UniGraphic-Fork for ST7920-LCD-controller and SH1106. Tested with 128x64 LCD with SPI and 128x64-OLED with IIC

Dependents:   UniGraphic-St7920-Test AfficheurUTILECO

Fork of UniGraphic by GraphicsDisplay

Fork of the UniGraphic-Library for monochrome LCDs with ST7920 controller and 128x64-IIC-OLED-Display with SH1106-Controller



Had to adapt LCD for following reasons:

  • Give access to screenbuffer buffer[] to parent class
  • pixel() and pixel_read() as they are hardware-dependent
  • added reset-pin to IIC-Interface

GraphicDisplay:: sends buffer to LCD when auto_update is set to true.

Testprogram for ST7920 can be found here:




File content as of revision 38:1b6f9fc49a03:

#ifndef SPI8_H
#define SPI8_H

#define NDEBUG // avoid MBED_ASSERT to halt process when PinName DC==NC

#include "mbed.h"
#include "Protocols.h"
//#include "GraphicsDisplay.h"

/** SPI 8bit interface
class SPI8 : public Protocols

    /** Create an SPI 8bit display interface with 3 control pins
    * @param SPI mosi
    * @param SPI miso
    * @param SPI sclk
    * @param CS pin connected to CS of display
    * @param reset pin connected to RESET of display
    * @param DC pin connected to data/command of display
    SPI8(int Hz, PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName CS, PinName reset, PinName DC=NC);
    /** Send 8bit command to display controller 
    * @param cmd: byte to send  
    virtual void wr_cmd8(unsigned char cmd);
    /** Send 8bit data to display controller 
    * @param data: byte to send   
    virtual void wr_data8(unsigned char data);
    /** Send 2x8bit command to display controller 
    * @param cmd: halfword to send  
    virtual void wr_cmd16(unsigned short cmd);
    /** Send 2x8bit data to display controller 
    * @param data: halfword to send   
    virtual void wr_data16(unsigned short data);
    /** Send 16bit pixeldata to display controller 
    * @param data: halfword to send   
    virtual void wr_gram(unsigned short data);
    /** Send same 16bit pixeldata to display controller multiple times
    * @param data: halfword to send
    * @param count: how many
    virtual void wr_gram(unsigned short data, unsigned int count);
    /** Send array of pixeldata shorts to display controller
    * @param data: unsigned short pixeldata array
    * @param lenght: lenght (in shorts)
    virtual void wr_grambuf(unsigned short* data, unsigned int lenght);
    /** Read 16bit pixeldata from display controller (with dummy cycle)
    * @param convert true/false. Convert 18bit to 16bit, some controllers returns 18bit
    * @returns 16bit color
    virtual unsigned short rd_gram(bool convert);
    /** Read 4x8bit register data (with dummy cycle)
    * @param reg the register to read
    * @returns data as uint
    virtual unsigned int rd_reg_data32(unsigned char reg);
    /** Read 3x8bit ExtendedCommands register data
    * @param reg the register to read
    * @param SPIreadenablecmd vendor/device specific cmd to read EXTC registers
    * @returns data as uint
    * @note EXTC regs (0xB0 to 0xFF) are read/write registers but needs special cmd to be read in SPI mode
    virtual unsigned int rd_extcreg_data32(unsigned char reg, unsigned char SPIreadenablecmd);
    /** ILI932x specific, does a dummy read cycle, number of bits is protocol dependent
    * for PAR protocols: a signle RD bit toggle
    * for SPI8: 8clocks
    * for SPI16: 16 clocks
    virtual void dummyread ();
    /** ILI932x specific, select register for a successive write or read
    * @param reg register to be selected
    * @param forread false = a write next (default), true = a read next
    * @note forread only used by SPI protocols
    virtual void reg_select(unsigned char reg, bool forread =false);
    /** ILI932x specific, write register with data
    * @param reg register to write
    * @param data 16bit data
    virtual void reg_write(unsigned char reg, unsigned short data);
    /** ILI932x specific, read register
    * @param reg register to be read
    * @returns 16bit register value
    virtual unsigned short reg_read(unsigned char reg);
    /** HW reset sequence (without display init commands)   
    virtual void hw_reset();
    /** Set ChipSelect high or low
    * @param enable 0/1   
    virtual void BusEnable(bool enable);
    DigitalOut _CS;


    SPI _spi;
    DigitalOut _reset;
    DigitalOut _DC;