KL25Z Comparator library

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00001 /**************************************************************************************************
00002  *****                                                                                        *****
00003  *****  Name: ComparatorIn.h                                                                  *****
00004  *****  Date: 05/06/2013                                                                      *****
00005  *****  Auth: Frank Vannieuwkerke                                                             *****
00006  *****  Func: library for KL25Z Comparator                                                    *****
00007  *****                                                                                        *****
00008  **************************************************************************************************/
00010 #ifndef COMPARATORIN_H
00011 #define COMPARATORIN_H
00013 /*
00014  * Includes
00015  */
00016 #include "mbed.h"
00017 #include "pinmap.h"
00019 #ifndef TARGET_KL25Z
00020     #error "Target not supported"
00021 #endif
00023 /** ComparatorIn library
00024 *
00025 * INP/INM connection selection :
00026 *     PTC6  (IN0)    CMP0_IN0
00027 *     PTC7  (IN1)    CMP0_IN1
00028 *     PTC8  (IN2)    CMP0_IN2
00029 *     PTC9  (IN3)    CMP0_IN3
00030 *     PTE30 (IN4)    CMP0_IN4 (External 12-bit DAC0, auto connect to IN4)
00031 *     PTE29 (IN5)    CMP0_IN5
00032 * Internal 6-bit DAC reference voltage = VDD (3.3V)
00033 * Hysteresis, filter count and sample period are initialised to these values when ComparatorIn is initialized: 
00034 *    CMP0->CR0   = 0x00;  // Filter and digital hysteresis disabled
00035 *    CMP0->CR1   = 0x17;  // Continuous mode, high-speed compare, unfiltered output, output pin disabled
00036 *    CMP0->FPR   = 0x00;  // Filter disabled
00037 *    CMP0->SCR   = 0x06;  // Disable all interrupts and clear flags (flags are cleared by this write)
00038 *    CMP0->DACCR = 0xC4;  // DAC enabled, Vdd is 6bit reference, threshold set to 1/16 of full-scale (0.2V)
00039 */
00041 typedef enum {
00042     CMP0_IN0  =  0,
00043     CMP0_IN1  =  1,
00044     CMP0_IN2  =  2,
00045     CMP0_IN3  =  3,
00046     CMP0_IN4  =  4,
00047     CMP0_IN5  =  5,
00048 } CMPName;
00050 /** Class to use KL25Z Comparator
00051 */ 
00052 class ComparatorIn {
00054 public:
00056     /** Create a ComparatorIn, connected to the specified pins.
00057     * @param pinP = positive ComparatorIn pin to connect to
00058     * @param pinM = negative ComparatorIn pin to connect to\n
00059     * @note Valid values for pinP/pinM:\n
00060     * PTC6, PTC7, PTC8, PTC9, PTE30, PTE29, NC\n
00061     * Special cases:\n
00062     * NC    the corresponding input is connected to the internal 6-bit DAC0\n
00063     * PTE30 PTE30 is set as 12-bit DAC0 output and connected to IN4\n
00064     * @return none
00065     */
00066     ComparatorIn(PinName pinP,PinName pinM);
00068     /** Set the number of consecutive threshold samples.
00069     * Represents the number of consecutive samples that must agree\n
00070     * prior to the comparator ouput filter accepting a new output state.\n
00071     * @param input Unsigned char - range : 1..7
00072     * @return none
00073     */
00074     void FilterCount(unsigned char fico);
00076     /** Set the hysteresis.
00077     * 0 : 5mV\n
00078     * 1 : 10mV\n
00079     * 2 : 20mV\n
00080     * 3 : 30mV\n
00081     * @param input Unsigned char
00082     * @return none
00083     */
00084     void hysteresis(unsigned char hyst);
00086     /** Sampling mode control.
00087     * This mode cannot be set when windowing mode is enabled.
00088     * @param input Unsigned char (0 = disable, 1 = enable)
00089     * @return none
00090     */
00091     void SampleMode(unsigned char samp_en);
00093     /** Windowing mode control.
00094     * This mode cannot be set when sampling mode is enabled.
00095     * @param input Unsigned char (0 = disable, 1 = enable)
00096     * @return none
00097     */
00098     void WindowMode(unsigned char win_en);
00100     /** Trigger mode control.
00101     * CMP and DAC are configured to CMP Trigger mode when CMP_CR1[TRIGM] is set to 1.\n
00102     * In addition, the CMP should be enabled. If the DAC is to be used as a reference\n
00103     * to the CMP, it should also be enabled.\n
00104     * CMP Trigger mode depends on an external timer resource to periodically enable the\n
00105     * CMP and 6-bit DAC in order to generate a triggered compare. Upon setting TRIGM,\n
00106     * the CMP and DAC are placed in a standby state until an external timer resource\n
00107     * trigger is received.\n
00108     * @param input Unsigned char (0 = disable, 1 = enable)
00109     * @return none
00110     */
00111     void TrigMode(unsigned char trig_en);
00113     /** Power mode control.
