Class library for a L298 H-Bridge

Dependents:   inverted_pendulum_system

Fork of L298HBridge by Riaan Ehlers

--- a/L298HBridge.h	Thu Jan 19 11:33:01 2017 +0000
+++ b/L298HBridge.h	Thu Jan 19 12:34:48 2017 +0000
@@ -27,53 +27,42 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-/** Class library for a HC-SR04 Distance Sensor based on PwmOut (Trig) and InterruptIn (Echo).
+/** Class library for a L298 H-Bridge.
  * Example:
  * @code
- * #include "mbed.h"
- * #include "HCSR04.h"
- *
- * HCSR04 distance(PB_8, PA_1);
- *
- * int main() {
- *     while(1){
- *         SWO.printf("Distance = %d (us)   %f (cm)\n", distance.read_us(), distance.read_cm()); 
- *     }
- * }
+ * 
  * @endcode
 class L298HBridge {
-    /** Create a HCSR04 object connected to the specified pins. Once created, the PWM signal
-    * on the Trig pin will start immediately and measurements will start in the background.
-    * @param ENPin PwmOut compatible pin used to connect to HC-SR04's Trig pin
-    * @param EchoPin InterruptIn compatible pin used to connect to HC-SR04's Echo pin
+    /** Create a L298HBridge object connected to the specified pins. 
+    * Once created, the motor speed will be set to 0 (PWM signal will be 0%) and
+    * the motor will be in the "stop" direction (neither forward or reverse).
+    * @param ENPin PwmOut compatible pin used to connect to L298's En pin associated with enabling the H-Bridge.
+    * @param FWDPin GPIO pin used to connect to L298's In pin associated with forward direction.
+    * @param REVPin GPIO pin used to connect to L298's In pin associated with reverse direction.
     L298HBridge(PinName ENPin, PinName FWDPin, PinName REVPin);
-    /** Create a HCSR04 object connected to the specified pins. Once created, the PWM signal
-    * on the Trig pin will start immediately and measurements will start in the background.
+    /** Switch the H-Bridge to run the motor in the forward direction.    
     * @param None
     void Fwd();
-    /** Create a HCSR04 object connected to the specified pins. Once created, the PWM signal
-    * on the Trig pin will start immediately and measurements will start in the background.
+    /** Switch the H-Bridge to run the motor in the reverse direction.    
     * @param None
     void Rev();
-    /** Create a HCSR04 object connected to the specified pins. Once created, the PWM signal
-    * on the Trig pin will start immediately and measurements will start in the background.
+    /** Switch the H-Bridge off. The H-Bridge is not set to forward or reverse. 
     * @param None
     void Stop();
-    /** Create a HCSR04 object connected to the specified pins. Once created, the PWM signal
-    * on the Trig pin will start immediately and measurements will start in the background.
-    * @param None
+   /** Change the motor's speed by adjusting the PWM signal.       
+    * @param int DutyPercent
     void Speed(int DutyPercent);