These are the examples provided for [[/users/frank26080115/libraries/LPC1700CMSIS_Lib/]] Note, the entire "program" is not compilable!

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Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
10ms_base.c [code]This example describes how to configure System Tick to generate interrupt each 10ms
EMAC/Easy_Web/Abstract.h [code]
EMAC/uIP/Abstract.h [code]
USBDEV/USBAudio/Abstract.h [code]
USBDEV/USBCDC/Abstract.h [code]
USBDEV/USBHID/Abstract.h [code]
USBDEV/USBMassStorage/Abstract.h [code]
ADC/Burst/abstract.h [code]
ADC/DMA/abstract.h [code]
ADC/HardwareTrigger/abstract.h [code]
ADC/INTERRUPT/abstract.h [code]
ADC/Polling/abstract.h [code]
CAN/CAN_LedControl/abstract.h [code]
CAN/CAN_self_test/abstract.h [code]
CAN/CAN_test_aflut/abstract.h [code]
CAN/CAN_test_bypass_mode/abstract.h [code]
CAN/CAN_test_two_kit/abstract.h [code]
Cortex-M3/Bit-banding/abstract.h [code]
Cortex-M3/MPU/abstract.h [code]
Cortex-M3/Privilege_mode/abstract.h [code]
DAC/DMA/abstract.h [code]
DAC/SineWave/abstract.h [code]
DAC/Speaker/abstract.h [code]
DAC/WaveGenerate/abstract.h [code]
EMAC/EmacRaw/abstract.h [code]
GPDMA/Flash_2_Ram_Test/abstract.h [code]
GPDMA/GPDMA_Sleep/abstract.h [code]
GPDMA/Link_list/abstract.h [code]
GPDMA/Ram_2_Ram_Test/abstract.h [code]
GPIO/GPIO_Interrupt/abstract.h [code]
GPIO/LedBlinky/abstract.h [code]
I2C/master/abstract.h [code]
I2C/Master_Slave_Interrupt/abstract.h [code]
I2C/Monitor/abstract.h [code]
I2C/pca8581_polling/abstract.h [code]
I2C/sc16is750_int/abstract.h [code]
I2C/sc16is750_polling/abstract.h [code]
I2C/slave/abstract.h [code]
I2S/I2S_DMA/abstract.h [code]
I2S/I2S_IRQ/abstract.h [code]
I2S/I2S_MCLK/abstract.h [code]
I2S/I2S_test_4_wire/abstract.h [code]
I2S/I2S_two_kit/abstract.h [code]
I2S/Polling/abstract.h [code]
LCD/NOKIA6610_LCD/abstract.h [code]
LCD/QVGA_TFT_LCD/abstract.h [code]
MCPWM/MCPWMSimple/abstract.h [code]
NVIC/Priority/abstract.h [code]
NVIC/VecTable_Relocation/abstract.h [code]
PWM/Dual_Edge/abstract.h [code]
PWM/Match_Interrupt/abstract.h [code]
PWM/Single_Edge/abstract.h [code]
PWR/EXTINT_Sleep/abstract.h [code]
PWR/NMI_PowerDown/abstract.h [code]
PWR/RTC_DeepPWD/abstract.h [code]
PWR/WDT_DeepSleep/abstract.h [code]
QEI/QEI_Velo/abstract.h [code]
RIT/Interrupt/abstract.h [code]
RTC/AlarmCntIncrInterrupt/abstract.h [code]
RTC/Calibration/abstract.h [code]
SPI/LoopBack/abstract.h [code]
SPI/Master/abstract.h [code]
SPI/sc16is750_int/abstract.h [code]
SPI/sc16is750_polling/abstract.h [code]
SPI/SDCard/abstract.h [code]
SPI/Slave/abstract.h [code]
SSP/dma/abstract.h [code]
SSP/Master/abstract.h [code]
SSP/MicroWire/abstract.h [code]
SSP/sc16is750_int/abstract.h [code]
SSP/sc16is750_polling/abstract.h [code]
SSP/Slave/abstract.h [code]
SSP/TI/abstract.h [code]
SysTick/10ms_base/abstract.h [code]
SysTick/STCLK/abstract.h [code]
TIMER/Capture/abstract.h [code]
TIMER/FreqMeasure/abstract.h [code]
TIMER/Gen_Diff_Delay/abstract.h [code]
TIMER/Gen_Diff_Freqs/abstract.h [code]
TIMER/Interrupt_Match/abstract.h [code]
TIMER/Polling_Match/abstract.h [code]
TIMER/PWMSignal/abstract.h [code]
UART/AutoBaud/abstract.h [code]
UART/DMA/abstract.h [code]
UART/HWFlowControl/abstract.h [code]
UART/Interrupt/abstract.h [code]
UART/IrDA/Receive/abstract.h [code]
UART/IrDA/Transmit/abstract.h [code]
UART/Polling/abstract.h [code]
UART/RS485_Master/abstract.h [code]
UART/RS485_Slave/abstract.h [code]
UART/UART1_FullModem/abstract.h [code]
WDT/INTERRUPT/abstract.h [code]
WDT/RESET/abstract.h [code]
ADC.c [code]
ADC.h [code]
adc_burst_test.c [code]
adc_dma_test.c [code]This example describes how to use ADC conversions and transfer converted data by using DMA
adc_hardware_trigger_test.c [code]
adc_interrupt_test.c [code]This example describes how to use ADC conversion in interrupt mode
adc_polling_test.c [code]This example describes how to use ADC conversion in polling mode
adcuser.c [code]
adcuser.h [code]
audio.h [code]
bitband.c [code]This example used to test bit-banding feature of Cortex-M3 processor
can_ledcontrol.c [code]This example used to test Bypass mode
can_self_test.c [code]This example used to test Self-test mode
can_test_aflut.c [code]