00114     * 0 Low-Speed (LS) Comparison mode selected. In this mode, CMP has\n
00115     *   slower output propagation delay and lower current consumption.\n
00116     * 1 High-Speed (HS) Comparison mode selected. In this mode, CMP has\n
00117     *   faster output propagation delay and higher current consumption.\n
00118     * @param input Unsigned char - (0 = Low-Speed, 1 = high-Speed)
00119     * @return none
00120     */
00121     void PowerMode(unsigned char pmode);
00123     /** Invert mode control.
00124     * Allows selection of the polarity of the analog comparator function.\n
00125     * It is also driven to the COUT output, on both the device pin and as SCR[COUT], when OPE=0.\n
00126     * 0 Does not invert the comparator output.\n
00127     * 1 Inverts the comparator output.\n
00128     * @param input Unsigned char - (0 = not inverted, 1 = inverted)
00129     * @return none
00130     */
00131     void invert(unsigned char inv);
00133     /** Comparator Output Select.
00134     * 0 Set the filtered comparator output (CMPO) to equal COUT.\n
00135     * 1 Set the unfiltered comparator output (CMPO) to equal COUTA.\n
00136     * @param input Unsigned char - (0 : CMPO = COUT, 1 : CMPO = COUTA)
00137     * @return none
00138     */
00139     void OutputSelect(unsigned char cos);
00141     /** Connect the comparator Output Pin to an external pin.
00142     * Only one pin can be connected at any time.\n
00143     * Each time this function is called, the last active pin will be disabled before the new pin is enabled.\n
00144     * @param input NC   disconnect CMPO from the associated CMPO output pin.
00145     * @param input PTC0 connect CMPO to PTC0.
00146     * @param input PTC5 connect CMPO to PTC5.
00147     * @param input PTE0 connect CMPO to PTE0.
00148     */
00149     void OutputPin(PinName ope);
00151     /** Comparator Module control.
00152     * Used to switch the Analog Comparator module on/off. When the module is not enabled,\n
00153     * it remains in the off state, and consumes no power. When the user selects the same\n
00154     * input from analog mux to the positive and negative port, the comparator is disabled automatically.\n
00155     * 0 Analog Comparator is disabled.\n
00156     * 1 Analog Comparator is enabled.\n
00157     * @param input Unsigned char - (0 = disable, 1 = enable)
00158     * @return none
00159     */
00160     void enable(unsigned char en);
00162     /** Set the filter sample period.
00163     * Specifies the sampling period, in bus clock cycles, of the comparator\n
00164     * output filter, when CR1[SE]=0. Setting FILT_PER to 0x0 disables the filter.\n
00165     * @param input Unsigned char - range : 0..255
00166     * @return none
00167     */
00168     void FilterPeriod(unsigned char fipe);
00170     /** DMA Control.
00171     * Used to switch the DMA transfer triggered from the CMP module on/off.\n
00172     * When this field is set, a DMA request is asserted when CFR or CFF is set.\n
00173     * 0 DMA is disabled.\n
00174     * 1 DMA is enabled.\n
00175     * @param input Unsigned char - (0 = disable, 1 = enable)
00176     * @return none
00177     */
00178     void dma(unsigned char dmaen);
00180     /** Analog Comparator Output.
00181     * Returns the current value of the Analog Comparator output.\n
00182     * The field is reset to 0 and will read as CR1[INV] when the Analog Comparator\n
00183     * module is disabled, that is, when CR1[EN] = 0. Writes to this field are ignored.\n
00184     * @param none
00185     * @return comparator status (unsigned char)
00186     */
00187     unsigned char status(void);
00189     /** DAC Control.
00190     * Used to switch the internal DAC on/off. When the DAC is disabled, it is powered down to conserve power.\n
00191     * 0 DAC is disabled.\n
00192     * 1 DAC is enabled.\n
00193     * @param input Unsigned char - 0 or 1
00194     * @return none
00195     */
00196     void dac(unsigned char den);
00198     /** Supply Voltage Reference Source Select.
00199     * 0 - V is selected as resistor ladder network supply reference Vin1 = VREFH\n
00200     * 1 - V is selected as resistor ladder network supply reference Vin2 = VDD\n
00201     *     (Use this option for the best ADC operation).\n
00202     * @param input Unsigned char - 0 or 1
00203     * @return none
00204     */
00205     void RefSource(unsigned char res);
00207     /** Set the detection threshold level (DAC Output Voltage Select).
