Current temperature express as coloured theme.

Dependencies:   N5110 TMP102 mbed

Fork of 2645_I2C_TMP102 by Craig Evans

diff -r dd5fb735acf1 -r 3789998dde80 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Fri Feb 05 17:25:03 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon May 09 12:17:15 2016 +0000
@@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
-Sample code from ELEC2645 Week 17 Lab
-Demonstrates how to re-factor the TMP102 code into a library
-(c) Craig A. Evans, University of Leeds, Feb 2016
+ Joystick_Project
+Bonny Ngangu
+6 March 2016
+(c) Bonny Ngangu, University of Leeds, Feb 2016
 #include "mbed.h"
 // include the library header, ensure the library has been imported into the project
 #include "TMP102.h"
+#include "N5110.h"
+//Joystick direction tolerance altering 
 // Create TMP102 object
 TMP102 tmp102(I2C_SDA,I2C_SCL);  
@@ -23,6 +25,12 @@
 DigitalOut r_led(LED_RED);
 DigitalOut g_led(LED_GREEN);
 DigitalOut b_led(LED_BLUE);
+//         VCC,    SCE,   RST,   D/C,   MOSI,  SCLK,   LED
+N5110 lcd (PTE26 , PTA0 , PTC4 , PTD0 , PTD2 , PTD1 , PTC3);
 // K64F on-board switches
 InterruptIn sw2(SW2);
 InterruptIn sw3(SW3);
@@ -36,6 +44,8 @@
 int main()
+    // first need to initialise display
+    lcd.init();
     // initialise the board and serial port
@@ -44,12 +54,40 @@
     while (1) {
+        // these are default settings so not strictly needed
+        lcd.normalMode();      // normal colour mode
+        lcd.setBrightness(0.5); // put LED backlight on 50%
+        // can directly print strings at specified co-ordinates
+        lcd.printString("Current Temp",0,0);
         // read temperature and print over serial port
         float T = tmp102.get_temperature();
         pc.printf("T = %f K\n",T);
+        char buffer[14];  // each character is 6 pixels wide, screen is 84 pixels (84/6 = 14)
+        // so can display a string of a maximum 14 characters in length
+        // or create formatted strings - ensure they aren't more than 14 characters long
+        int length = sprintf(buffer,"T = %.2f C",T); // print formatted data to buffer
+        // it is important the format specifier ensures the length will fit in the buffer
+        if (length <= 14)  // if string will fit on display
+            lcd.printString(buffer,0,2);
         // small delay - 1s to match the update rate of the sensor (1 Hz)
+        if(T<27){
+            g_led = 0;
+            lcd.printString("Fan OFF",0,4);
+        }
+        if (T>=30){
+            r_led = 0;
+            lcd.printString("Fan ON ",0,4);
+       }
@@ -70,5 +108,4 @@
     // resistors that are enabled by default using InterruptIn