A rouge-like rpg, heavily inspired on the binding of isaac. Running on a FRDM-K64F Mbed board. C++.

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RoomEngine Class Reference

RoomEngine Class Reference

RoomEngine Class. More...

#include <RoomEngine.h>

Public Member Functions

 RoomEngine (float global_contrast)
 ~RoomEngine ()
void load (Player *current_player, Room *current_room)
 loads the current player and room into the engine
void entrance_scene (N5110 &lcd, Gamepad &gamepad)
 plays an entrance_scene of the player into the room
void update_current_room ()
 increments the room coordinate based on which side the player exits the screen from
int check_player_room_position ()
 returns 0-4 based on the player's position in the screen
void read_input (Gamepad &gamepad)
 reads the input from the gamepad and converts it into member variables
void update (int &number_of_enemies_killed)
 updates the interaction between entities in room (enemies hp, damage, etc)
void render (N5110 &lcd, Gamepad &gamepad)
 to draw all the map, entities, doorway onto the screen
void exit_scene (N5110 &lcd, Gamepad &gamepad)
 Plays an exit scene of the player leaving the room.
int get_room_x ()
 reads the member variable _room_x
int get_room_y ()
 reads the member variable _room_y

Detailed Description

RoomEngine Class.

Steven Mahasin Handles all Inter-Class Interactions in the room
May 2019

Definition at line 19 of file RoomEngine.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RoomEngine ( float  global_contrast )


global_contrastthe contrast that the game runs on, set by title screen

Definition at line 3 of file RoomEngine.cpp.

~RoomEngine (  )


Definition at line 11 of file RoomEngine.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

int check_player_room_position (  )

returns 0-4 based on the player's position in the screen

which side of the screen the player is currently at (4 = inside)

Definition at line 69 of file RoomEngine.cpp.

void entrance_scene ( N5110 lcd,
Gamepad gamepad 

plays an entrance_scene of the player into the room

lcdthe screen that is being drawn on
gamepadthe gamepad whose controls are being read

Definition at line 47 of file RoomEngine.cpp.

void exit_scene ( N5110 lcd,
Gamepad gamepad 

Plays an exit scene of the player leaving the room.

lcdthe screen that the exit scene is drawn on
gamepadthe gamepad whose controls are being read

Definition at line 235 of file RoomEngine.cpp.

int get_room_x (  )

reads the member variable _room_x

the current room's x-coordinate

Definition at line 279 of file RoomEngine.cpp.

int get_room_y (  )

reads the member variable _room_y

the current room's y-coordinate

Definition at line 283 of file RoomEngine.cpp.

void load ( Player current_player,
Room current_room 

loads the current player and room into the engine

current_playerthe player we control
current_roomthe room the player is currently in

Definition at line 17 of file RoomEngine.cpp.

void read_input ( Gamepad gamepad )

reads the input from the gamepad and converts it into member variables

gamepadthe gamepad whose controls are being read

Definition at line 88 of file RoomEngine.cpp.

void render ( N5110 lcd,
Gamepad gamepad 

to draw all the map, entities, doorway onto the screen

lcdthe screen that the roomengine draws on

Definition at line 165 of file RoomEngine.cpp.

void update ( int &  number_of_enemies_killed )

updates the interaction between entities in room (enemies hp, damage, etc)

number_of_enemies_killedfor the final score, gets incremented everytime an enemy is killed

Definition at line 99 of file RoomEngine.cpp.

void update_current_room (  )

increments the room coordinate based on which side the player exits the screen from

Definition at line 257 of file RoomEngine.cpp.