
Dependents of MSCFileSystem

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Program to test USB Mass storage
A test program for the RS animatronic lab board motor drivers. h bridge, h bridge test program, motor, RS Animatronic Lab Board, RSALB
A test program for the WavPlayer class, works on the RS Animatronic Lab Board audio, CODEC, files, I2C, I2S, RS, TLV320, wav, wavplayer
A simple example of WAV playback for the RS AudioCODEC board. Uses a USB drive to stream music. AnimatronicLAB, audio, AudioCODEC, RS, TLV320, wav, wavplayer
An example program for mbed application board to show the USB flash disk working
ok connect pin 17 and 18 connect headphone to 18 joy up to record joy down to playback
File Downloader to USB msc, sd card and local directory
File Downloader to USB msc, sd card and local directory
basic code
With Libraries
one lap kind of works
This ILC code kinda works
not yet completed
Output the angle data of Encoder
Lecture 13 USB Example
USB Host that compiles on mine. If it still does not compile on uni computers, IT S ON THEM
Instead of holding the songs on a SD card, this one is for a USB stick USB
Instead of holding the songs on a SD card, this one is for a USB stick USB