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tools::project Namespace Reference

tools::project Namespace Reference


def setup_project
def export
def main

Detailed Description

The CLI entry point for exporting projects from the mbed tools to any of the
supported IDEs or project structures.

Function Documentation

def tools::project::export (   target,
  build = None,
  src = None,
  macros = None,
  project_id = None,
  zip_proj = False,
  build_profile = None,
  export_path = None,
  silent = False 
Do an export of a project.

Positional arguments:
target - MCU that the project will compile for
ide - the IDE or project structure to export to

Keyword arguments:
build - to use the compiled mbed libraries or not
src - directory or directories that contain the source to export
macros - extra macros to add to the project
project_id - the name of the project
clean - start from a clean state before exporting
zip_proj - create a zip file or not

Returns an object of type Exporter (tools/exports/exporters.py)

Definition at line 69 of file project.py.

def tools::project::main ( void   )
Entry point

Definition at line 97 of file project.py.

def tools::project::setup_project (   ide,
  program = None,
  source_dir = None,
  build = None,
  export_path = None 
Generate a name, if not provided, and find dependencies

Positional arguments:
ide - IDE or project structure that will soon be exported to
target - MCU that the project will build for

Keyword arguments:
program - the index of a test program
source_dir - the directory, or directories that contain all of the sources
build - a directory that will contain the result of the export

Definition at line 26 of file project.py.