
Dependents of MMA8451Q

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

My first trial of using UniGraphic library. FRDM-KL25Z, TFT, touch, UniGraphic, with
My simple maze program with UniGraphic library version. FRDM-KL25Z, MMA8451Q, TFT, UniGraphic
A simple program to count number of steps.
Don't want to screw something by updating the code as Ivelin updated himself while I was writing so I am forking it.
Team Design project 3 main file
Team Design project 3 main file
StateChart defining behavior for FlippityFlappity project
StateChart for behavior of FlippityFlappity in presentation. Behavior here is predictable and deterministic.
Reads the KL25Z accelerometer values and sends them to the serial port. RGB LED changes color accordingly. KL-25Z, RGB LED, Serial Communication
LV9_Grupa7_Tim004_Zadatak1 Bašić Amar Sarajčić Ensar
Prueba acelerometro - ejemplo recuperado
Adafruit TFT 2.8" test program for FRDM-K64F Note: J11 must be cut to make TSC work, but to download the program it must be reconnected, use pin-header and jumper. FRDM-K64F, STMPE610
Accelerometer + NRF
Code for a quadrapod robot. hexapod, robot, Servo
New quadrupod variant hexapod, robot, Servo
Sensor Box version 090715 17:06
Simple test program for FRDM-KL25Z and Adafruit 2.8" TFT display. For the touch sensor, only polling mode is implemented. FRDM-KL25Z, TFT
Xbee comms for sensor box
Software for Sensor box, read analogue values and send using nRF
Codigo derivada de levant y comunicacion serial con matlab
Shape shifter - controller
HW 3 game
Game controller_v2: 091815. changed to read acceleration in x axis
RaidenX Iron Man
Mynput: Game controller for Color Quest. Bill, flex, KL25z, lauren, NeoPixel, tomas
Mynput: Game controller for Color Quest. Bill, flex, KL25z, lauren, NeoPixel, tomas
/ HW3
RaidenX Iron Man
Glove with light ring which plays
Code for HW3 - Game Controller Mega Buster that interfaces with flash based Megaman - Megaman Project X
Submitted by Angela Hsueh, Maya Mardini, Yi Tong Slingshot controller using a force sensor and accelerometer for an Angry Birds clone game. hw3, idd
when the user shakes the board, then on board led toggles to a different color