LR Initial Publish
Dependencies: X_NUCLEO_IKS01A2 driver_mbed_TH02 mbed LoRaWAN-lib-v1_0_1 SX1272Lib
Fork of Training-Aug2018-SX1272-X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 by
- Committer:
- ubhat
- Date:
- 2017-11-04
- Revision:
- 2:19dd7bfcacf7
- Parent:
- 0:6cc76d70e2a1
- Child:
- 9:a47750bce9f8
File content as of revision 2:19dd7bfcacf7:
/* / _____) _ | | ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__ \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \ _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | | (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_| (C)2015 Semtech Description: User-defined applications such as GPS, Temp, Accelerometer, LED indications etc. Event based actions such as LED blink on Tx, LED toggle on downlink etc License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project Maintainer: Uttam Bhat */ #include "LoRaApp.h" float sensor_data; #ifdef USE_IKS01A1_SENSOR int32_t Accl_Value[3] = {0}; #endif #ifdef USE_CAYENNE_LPP /* .... Pressure .... Temperature .... Humidity .... Accelerometer */ uint8_t maxLPPsize[4] = {4, 4, 3, 8}; #endif bool VerticalStatus = false; Application::Application( uint8_t * memptr ) { BuffAddr = memptr; memset( BuffAddr, 0, LORAWAN_APP_DATA_MAX_SIZE ); BuffPtr = 0; } Application::~Application( ) { } void Application::ApplicationAppendData( uint8_t *pData, uint8_t len ) { memcpy( BuffAddr + BuffPtr, pData, len ); BuffPtr += len; } void Application::ApplicationPtrPos( uint8_t ptrPos ) { BuffPtr = ptrPos; } void Application::ApplicationCall( eAppType App ) { switch( App ) { // Appends 1 Byte to TX buffer case AppTemp: { #if defined( USE_IKS01A1_SENSOR ) //#ifdef USE_IKS01A1_SENSOR temp_sensor2->GetTemperature(&sensor_data); #elif defined( USE_GROVE_SENSOR ) sensor_data = myTH02.ReadTemperature(); #endif printf("Temp = %f, %d\r\n", sensor_data, (int8_t) sensor_data); if( ( BuffPtr + 1 ) <= LORAWAN_APP_DATA_SIZE ) { #ifdef USE_CAYENNE_LPP int16_t tmp_data = (int16_t) (sensor_data*10 + 0.5); BuffAddr[BuffPtr++] = (int8_t) ( ( tmp_data >> 8 ) & 0xFF ); BuffAddr[BuffPtr++] = (int8_t) tmp_data & 0xFF; #else BuffAddr[BuffPtr++] = (int8_t) sensor_data; #endif } break; } // Appends 2 Bytes to TX buffer case AppPressr: { #ifdef USE_IKS01A1_SENSOR pressure_sensor->GetPressure(&sensor_data); printf("Pressure = %f, %d\r\n", sensor_data, (uint16_t) sensor_data); if( ( BuffPtr + 2 ) <= LORAWAN_APP_DATA_SIZE ) { #ifdef USE_CAYENNE_LPP int16_t tmp; tmp = (int16_t) ( sensor_data * 10 ); BuffAddr[BuffPtr++] = ( tmp >> 8 ) & 0xFF; BuffAddr[BuffPtr++] = ( tmp ) & 0xFF; #else BuffAddr[BuffPtr++] = ( (int16_t) sensor_data >> 8 ) & 0xFF; BuffAddr[BuffPtr++] = ( (int16_t) sensor_data ) & 0xFF; #endif } #endif break; } // Appends 2 Bytes to TX buffer case AppHumid: { #if defined ( USE_IKS01A1_SENSOR ) humidity_sensor->GetHumidity(&sensor_data); #elif defined ( USE_GROVE_SENSOR ) sensor_data = myTH02.ReadHumidity(); #endif printf("Humidity = %f, %d\r\n", sensor_data, (uint8_t) sensor_data); if( ( BuffPtr + 1 ) <= LORAWAN_APP_DATA_SIZE ) { #ifdef USE_CAYENNE_LPP BuffAddr[BuffPtr++] = (uint8_t) ( sensor_data * 2 ); #else BuffAddr[BuffPtr++] = (int8_t) sensor_data; #endif } break; } // Appends 1 Byte to TX buffer case AppBat: { if( ( BuffPtr + 1 ) <= LORAWAN_APP_DATA_SIZE ) { BuffAddr[BuffPtr++] = BoardGetBatteryLevel( ); // Per LoRaWAN spec; 0 = Charging; 1...254 = level, 255 = N/A } break; } // Appends