Class to communicate with ELV(R) MAX! wireless devices with RFM22B-Modules. Based on Library RF22. Initial version unable to send! Only receive! See

Dependents:   RF22_MAX_test_Send

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RF22Max::max_message Struct Reference

RF22Max::max_message Struct Reference

a message from a max!-Device More...

#include <RF22Max.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t len
uint8_t cnt
uint8_t flags
uint8_t type
char type_str [50]
 Message-Type in text.
uint32_t frm_adr
 Unique address of device From.
uint32_t to_adr
 Unique address of device To.
uint8_t groupid
uint8_t payload [50]
uint16_t crc
 CRC for the message.
char state [50]
 State of the device: open, closed, auto, eco,...
char battery_state [50]
 Battery-state of the device : good, low.

Detailed Description

a message from a max!-Device

structure for a MAX!-Message includes decoded fields and the payload also has some specific field, which are only valid on some message-types Message-types:

0x00: "PairPing"

0x01: "PairPong";

0x02: "Ack";

0x03: "TimeInformation";

0x10: "ConfigWeekProfile";

0x11: "ConfigTemperatures";

0x12: "ConfigValve";

0x20: "AddLinkPartner";

0x21: "RemoveLinkPartner";

0x22: "SetGroupId";

0x23: "RemoveGroupId";

0x30: "ShutterContactState";

0x40: "SetTemperature";

0x42: "WallThermostatState";

0x43: "SetComfortTemperature";

0x44: "SetEcoTemperature";

0x50: "PushButtonState";

0x60: "ThermostatState";

0x82: "SetDisplayActualTemperature";

0xF1: "WakeUp";

0xF0: "Reset";

Definition at line 86 of file RF22Max.h.

Field Documentation

char battery_state[50]

Battery-state of the device : good, low.

Definition at line 98 of file RF22Max.h.

uint8_t cnt


Definition at line 88 of file RF22Max.h.

uint16_t crc

CRC for the message.

Definition at line 96 of file RF22Max.h.

uint8_t flags


Definition at line 89 of file RF22Max.h.

uint32_t frm_adr

Unique address of device From.

Definition at line 92 of file RF22Max.h.

uint8_t groupid


Definition at line 94 of file RF22Max.h.

uint8_t len


Definition at line 87 of file RF22Max.h.

uint8_t payload[50]


Definition at line 95 of file RF22Max.h.

char state[50]

State of the device: open, closed, auto, eco,...

Definition at line 97 of file RF22Max.h.

uint32_t to_adr

Unique address of device To.

Definition at line 93 of file RF22Max.h.

uint8_t type


Definition at line 90 of file RF22Max.h.

char type_str[50]

Message-Type in text.

Definition at line 91 of file RF22Max.h.