00208     * Sets The 6-bit or 12-bit DAC output voltage, depending on which DAC is selected on init.\n
00209     *  6-bit DACO range is from Vin/64 to Vin.\n
00210     * 12-bit DACO range is from Vin/4096 to Vin.\n
00211     * @param input float - range 0.0 .. 1.0
00212     * @return none
00213     */
00214     void treshold(float vo_pct);
00216     /** Pass Through Mode Control.
00217     * Set the MUX pass through mode. Pass through mode is always available, but for\n
00218     * some devices, this feature must be always disabled due to the lack of package pins.\n
00219     * 0 Pass Through Mode is disabled.\n
00220     * 1 Pass Through Mode is enabled.\n
00221     * @param input Unsigned char - (0 = disable, 1 = enable)
00222     * @return none
00223     */
00224     void PassThrough(unsigned char ptm);
00226     /** Plus Input Mux Control.
00227     * Determines which input is selected for the plus input of the comparator.\n
00228     * For INx inputs, see CMP, DAC, and ANMUX block diagrams.\n
00229     * 0 : IN0   PTC6    CMP0_IN0\n
00230     * 1 : IN1   PTC7    CMP0_IN1\n
00231     * 2 : IN2   PTC8    CMP0_IN2\n
00232     * 3 : IN3   PTC9    CMP0_IN3\n
00233     * 4 : IN4   PTE30   CMP0_IN4 12-bit DAC0\n
00234     * 5 : IN5   PTE29   CMP0_IN5\n
00235     * 6 : IN6   -       Bandgap reference (1V)\n
00236     * 7 : IN7   -       Internal 6-bit DAC0\n
00237     * @note When an inappropriate operation selects the same input for both muxes, the comparator\n
00238     * automatically shuts down to prevent itself from becoming a noise generator.\n
00239     * @note When using the PMC bandgap 1V reference voltage as CMP input, ensure that\n
00240     * @you enable the bandgap buffer by setting the PMC_REGSC[BGBE] bit.\n
00241     * @param input Unsigned char - range 0..7
00242     * @return none
00243     */
00244     void SwitchPlus(unsigned char pinP);
00246     /** Minus Input Mux Control.
00247     * Determines which input is selected for the plus input of the comparator.\n
00248     * For INx inputs, see CMP, DAC, and ANMUX block diagrams.\n
00249     * 0 : IN0   PTC6    CMP0_IN0\n
00250     * 1 : IN1   PTC7    CMP0_IN1\n
00251     * 2 : IN2   PTC8    CMP0_IN2\n
00252     * 3 : IN3   PTC9    CMP0_IN3\n
00253     * 4 : IN4   PTE30   CMP0_IN4 12-bit DAC0\n
00254     * 5 : IN5   PTE29   CMP0_IN5\n
00255     * 6 : IN6   -       Bandgap reference (1V)\n
00256     * 7 : IN7   -       Internal 6-bit DAC0\n
00257     * @note When an inappropriate operation selects the same input for both muxes, the comparator\n
00258     * automatically shuts down to prevent itself from becoming a noise generator.\n
00259     * @note When using the PMC bandgap 1V reference voltage as CMP input, ensure that
00260     * you enable the bandgap buffer by setting the PMC_REGSC[BGBE] bit.
00261     * @param input Unsigned char - range 0..7
00262     * @return none
00263     */
00264     void SwitchMin(unsigned char pinM);
00266     /** Comparator rising interrupt callback.
00267     * @param pointer to the user function to execute after IRQ assertion
00268     * @param NULL to disable the interrupt
00269     * @return none
00270     * @note The interrupt is automatically enabled when a valid pointer is used.\n
00271     * The interrupt is automatically disabled when both risng and falling are set to NULL.
00272     */
00273     void rising(void(*fptr)(void));
00275     /** Comparator falling interrupt callback
00276     * @param pointer to the user function to execute after IRQ assertion
00277     * @param NULL to disable the interrupt
00278     * @return none
00279     * @note The interrupt is automatically enabled when a valid pointer is used.\n
00280     * The interrupt is automatically disabled when both risng and falling are set to NULL.
00281     */
00282     void falling(void(*fptr)(void));
00284 private:
00285     static const PinMap PinMap_CMP[7];
00286     static void _cmpISR(void);
00287     void hscmp_clear(void);
00288     PinName op_status(void);
00289     void op_enable(PinName pen, PinName pstat);
00290     void op_disable(PinName pdi);
00291     void dac6_write(unsigned int value);
00292     char CMPnumberP, CMPnumberM;
00293 };
00295 #endif