supports 8-bit SPI communication.

LPC1768 and LPC11U24 : filetoflash (SD to CPU flash)

This library contains a function to copy an image from the SD card to the CPU flash memory.
It allows you to use an image as background without speed loss when writing other text and graphics.
By default, this option is enabled.
It can be disabled by adding following instruction BEFORE you load the library:


Since the flash memory has limited write endurance, DO NOT use this feature when you intend to read multiple images from the SD card (eg: when used as a photo frame).

Sample code

#include "mbed.h"

// SPI TFT demo
// - Connect the LCD reset pin to the reset pin of the CPU board or connect a
//   separate reset circuit to the LCD reset pin (pull-up 10k to 3v3 + 100nf capacitor to GND).
// - When using the mbed LPC1768 board, following hardware modifications are needed:
//       Connect the LCD reset pin to the nR input.
//       Connect a 100nF capacitor between the nR input and GND.
//       Connect a pushbutton parallel to the 100nF capacitor.
//   Use the new pushbutton as the reset button (instead of the LPC1768 on-board reset button).
#define NO_FLASH_BUFFER         // Do not use CPU flash for storing bitmaps
#include "SPI_TFT_ILI9320.h"
#include "Arial12x12.h"
#include "Arial24x23.h"
#include "Arial28x28.h"
#include "font_big.h"
SPI_TFT TFT(p11, p12, p13, p14,"TFT");  //mosi, miso, clk, cs

int main (void)

    TFT.claim(stdout);        // send stdout to the TFT display
    // Disable stdout buffering, allows us to omit \n with printf.
    // More info at http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/setvbuf/
    setvbuf ( stdout , NULL , _IONBF , NULL );
    TFT.background(Black);    // set background to black
    TFT.foreground(White);    // set chars to white
    TFT.cls();                // clear the screen
    TFT.set_font((unsigned char*) Arial12x12);  // select the font

    printf("ILI9320 SPI TFT library\n");
    printf("Simple demo\n");

Demo code LPC1768 (Mini-DK board)

Import programLPC1768_Mini-DK

LPC1768 Mini-DK board with 2.8" SPI TFT and SPI touch

Demo code FRDM-KL25Z board

Import programKL25Z_ILI9320_Demo

KL25Z driving an ILI9320 LCD board with touch panel (HY28A-LCDB SPI)



File content as of revision 0:630b4da97968:

/**    IAP : internal Flash memory access library
 *        The internal Flash memory access is described in the LPC1768 and LPC11U24 usermanual. 
 *            http://www.nxp.com/documents/user_manual/UM10360.pdf
 *            http://www.nxp.com/documents/user_manual/UM10462.pdf
 *               LPC1768 --
 *                    Chapter  2: "LPC17xx Memory map"
 *                    Chapter 32: "LPC17xx Flash memory interface and programming"
 *                    refering Rev. 01 - 4 January 2010
 *               LPC11U24 --
 *                    Chapter  2: "LPC11Uxx Memory mapping"
 *                    Chapter 20: "LPC11Uxx Flash programming firmware"
 *                    refering Rev. 03 - 16 July 2012
 *        Released under the MIT License: http://mbed.org/license/mit
 *        revision 1.0  09-Mar-2010   1st release
 *        revision 1.1  12-Mar-2010   chaged: to make possible to reserve flash area for user
 *                                            it can be set by USER_FLASH_AREA_START and USER_FLASH_AREA_SIZE in IAP.h
 *        revision 2.0  26-Nov.2012   LPC11U24 code added
 *        revision 2.1  26-Nov-2012   EEPROM access code imported from Suga koubou san's (http://mbed.org/users/okini3939/) library
 *                                            http://mbed.org/users/okini3939/code/M0_EEPROM_test/

#ifndef        MBED_IAP
#define        MBED_IAP

#include    "mbed.h"

#if defined(TARGET_LPC1768)

#define     USER_FLASH_AREA_SIZE    (FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_16_TO_29 * 5)

 *  memory map information is available in next URL also.
 *    http://mbed.org/projects/libraries/svn/mbed/trunk/LPC1768/LPC17xx.h
/**    Table for start adress of sectors
 *        LPC1768 internal flash memory sector numbers and addresses
 *        LPC1768 flash memory are and sector number/size
 *        Table 568 "Sectors in a LPC17xx device", Section 5. "Sector numbers", usermanual
 *        0x00000000 - 0x0007FFFF        flash (29 sectors)
 *      Sector0:     0x00000000 - 0x00000FFF        4K
 *      Sector1:     0x00001000 - 0x00001FFF        4K
 *      Sector2:     0x00002000 - 0x00002FFF        4K
 *      Sector3:     0x00003000 - 0x00003FFF        4K
 *      Sector4:     0x00004000 - 0x00004FFF        4K
 *      Sector5:     0x00005000 - 0x00005FFF        4K
 *      Sector6:     0x00006000 - 0x00006FFF        4K
 *      Sector7:     0x00007000 - 0x00007FFF        4K
 *      Sector8:     0x00008000 - 0x00008FFF        4K
 *      Sector9:     0x00009000 - 0x00009FFF        4K
 *      Sector10:    0x0000A000 - 0x0000AFFF        4K
 *      Sector11:    0x0000B000 - 0x0000BFFF        4K
 *      Sector12:    0x0000C000 - 0x0000CFFF        4K
 *      Sector13:    0x0000D000 - 0x0000DFFF        4K
 *      Sector14:    0x0000E000 - 0x0000EFFF        4K
 *      Sector15:    0x0000F000 - 0x0000FFFF        4K
 *      Sector16:    0x00010000 - 0x00017FFF        32K
 *      Sector17:    0x00018000 - 0x0001FFFF        32K
 *      Sector18:    0x00020000 - 0x00027FFF        32K
 *      Sector19:    0x00028000 - 0x0002FFFF        32K
 *      Sector20:    0x00030000 - 0x00037FFF        32K
 *      Sector21:    0x00038000 - 0x0003FFFF        32K
 *      Sector22:    0x00040000 - 0x00047FFF        32K
 *      Sector23:    0x00048000 - 0x0004FFFF        32K
 *      Sector24:    0x00050000 - 0x00057FFF        32K
 *      Sector25:    0x00058000 - 0x0005FFFF        32K
 *      Sector26:    0x00060000 - 0x00067FFF        32K
 *      Sector27:    0x00068000 - 0x0006FFFF        32K
 *      Sector28:    0x00070000 - 0x00077FFF        32K
 *      Sector29:    0x00078000 - 0x0007FFFF        32K

