Web Camera for mbed-os. When you use this program, we judge you have agreed to the following contents. https://developer.mbed.org/teams/Renesas/wiki/About-LICENSE
Dependencies: HttpServer_snapshot_mbed-os LWIPBP3595Interface_STA_for_mbed-os RomRamBlockDevice mbed-rpc
Fork of GR-Boards_WebCamera by
このサンプルは 「GR-LYCHEE」ではじめる電子工作 で紹介しています。
- Committer:
- dkato
- Date:
- 2018-02-02
- Revision:
- 25:63b0be9c69dc
- Parent:
- 23:165d08a7e3db
File content as of revision 25:63b0be9c69dc:
#include "mbed.h" #include "EasyAttach_CameraAndLCD.h" #include "dcache-control.h" #include "JPEG_Converter.h" #include "HTTPServer.h" #include "mbed_rpc.h" #include "FATFileSystem.h" #include "RomRamBlockDevice.h" #include "SDBlockDevice_GRBoard.h" #if defined(TARGET_RZ_A1H) #include "file_table_peach.h" //Binary data of web pages #elif defined(TARGET_GR_LYCHEE) #include "file_table_lychee.h" //Binary data of web pages #endif #include "i2c_setting.h" /**** User Selection *********/ /** Network setting **/ #define USE_DHCP (1) /* Select 0(static configuration) or 1(use DHCP) */ #if (USE_DHCP == 0) #define IP_ADDRESS ("") /* IP address */ #define SUBNET_MASK ("") /* Subnet mask */ #define DEFAULT_GATEWAY ("") /* Default gateway */ #endif #define NETWORK_TYPE (0) /* Select 0(Ethernet), 1(BP3595), 2(ESP32 STA) ,3(ESP32 AP) */ #if (NETWORK_TYPE >= 1) #define SCAN_NETWORK (1) /* Select 0(Use WLAN_SSID, WLAN_PSK, WLAN_SECURITY) or 1(To select a network using the terminal.) */ #define WLAN_SSID ("SSIDofYourAP") /* SSID */ #define WLAN_PSK ("PSKofYourAP") /* PSK(Pre-Shared Key) */ #define WLAN_SECURITY NSAPI_SECURITY_WPA_WPA2 /* NSAPI_SECURITY_NONE, NSAPI_SECURITY_WEP, NSAPI_SECURITY_WPA, NSAPI_SECURITY_WPA2 or NSAPI_SECURITY_WPA_WPA2 */ #endif /** JPEG out setting **/ #define JPEG_ENCODE_QUALITY (75) /* JPEG encode quality (min:1, max:75 (Considering the size of JpegBuffer, about 75 is the upper limit.)) */ #define VFIELD_INT_SKIP_CNT (0) /* A guide for GR-LYCHEE. 0:60fps, 1:30fps, 2:20fps, 3:15fps, 4:12fps, 5:10fps */ /*****************************/ #if (NETWORK_TYPE == 0) #include "EthernetInterface.h" EthernetInterface network; #elif (NETWORK_TYPE == 1) #include "LWIPBP3595Interface.h" LWIPBP3595Interface network; #elif (NETWORK_TYPE == 2) #include "ESP32Interface.h" ESP32Interface network(P5_3, P3_14, P7_1, P0_1); #elif (NETWORK_TYPE == 3) #include "ESP32InterfaceAP.h" ESP32InterfaceAP network(P5_3, P3_14, P7_1, P0_1); #else #error NETWORK_TYPE error #endif /* NETWORK_TYPE */ /* Video input and LCD layer 0 output */ #define VIDEO_FORMAT (DisplayBase::VIDEO_FORMAT_YCBCR422) #define GRAPHICS_FORMAT (DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_FORMAT_YCBCR422) #define WR_RD_WRSWA (DisplayBase::WR_RD_WRSWA_32_16BIT) #define DATA_SIZE_PER_PIC (2u) /*! Frame buffer stride: Frame buffer stride should be set to a multiple of 32 or 128 in accordance with the frame buffer burst transfer mode. */ #define VIDEO_PIXEL_HW (320u) /* QVGA */ #define VIDEO_PIXEL_VW (240u) /* QVGA */ #define FRAME_BUFFER_STRIDE (((VIDEO_PIXEL_HW * DATA_SIZE_PER_PIC) + 31u) & ~31u) #define FRAME_BUFFER_HEIGHT (VIDEO_PIXEL_VW) DisplayBase Display; #if defined(__ICCARM__) #pragma data_alignment=32 static uint8_t user_frame_buffer0[FRAME_BUFFER_STRIDE * FRAME_BUFFER_HEIGHT]@ ".mirrorram"; #else static uint8_t user_frame_buffer0[FRAME_BUFFER_STRIDE * FRAME_BUFFER_HEIGHT]__attribute((section("NC_BSS"),aligned(32))); #endif FATFileSystem fs("storage"); RomRamBlockDevice romram_bd(512000, 512); SDBlockDevice_GRBoard sd; Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); Thread sdConnectTask; #if defined(__ICCARM__) #pragma data_alignment=32 static uint8_t JpegBuffer[2][1024 * 64]; #else static uint8_t JpegBuffer[2][1024 * 64]__attribute((aligned(32))); #endif static size_t jcu_encode_size[2]; static int image_change = 0; JPEG_Converter Jcu; static int jcu_buf_index_write = 0; static int jcu_buf_index_write_done = 0; static int jcu_buf_index_read = 0; static int jcu_encoding = 0; static int Vfield_Int_Cnt = 0; static char i2c_setting_str_buf[I2C_SETTING_STR_BUF_SIZE]; static void JcuEncodeCallBackFunc(JPEG_Converter::jpeg_conv_error_t err_code) { if (err_code == JPEG_Converter::JPEG_CONV_OK) { jcu_buf_index_write_done = jcu_buf_index_write; image_change = 1; } jcu_encoding = 0; } static int snapshot_req(const char ** pp_data) { int encode_size; while ((jcu_encoding == 1) || (image_change == 0)) { Thread::wait(1); } jcu_buf_index_read = jcu_buf_index_write_done; image_change = 0; *pp_data = (const char *)JpegBuffer[jcu_buf_index_read]; encode_size = (int)jcu_encode_size[jcu_buf_index_read]; return encode_size; } static void IntCallbackFunc_Vfield(DisplayBase::int_type_t int_type) { if (Vfield_Int_Cnt < VFIELD_INT_SKIP_CNT) { Vfield_Int_Cnt++; return; } Vfield_Int_Cnt = 0; //Interrupt callback function if (jcu_encoding == 0) { JPEG_Converter::bitmap_buff_info_t bitmap_buff_info; JPEG_Converter::encode_options_t encode_options; bitmap_buff_info.width = VIDEO_PIXEL_HW; bitmap_buff_info.height = VIDEO_PIXEL_VW; bitmap_buff_info.format = JPEG_Converter::WR_RD_YCbCr422; bitmap_buff_info.buffer_address = (void *)user_frame_buffer0; encode_options.encode_buff_size = sizeof(JpegBuffer[0]); encode_options.p_EncodeCallBackFunc = &JcuEncodeCallBackFunc; encode_options.input_swapsetting = JPEG_Converter::WR_RD_WRSWA_32_16_8BIT; jcu_encoding = 1; if (jcu_buf_index_read == jcu_buf_index_write) { jcu_buf_index_write ^= 1; // toggle } jcu_encode_size[jcu_buf_index_write] = 0; dcache_invalid(JpegBuffer[jcu_buf_index_write], sizeof(JpegBuffer[0])); if (Jcu.encode(&bitmap_buff_info, JpegBuffer[jcu_buf_index_write], &jcu_encode_size[jcu_buf_index_write], &encode_options) != JPEG_Converter::JPEG_CONV_OK) { jcu_encode_size[jcu_buf_index_write] = 0; jcu_encoding = 0; } } } static void Start_Video_Camera(void) { // Video capture setting (progressive form fixed) Display.Video_Write_Setting( DisplayBase::VIDEO_INPUT_CHANNEL_0, DisplayBase::COL_SYS_NTSC_358, (void *)user_frame_buffer0, FRAME_BUFFER_STRIDE, VIDEO_FORMAT, WR_RD_WRSWA, VIDEO_PIXEL_VW, VIDEO_PIXEL_HW ); EasyAttach_CameraStart(Display, DisplayBase::VIDEO_INPUT_CHANNEL_0); } static void TerminalWrite(Arguments* arg, Reply* r) { if ((arg != NULL) && (r != NULL)) { for (int i = 0; i < arg->argc; i++) { if (arg->argv[i] != NULL) { printf("%s", arg->argv[i]); } } printf("\n"); r->putData<const char*>("ok"); } } static void mount_romramfs(void) { FILE * fp; romram_bd.SetRomAddr(0x18000000, 0x1FFFFFFF); fs.format(&romram_bd, 512); fs.mount(&romram_bd); //index.htm fp = fopen("/storage/index.htm", "w"); fwrite(index_htm_tbl, sizeof(char), sizeof(index_htm_tbl), fp); fclose(fp); //camera.js fp = fopen("/storage/camera.js", "w"); fwrite(camaera_js_tbl, sizeof(char), sizeof(camaera_js_tbl), fp); fclose(fp); //camera.htm fp = fopen("/storage/camera.htm", "w"); fwrite(camera_htm_tbl, sizeof(char), sizeof(camera_htm_tbl), fp); fclose(fp); //mbedrpc.js fp = fopen("/storage/mbedrpc.js", "w"); fwrite(mbedrpc_js_tbl, sizeof(char), sizeof(mbedrpc_js_tbl), fp); fclose(fp); //led.htm fp = fopen("/storage/led.htm", "w"); fwrite(led_htm_tbl, sizeof(char), sizeof(led_htm_tbl), fp); fclose(fp); //i2c_set.htm fp = fopen("/storage/i2c_set.htm", "w"); fwrite(i2c_set_htm_tbl, sizeof(char), sizeof(i2c_set_htm_tbl), fp); fclose(fp); //web_top.htm fp = fopen("/storage/web_top.htm", "w"); fwrite(web_top_htm_tbl, sizeof(char), sizeof(web_top_htm_tbl), fp); fclose(fp); //menu.htm fp = fopen("/storage/menu.htm", "w"); fwrite(menu_htm_tbl, sizeof(char), sizeof(menu_htm_tbl), fp); fclose(fp); //window.htm fp = fopen("/storage/window.htm", "w"); fwrite(window_htm_tbl, sizeof(char), sizeof(window_htm_tbl), fp); fclose(fp); } static void SetI2CfromWeb(Arguments* arg, Reply* r) { int result = 0; if (arg != NULL) { if (arg->argc >= 2) { if ((arg->argv[0] != NULL) && (arg->argv[1] != NULL)) { sprintf(i2c_setting_str_buf, "%s,%s", arg->argv[0], arg->argv[1]); result = 1; } } else if (arg->argc == 1) { if (arg->argv[0] != NULL) { sprintf(i2c_setting_str_buf, "%s", arg->argv[0]); result = 1; } } else { /* Do nothing */ } /* command analysis and execute */ if (result != 0) { if (i2c_setting_exe(i2c_setting_str_buf) != false) { r->putData<const char*>(i2c_setting_str_buf); } } } } #if (SCAN_NETWORK == 1) && (NETWORK_TYPE != 3) static const char *sec2str(nsapi_security_t sec) { switch (sec) { case NSAPI_SECURITY_NONE: return "None"; case NSAPI_SECURITY_WEP: return "WEP"; case NSAPI_SECURITY_WPA: return "WPA"; case NSAPI_SECURITY_WPA2: return "WPA2"; case NSAPI_SECURITY_WPA_WPA2: return "WPA/WPA2"; case NSAPI_SECURITY_UNKNOWN: default: return "Unknown"; } } static bool scan_network(WiFiInterface *wifi) { WiFiAccessPoint *ap; bool ret = false; int i; int count = 10; /* Limit number of network arbitrary to 10 */ printf("Scan:\r\n"); ap = new WiFiAccessPoint[count]; if (ap == NULL) { printf("memory error\r\n"); return 0; } count = wifi->scan(ap, count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { printf("No.%d Network: %s secured: %s BSSID: %02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx RSSI: %hhd Ch: %hhd\r\n", i, ap[i].get_ssid(), sec2str(ap[i].get_security()), ap[i].get_bssid()[0], ap[i].get_bssid()[1], ap[i].get_bssid()[2], ap[i].get_bssid()[3], ap[i].get_bssid()[4], ap[i].get_bssid()[5], ap[i].get_rssi(), ap[i].get_channel()); } printf("%d networks available.