USB CDC library for MBED on STM32

Dependents:   PushToGo-F429

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File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
IOQueue.h [code]
usbd_cdc.c [code]This file provides the high layer firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the USB CDC Class:

  • Initialization and Configuration of high and low layer
  • Enumeration as CDC Device (and enumeration for each implemented memory interface)
  • OUT/IN data transfer
  • Command IN transfer (class requests management)
  • Error management
usbd_cdc.h [code]Header file for the usbd_cdc.c file
usbd_conf.c [code]
usbd_conf.h [code]
usbd_core.c [code]This file provides all the USBD core functions
usbd_core.h [code]Header file for usbd_core.c file
usbd_ctlreq.c [code]
usbd_ctlreq.h [code]
usbd_def.h [code]General defines for the usb device library
usbd_desc.c [code]
usbd_desc.h [code]Header file for the usbd_desc.c file
usbd_ioreq.c [code]This file provides the IO requests APIs for control endpoints
usbd_ioreq.h [code]Header file for the usbd_ioreq.c file
USBSerial.cpp [code]
USBSerial.h [code]