can_test_bypass_mode.c [code]This example used to test Bypass mode
can_test_two_kit.c [code]This example used to CAN operation in two board
cdc.h [code]
cdcuser.c [code]
cdcuser.h [code]
clock-arch.c [code]
clock-arch.h [code]
clock.h [code]
crc32.c [code]
crc32.h [code]
dac_dma.c [code]This example describes how to use DAC conversion and using DMA to transfer data
dac_sinewave_test.c [code]
dac_speaker.c [code]This example used to test DAC peripheral through speaker
dac_wave_generate.c [code]
demo.c [code]
demo.h [code]
dhcpc.c [code]
dhcpc.h [code]
DiskImg.c [code]
drv_glcd.c [code]
drv_glcd.h [code]
drv_glcd_cnfg.h [code]
easyweb.c [code]
easyweb.h [code]
emac.c [code]
EMAC.c [code]
emac.h [code]
EMAC.h [code]
emactest.c [code]This example used to test EMAC operation on LPC1768
extint_sleep.c [code]
flash_2_ram.c [code]This example used to test GPDMA function by transferring data from flash to ram memory
Font_24x16.h [code]
freqmeasure.c [code]
gen_diff_delay.c [code]
gen_diff_freqs.c [code]
GLCD.h [code]
glcd_ll.c [code]
glcd_ll.h [code]
GLCD_SPI_LPC1700.c [code]
gpdma_r2r_test.c [code]
gpdma_sleep.c [code]This example used to test GPDMA operation in sleep mode
gpio_int.c [code]This example used to test GPIO interrupt function
hello-world.c [code]An example of how to write uIP applications with protosockets
hello-world.h [code]Header file for an example of how to write uIP applications with protosockets
hid.h [code]
hiduser.c [code]
hiduser.h [code]
http-strings.c [code]
http-strings.h [code]
httpd-cgi.c [code]Web server script interface
httpd-cgi.h [code]Web server script interface header file
httpd-fs.c [code]
httpd-fs.h [code]
httpd-fsdata.c [code]
httpd-fsdata.h [code]
httpd.c [code]Web server
httpd.h [code]
i2c_interrupt_test.c [code]An example of I2C using interrupt mode to test the I2C driver
i2c_master_slave_int_test.c [code]This example describes how to uses two I2C peripheral on LPC1768 to communicate together
i2c_monitor.c [code]
i2c_polling_test.c [code]An example of I2C using polling mode to test the I2C driver
i2s_dma_test.c [code]This example describes how to use DMA mode to test the I2S driver
i2s_irq_test.c [code]This example describes how to use I2S transfer in interrupt mode
i2s_mclk.c [code]This example describes how to test I2S master clock
i2s_polling.c [code]This example describes how to use I2S transfer in polling mode
i2s_test_4_wire.c [code]This example describes how to use I2S 4-wire mode
i2s_two_kit.c [code]This example describes how to use I2S tranfer data between two board
lc-addrlabels.h [code]Implementation of local continuations based on the "Labels as values" feature of gcc
lc-switch.h [code]Implementation of local continuations based on switch() statment
lc.h [code]Local continuations
NOKIA6610_LCD/lcdtest.c [code]
QVGA_TFT_LCD/lcdtest.c [code]
LedBlinky.c [code]
libnosys_gnu.c [code]
link_list.c [code]This example used to test GPDMA Link list function
ADC/Burst/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
ADC/DMA/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
ADC/HardwareTrigger/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
ADC/INTERRUPT/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
ADC/Polling/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
CAN/CAN_LedControl/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
CAN/CAN_self_test/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
CAN/CAN_test_aflut/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
CAN/CAN_test_bypass_mode/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
CAN/CAN_test_two_kit/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
Cortex-M3/Bit-banding/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
Cortex-M3/MPU/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
Cortex-M3/Privilege_mode/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
DAC/DMA/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
DAC/SineWave/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
DAC/Speaker/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
DAC/WaveGenerate/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
EMAC/Easy_Web/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