\r\n", count); if (count > 0) { char c; char pass[64]; int select_no; bool loop_break = false;; printf("\nPlease enter the number of the network you want to connect.\r\n"); printf("Enter key:[0]-[%d], (If you enter another key, it's scanned again.)\r\n", count - 1); c = (uint8_t)pc.getc(); select_no = c - 0x30; if ((select_no >= 0) && (select_no < count)) { printf("[%s] is selected.\r\n", ap[select_no].get_ssid()); printf("Please enter the PSK.\r\n"); i = 0; while (loop_break == false) { c = (uint8_t)pc.getc(); switch (c) { case 0x0D: pass[i] = '\0'; pc.puts("\r\n"); loop_break = true; break; case 0x08: if (i > 0) { pc.puts("\b \b"); i--; } break; case 0x0A: break; default: if ((i + 1) < sizeof(pass)) { pass[i] = c; i++; pc.putc(c); } break; } } wifi->set_credentials(ap[select_no].get_ssid(), pass, ap[select_no].get_security()); ret = true; } } delete[] ap; return ret; } #endif static void sd_connect_task(void) { int storage_type = 0; while (1) { if (storage_type == 0) { if (sd.connect()) { fs.unmount(); fs.mount(&sd); storage_type = 1; printf("SDBlockDevice\r\n"); } } else { if (sd.connected() == false) { fs.unmount(); fs.mount(&romram_bd); storage_type = 0; printf("RomRamBlockDevice\r\n"); } } Thread::wait(250); } } int main(void) { printf("********* PROGRAM START ***********\r\n"); mount_romramfs(); //RomRamFileSystem Mount sdConnectTask.start(&sd_connect_task); EasyAttach_Init(Display); Jcu.SetQuality(JPEG_ENCODE_QUALITY); // Interrupt callback function setting (Field end signal for recording function in scaler 0) Display.Graphics_Irq_Handler_Set(DisplayBase::INT_TYPE_S0_VFIELD, 0, IntCallbackFunc_Vfield); Start_Video_Camera(); RPC::add_rpc_class<RpcDigitalOut>(); RPCFunction rpcFunc(TerminalWrite, "TerminalWrite"); RPCFunction rpcSetI2C(SetI2CfromWeb, "SetI2CfromWeb"); #if defined(TARGET_RZ_A1H) && (NETWORK_TYPE == 1) //Audio Camera Shield USB1 enable for WlanBP3595 DigitalOut usb1en(P3_8); usb1en = 1; //Outputs high level Thread::wait(5); usb1en = 0; //Outputs low level Thread::wait(5); #endif printf("Network Setting up...\r\n"); #if (USE_DHCP == 0) network.set_dhcp(false); if (network.set_network(IP_ADDRESS, SUBNET_MASK, DEFAULT_GATEWAY) != 0) { //for Static IP Address (IPAddress, NetMasks, Gateway) printf("Network Set Network Error \r\n"); } #endif #if (NETWORK_TYPE >= 1) #if (SCAN_NETWORK == 1) && (NETWORK_TYPE != 3) while (!scan_network(&network)); #else network.set_credentials(WLAN_SSID, WLAN_PSK, WLAN_SECURITY); #endif #endif printf("\r\nConnecting...\r\n"); if (network.connect() != 0) { printf("Network Connect Error \r\n"); return -1; } printf("MAC Address is %s\r\n", network.get_mac_address()); printf("IP Address is %s\r\n", network.get_ip_address()); printf("NetMask is %s\r\n", network.get_netmask()); printf("Gateway Address is %s\r\n", network.get_gateway()); printf("Network Setup OK\r\n"); SnapshotHandler::attach_req(&snapshot_req); HTTPServerAddHandler<SnapshotHandler>("/camera"); //Camera FSHandler::mount("/storage", "/"); HTTPServerAddHandler<FSHandler>("/"); HTTPServerAddHandler<RPCHandler>("/rpc"); HTTPServerStart(&network, 80); }