Program for decoding radio-signals sent by a ETH-Window-Shutter-Contact, received with a RFM12B-module. The messages are sent to KNX via a freebus rs-interface. Details see

Dependencies:   TextLCD mbed ConfigFile

diff -r 000000000000 -r b79cb3278583 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Apr 27 19:02:00 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+# include "string.h"
+#include "TextLCD.h"
+#include "ConfigFile.h"
+#include "eth_comfort.h"
+#include "rfm.h"
+#include "rfm12b.h"
+ * \file       main.cpp
+ * \brief      Read messages from ETH-Radio-Shutters and send On/Off-Commands to KNX (via freebus-rs-interface)
+ * \author     Karl Zweimüller
+ */
+TextLCD lcd(p30, p29, p28, p27, p26, p25, TextLCD::LCD16x2); // rs, e, d0-d3
+eth_comfort eth_comf(p11, p12, p13, p14, p18, LED4); // mosi, miso, sclk, cs, rxdata, rxled
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
+//Freebus-RS-Interface connected to serial
+Serial knxrs(p9, p10);  // tx, rx
+// Filesystem for Config-File
+LocalFileSystem local("local");
+ConfigFile cfg;
+// mbed LEDs
+DigitalOut led1(LED1);
+DigitalOut led2(LED2);
+DigitalOut led3(LED3);
+DigitalOut led4(LED4);
+int main() {
+    char group[255];                          // the KNX-Group-address
+    char ethid[255];                          //the ETH-ID  as string
+    char command[255];                        // a command to send to the freebus rs-interface
+    eth_message message;                      // holds a message from the ETH-window-shutter
+    pc.baud(115200);
+    pc.printf("\n\rConnected to mbed\n\r");
+    lcd.printf("ETH-Freebus: OK\n");
+    /*
+     * Read the configuration file from mbed.
+     */
+    if (!"/local/knx.cfg")) {
+        pc.printf("Failure to read configuration file knx.cfg.\n\r");
+    }
+    // initialize freebus-rs-interface
+    // 115.200 Baud,n,8,1
+    knxrs.baud(115200);
+    knxrs.printf("fbecho=0\r");   //switch off echo
+    do {
+        // anything new?
+        if (eth_comf.readable()) {
+            // read the new message and display
+            message = eth_comf.getMessage();
+            pc.printf("\n\rCounter: %02X\n\r",message.cnt);
+            pc.printf(    " Dev-ID: %06X\n\r",message.adr);
+            pc.printf(    "    cmd: %0X\n\r",message.cmd);
+            //pc.printf(    "cmd&0x80: %0X\n\r",message.cmd&0x80);
+            // why doesn't work the following??????????????
+            //pc.printf(    "Battery: ");
+            //if (message.cmd&0x80 == 0x00) pc.printf("GOOD\n\r"); else pc.printf("WEAK\n\r");
+            pc.printf(    "Window : %s\n\r\n\r", (message.cmd&0x01 != 0x00) ? "OPEN" : "CLOSE");
+            lcd.cls();
+            lcd.printf("#:%02X ID: %06X\n",message.cnt,message.adr);
+            lcd.printf("Window : %s\n", (message.cmd&0x01 != 0x00) ? "OPEN" : "CLOSE");
+            pc.printf("\n\r");
+            // convert id to string
+            sprintf(ethid,"%06X",message.adr);
+            /*
+            * Get the group address from configuration value.
+            */
+            if (cfg.getValue(ethid, &group[0], sizeof(group))) {
+                pc.printf("Config-File: '%s'='%s'\n\r", ethid,group );
+            } else {
+                strcpy(group ,"");
+            }
+            if (strlen(group) > 0) {
+                sprintf(command, "fbs01/%s=%s\r",group,(message.cmd&0x01 != 0x00) ? "1" : "0");  // EIS01 on Group-address group : Open=1 Close=0
+                // Send a KNX-Telegramm
+                knxrs.printf("%s",command);
+                pc.printf("%s\n\r",command);
+            } else {
+                // device not in config file, so add it
+                // add the new device to the config and write file
+                pc.printf("new unknown device!\n\r");
+                /* we don't write the file, as all comments are lost
+                if (!cfg.setValue(ethid, "")) {
+                    error("Failure to set a value.\n\r");
+                }
+                if (!cfg.write("/local/knx.cfg")) {
+                    error("Failure to write the configuration file.\n\r");
+                }
+                */
+            }
+        }
+    } while (1==1);