EMAC/EmacRaw/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
EMAC/uIP/lpc17xx_port/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
GPDMA/Flash_2_Ram_Test/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
GPDMA/GPDMA_Sleep/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
GPDMA/Link_list/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
GPDMA/Ram_2_Ram_Test/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
GPIO/GPIO_Interrupt/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
GPIO/LedBlinky/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
I2C/master/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
I2C/Master_Slave_Interrupt/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
I2C/Monitor/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
I2C/pca8581_polling/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
I2C/sc16is750_int/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
I2C/sc16is750_polling/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
I2C/slave/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
I2S/I2S_DMA/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
I2S/I2S_IRQ/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
I2S/I2S_MCLK/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
I2S/I2S_test_4_wire/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
I2S/I2S_two_kit/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
I2S/Polling/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
LCD/NOKIA6610_LCD/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
LCD/QVGA_TFT_LCD/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
MCPWM/MCPWMSimple/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
NVIC/Priority/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
NVIC/VecTable_Relocation/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
Project_Template/Eclipse_GNU/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
PWM/Dual_Edge/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
PWM/Match_Interrupt/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
PWM/Single_Edge/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
PWR/EXTINT_Sleep/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
PWR/NMI_PowerDown/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
PWR/RTC_DeepPWD/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
PWR/WDT_DeepSleep/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
QEI/QEI_Velo/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
RIT/Interrupt/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
RTC/AlarmCntIncrInterrupt/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
RTC/Calibration/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
SPI/LoopBack/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
SPI/Master/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
SPI/sc16is750_int/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
SPI/sc16is750_polling/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
SPI/SDCard/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
SPI/Slave/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
SSP/dma/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
SSP/Master/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
SSP/MicroWire/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
SSP/sc16is750_int/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
SSP/sc16is750_polling/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
SSP/Slave/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
SSP/TI/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
SysTick/10ms_base/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
SysTick/STCLK/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
TIMER/Capture/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
TIMER/FreqMeasure/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
TIMER/Gen_Diff_Delay/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
TIMER/Gen_Diff_Freqs/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
TIMER/Interrupt_Match/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
TIMER/Polling_Match/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
