Sample Test Program for SparkFun APDS9960 Library. Currently only tested with HRM1017.
Dependencies: SparkFun_APDS9960 mbed
Fork of SparkFun_APDS9960_Sample by
Sample Program for APDS9960 library using HRM1017. Tested Pin Connection:
APDS9960 <=======> HRM1017
- VL (Not Connected)
- GND <=======> GND (0V)
- VCC <=======> VDD (3.3V)
- SDA <=======> P0_22 (sda I2C0)
- SCL <=======> P0_20 (scl I2C0)
- INT <=======> P0_2
Gesture result is printed out using Serial (PC).
PS: Currently planning to use HRM1017 BLE to send the result to smartphone.
APDS9960 Pinout: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/apds-9960-rgb-and-gesture-sensor-hookup-guide
HRM1017 Pinout: http://developer.mbed.org/platforms/mbed-HRM1017/