Initial release. Mbed library for VL53L1CB

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for VL53L1CB


BDCMotor An abstract class for BDCMotor components
Component An abstract class for Generic components
DbgMCU Helper class DbgMCU providing a default constructor which enables debugging on STM32 MCUs while using sleep modes
DevI2C Helper class DevI2C providing functions for multi-register I2C communication common for a series of I2C devices
DevSPI Helper class DevSPI providing functions for synchronous SPI communication common for a series of SPI devices
GyroSensor An abstract class for a Gyroscope
HumiditySensor An abstract class for Humidity sensors
LightSensor An abstract class for ambient light sensors
MagneticSensor An abstract class for a magnetometer
MotionSensor An abstract class for an Accelerometer
Nfc An abstract class for Nfc components
PressureSensor An abstract class for a Pressure Sensor
RangeSensor An abstract class for range sensors
StepperMotor An abstract class for StepperMotor components
Stmpe1600 Class representing a whole stmpe1600 component (16 gpio)
Stmpe1600DigiIn Class representing a single stmpe1600 GPIO expander input pin
Stmpe1600DigiOut Class representing a single stmpe1600 GPIO expander output pin
TempSensor An abstract class for Temperature sensors
VL53L1_AdditionalData_t Structure for storing the Additional Data
VL53L1_CalibrationData_t Structure for storing the Calibration Data
VL53L1_DetectionConfig_t Defines parameters for User/object Detection configuration
VL53L1_DevData_t Contains the Internal data of the Bare Driver
VL53L1_DeviceInfo_t Defines the parameters of the Get Device Info Functions
VL53L1_DeviceParameters_t Defines all parameters for the device
VL53L1_DistanceThreshold_t Defines parameters for Distance detection Thresholds configuration
VL53L1_MultiRangingData_t Structure for storing the set of range results for a single ROI
VL53L1_RangingMeasurementData_t Single Range measurement data
VL53L1_RateThreshold_t Defines parameters for Signal rate detection Thresholds configuration
VL53L1_RoiConfig_t Defines ROI configuration parameters
VL53L1_TargetRangeData_t One Range measurement data for each target
VL53L1_UserRoi_t Defines User Zone(ROI) parameters
VL53L1_Version_t Defines the parameters of the Get Version Functions
VL53L1_ZoneCalibrationData_t Structure for storing the Zone Calibration Data
VL53L1X Class representing a VL53L1 sensor component
VL53L1X_Version_t Defines SW Version


BDCMotor.h [code] This file contains the abstract class describing the interface of a Brush DC motor component
Component.h [code] This file contains the abstract class describing the interface of a generic component
DbgMCU.h [code] Header file for enabling debugging in sleep modes for STM32 MCUs
DevI2C.h [code] Header file for a special I2C class DevI2C which provides some helper function for on-board communication
DevSPI.h [code] Header file for a special SPI class DevSPI which provides some helper functions for on-board communication
GyroSensor.h [code] This file contains the abstract class describing in general the interfaces of a gyroscope
HumiditySensor.h [code] This file contains the abstract class describing in general the interfaces of a humidity sensor
LightSensor.h [code] This file contains the abstract class describing in general the interfaces of an ambient light sensor (ALS)
MagneticSensor.h [code] This file contains the abstract class describing in general the interfaces of a magnetometer
MotionSensor.h [code] This file contains the abstract class describing in general the interfaces of an accelerometer
Nfc.h [code] This file contains the abstract class describing the interface of a nfc component
PressureSensor.h [code] This file contains the abstract class describing in general the interfaces of a pressure sensor
RangeSensor.h [code] This file contains the abstract class describing in general the interfaces of a range sensor
spi_interface.cpp [code]
spi_interface.h [code]
StepperMotor.h [code] This file contains the abstract class describing the interface of a stepper-motor component
Stmpe1600.h [code] Header file for component stmpe1600
TempSensor.h [code] This file contains the abstract class describing in general the interfaces of a temperature sensor
ToF_I2C.h [code]
vl53l1_api.c [code]
vl53l1_api.h [code]
vl53l1_api_calibration.c [code]
vl53l1_api_calibration.h [code]
vl53l1_api_core.c [code]
vl53l1_api_core.h [code]
vl53l1_api_debug.c [code]
vl53l1_api_debug.h [code]
vl53l1_api_preset_modes.c [code]
vl53l1_api_preset_modes.h [code]
vl53l1_api_strings.c [code]
vl53l1_api_strings.h [code] VL53L1 API function declarations for decoding error codes to a text strings
vl53l1_core.c [code]
vl53l1_core.h [code]
vl53l1_core_support.c [code]
vl53l1_core_support.h [code]
vl53l1_def.h [code] Type definitions for VL53L1 API
vl53l1_dmax.c [code]
vl53l1_dmax.h [code]
vl53l1_dmax_private_structs.h [code]
vl53l1_dmax_structs.h [code]
vl53l1_error_codes.h [code] Error Code definitions for VL53L1 API
vl53l1_error_exceptions.h [code]
vl53l1_error_strings.c [code]
vl53l1_error_strings.h [code]
vl53l1_hist_algos_gen3.c [code]
vl53l1_hist_algos_gen3.h [code]
vl53l1_hist_algos_gen4.c [code]
vl53l1_hist_algos_gen4.h [code]
vl53l1_hist_char.c [code]
vl53l1_hist_char.h [code]
vl53l1_hist_core.c [code]
vl53l1_hist_core.h [code]
vl53l1_hist_funcs.c [code]
vl53l1_hist_funcs.h [code]
vl53l1_hist_map.h [code]
vl53l1_hist_private_structs.h [code]
vl53l1_hist_structs.h [code]
vl53l1_ll_def.h [code]
vl53l1_ll_device.h [code]
vl53l1_nvm.c [code]
vl53l1_nvm.h [code]
vl53l1_nvm_debug.c [code]
vl53l1_nvm_debug.h [code]
vl53l1_nvm_map.h [code]
vl53l1_nvm_structs.h [code]
vl53l1_platform.c [code]
vl53l1_platform.h [code] All end user OS/platform/application porting
vl53l1_platform_init.h [code]
vl53l1_platform_ipp.c [code]
vl53l1_platform_ipp.h [code]
vl53l1_platform_ipp_imports.h [code]
vl53l1_platform_log.c [code]
vl53l1_platform_log.h [code]
vl53l1_platform_user_config.h [code]
vl53l1_platform_user_data.h [code]
vl53l1_platform_user_defines.h [code]
vl53l1_preset_setup.h [code]
vl53l1_register_funcs.c [code]
vl53l1_register_funcs.h [code]
vl53l1_register_map.h [code]
vl53l1_register_settings.h [code]
vl53l1_register_structs.h [code]
vl53l1_sigma_estimate.c [code]
vl53l1_sigma_estimate.h [code]
vl53l1_silicon_core.c [code]
vl53l1_silicon_core.h [code]
vl53l1_tuning_parm_defaults.h [code]
vl53l1_types.h [code]
vl53l1_wait.c [code]
vl53l1_wait.h [code]
vl53l1_xtalk.c [code]
vl53l1_xtalk.h [code]
vl53l1_xtalk_private_structs.h [code]
vl53l1_zone_presets.c [code]
vl53l1_zone_presets.h [code]
vl53l1x.cpp [code]
vl53l1x.h [code]
vl53l1x_configuration.h [code]
vl53l1x_error_codes.h [code]