TIMER/PWMSignal/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
UART/AutoBaud/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
UART/DMA/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
UART/HWFlowControl/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
UART/Interrupt/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
UART/IrDA/Receive/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
UART/IrDA/Transmit/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
UART/Polling/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
UART/RS485_Master/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
UART/RS485_Slave/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
UART/UART1_FullModem/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
USBDEV/USBAudio/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
USBDEV/USBCDC/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
USBDEV/USBHID/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
USBDEV/USBMassStorage/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
WDT/INTERRUPT/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
WDT/RESET/lpc17xx_libcfg.h [code]
main.c [code]
master.c [code]This example describes how to configure I2C as master device
mcpwm_simple.c [code]This example used to test MCPWM driver
memory.c [code]
memory.h [code]
microwire_test.c [code]This example describes how to use SPP peripheral in MicroWire frame format
mpu_test.c [code]
msc.h [code]
mscuser.c [code]
mscuser.h [code]
nmi_powerdown.c [code]This example describes how to enter the system in Power Down mode and wake-up by using NMI (Non-maskable Interrupt)
nvic_priority.c [code]This example used to test NVIC Grouping Priority function
NXP_logo.c [code]
NXP_logo.h [code]
pca8581_test.c [code]An example of I2C using polling mode to test the I2C driver
printf-stdarg.c [code]
privilege.c [code]This example used to test privilege feature of Cortex-M3 processor
psock.c [code]
psock.h [code]Protosocket library header file
pt.h [code]Protothreads implementation
pwm_dual_edge.c [code]This program illustrates the PWM signal on 3 Channels in both edge mode and single mode
pwm_match_int.c [code]PWM match interrupt example
pwm_signal.c [code]This example use TIMERs to generate 4 PWM signals with different duty cycle
pwm_single_edge.c [code]This program illustrates the PWM signal on 6 Channels in single edge mode
qei_test_velo.c [code]
resolv.c [code]DNS host name to IP address resolver
resolv.h [code]DNS resolver code header file
Easy_Web/Retarget.c [code]
uIP/common/Retarget.c [code]
rit_interrupt.c [code]This example used RIT to generate interrupt each 1s
rs485_master.c [code]This example used to test RS485 functionality on UART1 of LPC1768.In this case, RS485 function on UART1 acts as Master on RS485 bus
rs485_slave.c [code]This example used to test RS485 functionality on UART1 of LPC1768.In this case, RS485 function on UART1 acts as SLave on RS485 bus
rtc_alarm_cntincr_int.c [code]: This example describes how to use RTC to generate interrupt in Second Counter Increment Interrupt (1s) and generate alarm interrupt at 10s
rtc_calib.c [code]This example describes how to calibrate real time clock
rtc_deeppwd.c [code]This example describes how to enter the system in Deep PowerDown and wake-up by using RTC Interrupt
sc16is750_int.c [code]This example describes how to use SPP using interrupt mode, SSP frame format to communicate with SC16IS750/760 Demo board
sc16is750_polling.c [code]This example describes how to use SPP using polling mode, SSP frame format to communicate with SC16IS750/760 Demo board
serial.c [code]
Serial.c [code]
serial.h [code]
shell.c [code]
shell.h [code]Interface for the Contiki shell
slave.c [code]
smtp-strings.c [code]
smtp-strings.h [code]
smtp.c [code]SMTP example implementation
smtp.h [code]SMTP header file
spi_interrupt_test.c [code]This example describes how to use SPI at mode SPI master/8bit on LPC1768 to communicate with SC16IS750/760 Demo board in interrupt mode
spi_loopback_test.c [code]An example of SPI using polling mode with loop-back (MISO <-> MOSI)connection to test SPI driver
spi_master.c [code]This example describes how to use SPI in master mode
