Allows a sequence of numbers to display on a single digit of a 4 digit, 7 segment LED Display: LDQ-N514R1 by Lumex

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of 7SegmentDisplay by Svend Kaffke

--- a/main.cpp	Sat Sep 03 17:36:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Sep 06 06:42:10 2016 +0000
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 There is no blanking on this display, 
-Program demonstrates writing to one 7-segment display of 4 digit display LDQ-N514R1  
+Program demonstrates writing to all four digits of the 7-segment LED display of 4 the LDQ-N514R1 a float number
 Author: Cap'n Tim Johnson PE
 Retired Professor
 Wentworth Institude of Technology 
@@ -60,11 +60,9 @@
                     {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1}          //dot
 int main() {
-    //DigitalOut (p14, 0); //Turn on digit#1, Most Significant Digit
-    Digit1 = 1; //turn off digit1
+    Digit1 = 1; //turn off case they've been turned on previously
     Digit2 = 1; //turn off digit2
     Digit3 = 1; //turn off digit3
     Digit4 = 1; //turn off digit4