#define     FLASH_SECTOR_0       0x00000000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_1       0x00001000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_2       0x00002000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_3       0x00003000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_4       0x00004000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_5       0x00005000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_6       0x00006000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_7       0x00007000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_8       0x00008000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_9       0x00009000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_10      0x0000A000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_11      0x0000B000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_12      0x0000C000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_13      0x0000D000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_14      0x0000E000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_15      0x0000F000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_16      0x00010000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_17      0x00018000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_18      0x00020000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_19      0x00028000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_20      0x00030000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_21      0x00038000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_22      0x00040000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_23      0x00048000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_24      0x00050000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_25      0x00058000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_26      0x00060000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_27      0x00068000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_28      0x00070000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_29      0x00078000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_0_TO_15    ( 4 * 1024)
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_16_TO_29   (32 * 1024)

static char * sector_start_adress[]    = {
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_0,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_1,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_2,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_3,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_4,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_5,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_6,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_7,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_8,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_9,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_10,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_11,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_12,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_13,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_14,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_15,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_16,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_17,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_18,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_19,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_20,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_21,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_22,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_23,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_24,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_25,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_26,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_27,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_28,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_29    

#elif defined(TARGET_LPC11U24)

/**    Table for start adress of sectors
 *        LPC11U24 internal flash memory sector numbers and addresses
 *        LPC11U24 flash memory are and sector number/size
 *        Table 334 "LPC11U1x/2x flash sectors", Section 20. "Sector numbers", usermanual
 *        0x00000000 - 0x00007FFF        flash (8 sectors)
 *      Sector0:     0x00000000 - 0x00000FFF        4K
 *      Sector1:     0x00001000 - 0x00001FFF        4K
 *      Sector2:     0x00002000 - 0x00002FFF        4K
 *      Sector3:     0x00003000 - 0x00003FFF        4K
 *      Sector4:     0x00004000 - 0x00004FFF        4K
 *      Sector5:     0x00005000 - 0x00005FFF        4K
 *      Sector6:     0x00006000 - 0x00006FFF        4K
 *      Sector7:     0x00007000 - 0x00007FFF        4K

#define     FLASH_SECTOR_0       0x00000000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_1       0x00001000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_2       0x00002000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_3       0x00003000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_4       0x00004000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_5       0x00005000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_6       0x00006000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_7       0x00007000
#define     FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE    (4 * 1024)

static char * sector_start_adress[]    = {
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_0,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_1,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_2,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_3,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_4,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_5,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_6,
    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_7,


/**    Error code by IAP routine
 *        Table 588 "ISP Return Codes Summary", Section 7.15 "ISP Return Codes", usermanual

enum error_code

 *  IAP routine entry
 *        "IAP commands"

#define     IAP_LOCATION    0x1fff1ff1
typedef     void (*IAP_call)(unsigned int [], unsigned int []);

/**    IAP class
 *        Interface for internal flash memory access

class IAP {

     *  SystemCoreClock ??? :  
     *    http://mbed.org/forum/mbed/topic/229/
     *    http://mbed.org/users/simon/programs/SystemCoreClock/16mhsh/

    /**    Constructor for IAP

    IAP() : iap_entry( reinterpret_cast<IAP_call>(IAP_LOCATION) ), cclk_kHz( SystemCoreClock / 1000 ) {}
    int read_ID( void );
    int read_serial( void );
    int blank_check( int start, int end );
    int erase( int start, int end );
    int prepare( int start, int end );
    int write( char *source_addr, char *target_addr, int size );
    int compare( char *source_addr, char *target_addr, int size );
    int read_BootVer( void );
    char *reserved_flash_area_start( void );
    int   reserved_flash_area_size( void );

#if defined(TARGET_LPC11U24)
    int write_eeprom( char *source_addr, char *target_addr, int size );
    int read_eeprom( char *source_addr, char *target_addr, int size );

    IAP_call        iap_entry;
    unsigned int    IAP_command[ 5 ];
    unsigned int    IAP_result[ 5 ];
    int             cclk_kHz;
    //int cpu_clock( void );

#endif    //  #ifndef  MBED_IAP