Sample Servo / LCD code for KL46Z. Display slider value on LCD and set servo position according to slider. Sample code for RS

Fork of Servo by Simon Ford

Demonstrate SLIDER, SERVO and LCD

Servo output is on port pin PTC1 Servo must be powered independently from KL46Z Delay of 1-2s out of reset caused by unknown issue.

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Servo.h	Mon Nov 16 18:24:16 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+/* mbed R/C Servo
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 sford, cstyles
+ * Released under the MIT License:
+ */
+#ifndef MBED_SERVO_H
+#define MBED_SERVO_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+/* Class: Servo
+ *  Abstraction on top of PwmOut to control the position of a servo motor
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * > // Continuously sweep the servo through it's full range
+ * > #include "mbed.h"
+ * > #include "Servo.h"
+ * >
+ * > Servo myservo(p21);
+ * >
+ * > int main() {
+ * >     while(1) {
+ * >         for(int i=0; i<100; i++) {
+ * >             myservo = i/100.0;
+ * >             wait(0.01);
+ * >         }
+ * >         for(int i=100; i>0; i--) {
+ * >             myservo = i/100.0;
+ * >             wait(0.01);
+ * >         }
+ * >     }
+ * > }
+ */
+class Servo {
+    /* Constructor: Servo
+     *  Create a servo object connected to the specified PwmOut pin
+     *
+     * Variables:
+     *  pin - PwmOut pin to connect to 
+     */
+    Servo(PinName pin);
+    /* Function: write
+     *  Set the servo position, normalised to it's full range
+     *
+     * Variables:
+     *  percent - A normalised number 0.0-1.0 to represent the full range.
+     */
+    void write(float percent);
+    /* Function: read
+     *  Read the servo motors current position
+     *
+     * Variables:
+     *  returns - A normalised number 0.0-1.0  representing the full range.
+     */
+    float read();
+    /* Function: position
+     *  Set the servo position
+     *
+     * Variables:
+     *  degrees - Servo position in degrees
+     */
+    void position(float degrees);
+    /* Function: calibrate
+     *  Allows calibration of the range and angles for a particular servo
+     *
+     *
+     * Variables:
+     *  range - Pulsewidth range from center (1.5ms) to maximum/minimum position in seconds
+     *  degrees - Angle from centre to maximum/minimum position in degrees
+     */
+    void calibrate(float range = 0.0005, float degrees = 45.0); 
+    /* Function: operator=
+     *  Shorthand for the write and read functions
+     */
+    Servo& operator= (float percent);
+    Servo& operator= (Servo& rhs);
+    operator float();
+    PwmOut _pwm;
+    float _range;
+    float _degrees;
+    float _p;