incremental values of 1 Byte each to TX buffer until Full case AppRamp: { int32_t i, j; // Populate Tx Buffer with increasing byte values starting from 0x00, 0x01, 0x02 ... for( i = BuffPtr, j = 0; i < LORAWAN_APP_DATA_SIZE; i++ ) { BuffAddr[i] = j++; } BuffPtr = LORAWAN_APP_DATA_SIZE; break; } // Appends 2 Bytes to TX buffer case AppAccl: { #ifdef USE_IKS01A1_SENSOR accelerometer->Get_X_Axes(Accl_Value); printf("X/Y/Z = %d/%d/%d\r\n", Accl_Value[0], Accl_Value[1], Accl_Value[2]); if( ( BuffPtr + 6 ) <= LORAWAN_APP_DATA_SIZE ) { BuffAddr[BuffPtr++] = ( (int16_t) Accl_Value[0] >> 8 ) & 0xFF; BuffAddr[BuffPtr++] = ( (int16_t) Accl_Value[0] ) & 0xFF; BuffAddr[BuffPtr++] = ( (int16_t) Accl_Value[1] >> 8 ) & 0xFF; BuffAddr[BuffPtr++] = ( (int16_t) Accl_Value[1] ) & 0xFF; BuffAddr[BuffPtr++] = ( (int16_t) Accl_Value[2] >> 8 ) & 0xFF; BuffAddr[BuffPtr++] = ( (int16_t) Accl_Value[2] ) & 0xFF; } #endif break; } case AppPushButton: { uint16_t PushButtonCnt; uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *) &PushButtonCnt; PushButtonCnt = LoRaMacUplinkStatus.UplinkCounter; memcpy( &BuffAddr[BuffPtr], p, sizeof(uint16_t) ); break; } default: { break; } } } /* static void OnRedLedTimerEvent( void ) { TimerStop( &RedLedTimer.LedTimer ); if( RedLed == LED_OFF ) { RedLed = LED_ON; } else { RedLed = LED_OFF; } } static void OnYellowLedTimerEvent( void ) { TimerStop( &YellowLedTimer.LedTimer ); if( YellowLed == LED_OFF ) { YellowLed = LED_ON; } else { YellowLed = LED_OFF; } } static void OnGreenLedTimerEvent( void ) { TimerStop( &GreenLedTimer.LedTimer ); if( GreenLed == LED_OFF ) { GreenLed = LED_ON; } else { GreenLed = LED_OFF; } } TimerLed::TimerLed( eLedType led ) { switch( led ) { case Red: { TimerInit( &LedTimer, OnRedLedTimerEvent ); break; } case Yellow: { TimerInit( &LedTimer, OnYellowLedTimerEvent ); break; } case Green: { TimerInit( &LedTimer, OnGreenLedTimerEvent ); break; } } } TimerLed::~TimerLed( ) { } void BlinkLED( eLedType led, uint32_t time ) { switch( led ) { case Red: { TimerSetValue( &RedLedTimer.LedTimer, time ); TimerStart( &RedLedTimer.LedTimer ); RedLed = LED_ON; break; } case Yellow: { TimerSetValue( &YellowLedTimer.LedTimer, time ); TimerStart( &YellowLedTimer.LedTimer ); YellowLed = LED_ON; break; } case Green: { TimerSetValue( &GreenLedTimer.LedTimer, time ); TimerStart( &GreenLedTimer.LedTimer ); GreenLed = LED_ON; break; } } } void ToggleLED( eLedType led ) { switch( led ) { case Red: { if( RedLed == LED_OFF ) { RedLed = LED_ON; } else { RedLed = LED_OFF; } break; } case Yellow: { if( YellowLed == LED_OFF ) { YellowLed = LED_ON; } else { YellowLed = LED_OFF; } break; } case Green: { if( GreenLed == LED_OFF ) { GreenLed = LED_ON; } else { GreenLed = LED_OFF; } break; } } } void CtrlLED( eLedType led, uint8_t state ) { switch( led ) { case Red: { RedLed = state; break; } case Yellow: { YellowLed = state; break; } case Green: { GreenLed = state; break; } case Usr: { if( state ) { UsrLed = LED_ON; } else { UsrLed = LED_OFF; } break; } } } */ void CheckOrientation( void ) { /* uint8_t statusReg; // Read the PS_STATUS register statusReg = Mma8451q.read_single( MMA8451_PL_STATUS ); // If Orientation of the Mote changed then populate Upper Nibble of 0th Byte of Tx Buffer if( ( statusReg & 0x40 ) != 0 ) { CtrlLED( Green, LED_OFF ); VerticalStatus = false; // horizontal } else { CtrlLED( Green, LED_ON ); VerticalStatus = true; // vertical } */ }