spi_polling_test.c [code]This example describes how to use SPI at mode SPI master/8bit on LPC1768 to communicate with SC16IS750/760 Demo board in polling mode
spi_sdcard.c [code]
spi_slave.c [code]This example describes how to use SPI in slave mode
ssp_dma.c [code]This example describes how to use SPP in Master mode with loop-back mode (MOSI <-> MISO), using DMA for both Tx and Rx channel
ssp_master.c [code]This example describes how to use SPP in master mode
ssp_slave.c [code]This example describes how to use SPP in slave mode
syscalls.c [code]
systick_stclk.c [code]This example describes how to configure System Tick to use with external clock source STCLK
tcpip.c [code]
tcpip.h [code]
telnetd.c [code]
telnetd.h [code]
template.c [code]A simple template for GNU example
Terminal_9_12x6.c [code]
ti_test.c [code]This example describes how to use SPP using TI frame format (interrupt mode)
timer.c [code]Timer library implementation
timer.h [code]Timer library header file
timer_capture.c [code]This example describes how to use TIMER capture function
timer_int_match.c [code]
timer_poll_match.c [code]
uart_autobaud_test.c [code]This example describes how to configure UART using auto-baud rate in interrupt mode
uart_dma_test.c [code]This example describes how to using UART in DMA mode
uart_fullmodem_test.c [code]This example describes how to use UART1 full-modem function
uart_hw_flow_control.c [code]
uart_interrupt_test.c [code]This example describes how to using UART in interrupt mode
uart_irda_receive.c [code]
uart_irda_transmit.c [code]
uart_polling_test.c [code]This example describes how to using UART in polling mode
uip-conf.h [code]An example uIP configuration file
uip-fw.c [code]UIP packet forwarding
uip-fw.h [code]UIP packet forwarding header file
uip-neighbor.c [code]Database of link-local neighbors, used by IPv6 code and to be used by a future ARP code rewrite
uip-neighbor.h [code]Header file for database of link-local neighbors, used by IPv6 code and to be used by future ARP code
uip-split.c [code]
uip-split.h [code]Module for splitting outbound TCP segments in two to avoid the delayed ACK throughput degradation
uip.c [code]The uIP TCP/IP stack code
uip.h [code]Header file for the uIP TCP/IP stack
uip_arch.h [code]Declarations of architecture specific functions
uip_arp.c [code]Implementation of the ARP Address Resolution Protocol
uip_arp.h [code]Macros and definitions for the ARP module
uiplib.c [code]
uiplib.h [code]Various uIP library functions
uipopt.h [code]Configuration options for uIP
USBAudio/usb.h [code]
USBCDC/usb.h [code]
USBHID/usb.h [code]
USBMassStorage/usb.h [code]
usbaudio.h [code]
USBAudio/usbcfg.h [code]
USBCDC/usbcfg.h [code]
USBHID/usbcfg.h [code]
USBMassStorage/usbcfg.h [code]
USBAudio/usbcore.c [code]
USBCDC/usbcore.c [code]
USBHID/usbcore.c [code]
USBMassStorage/usbcore.c [code]
USBAudio/usbcore.h [code]
USBCDC/usbcore.h [code]
USBHID/usbcore.h [code]
USBMassStorage/usbcore.h [code]
USBAudio/usbdesc.c [code]
USBCDC/usbdesc.c [code]
USBHID/usbdesc.c [code]
USBMassStorage/usbdesc.c [code]
USBAudio/usbdesc.h [code]
USBCDC/usbdesc.h [code]
USBHID/usbdesc.h [code]
USBMassStorage/usbdesc.h [code]
usbdmain.c [code]
USBAudio/usbhw.c [code]
USBCDC/usbhw.c [code]
USBHID/usbhw.c [code]
USBMassStorage/usbhw.c [code]
USBAudio/usbhw.h [code]
USBCDC/usbhw.h [code]
USBHID/usbhw.h [code]
USBMassStorage/usbhw.h [code]
USBAudio/usbreg.h [code]
USBCDC/usbreg.h [code]
USBHID/usbreg.h [code]
USBMassStorage/usbreg.h [code]
USBAudio/usbuser.c [code]
USBCDC/usbuser.c [code]
USBHID/usbuser.c [code]
USBMassStorage/usbuser.c [code]
USBAudio/usbuser.h [code]
USBCDC/usbuser.h [code]
USBHID/usbuser.h [code]
USBMassStorage/usbuser.h [code]
vcomdemo.c [code]
vcomdemo.h [code]
vt_relocation.c [code]This example used to test NVIC Vector Table relocation function
wdt_deepsleep.c [code]
wdt_interrupt_test.c [code]This example describes how to use Watch-dog timer application in interrupt mode
wdt_reset_test.c [code]This example describes how to use WDT in reset mode
webclient-strings.c [code]
webclient-strings.h [code]
webclient.c [code]Implementation of the HTTP client
webclient.h [code]Header file for the HTTP client
webpage.h [code]
webserver.h [code]