A controller that is immune to measurement errors and keep the true states at the desired value, also known as "Zero-Torque Control"



File content as of revision 0:533d5685b66c:

// The controller is for the plant with (p, n, q) system
// Dimensions:
// Inputs, u    |   States, x
//     p     ---->      n
//           q -- ^
//  Measurement errors, phi

MEASUREMENT_ERROR_ADAPTATION_CONTROL::MEASUREMENT_ERROR_ADAPTATION_CONTROL(size_t num_state, size_t num_in, size_t num_MeasurementError, float samplingTime):
    n(num_state), p(num_in), q(num_MeasurementError), Ts(samplingTime),
    C_error(num_state, vector<float>(num_MeasurementError,0.0)),
    K_full(num_in, vector<float>(num_state,0.0)),
    K_phi(num_MeasurementError, vector<float>(num_state,0.0)),
    N_xd(num_state, vector<float>(num_in, 0.0)),
    N_ud(num_in, vector<float>(num_in, 0.0))
    zeros_n.assign(n, 0.0);
    zeros_p.assign(p, 0.0);
    zeros_q.assign(q, 0.0);

    // States
    states_est = zeros_n; // states_est, "x_est"
    sys_inputs = zeros_p; // The inputs of the plant, "u"
    sys_output = zeros_n; // The output of the plant, "y"
    MeasurementErrors = zeros_q; // The measurement error of the sensors, "phi"

    // Command (equalibrium state)
    states_d = zeros_n; // x_d
    inputs_d = zeros_p; // u_d
    command = zeros_p; // r

// Assign Parameters
void MEASUREMENT_ERROR_ADAPTATION_CONTROL::assign_C_error(float* C_error_in, size_t n_in, size_t q_in){
    // C_error_in is the pointer of a mutidimentional array with size n_in by q_in
    if (n != n_in || q != q_in){
        n = n_in;
        q = q_in;
        zeros_n.resize(n, 0.0);
        zeros_q.resize(q, 0.0);
        C_error.assign(n, zeros_q);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i){
        for (size_t j = 0; j < q; ++j){
            // C_error[i][j] = C_error_in[i][j];
            C_error[i][j] = *C_error_in;
void MEASUREMENT_ERROR_ADAPTATION_CONTROL::assign_K_full(float* K_full_in, size_t p_in, size_t n_in){
    // K_full_in is the pointer of a mutidimentional array with size p_in by n_in
    if (n != n_in || p != p_in){
        p = p_in;
        n = n_in;
        zeros_n.resize(n, 0.0);
        zeros_p.resize(p, 0.0);
        K_full.assign(p, zeros_n);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < p; ++i){
        for (size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j){
            // K_full[i][j] = K_full_in[i][j];
            K_full[i][j] = *K_full_in;
void MEASUREMENT_ERROR_ADAPTATION_CONTROL::assign_K_phi(float* K_phi_in, size_t q_in, size_t n_in){
    // K_phi_in is the pointer of a mutidimentional array with size q_in by n_in
    if (q != q_in || n != n_in){
        q = q_in;
        n = n_in;
        zeros_q.resize(q, 0.0);
        zeros_n.resize(n, 0.0);
        K_phi.assign(q, zeros_n);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < q; ++i){
        for (size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j){
            // K_phi[i][j] = K_phi_in[i][j];
            K_phi[i][j] = *K_phi_in;
void MEASUREMENT_ERROR_ADAPTATION_CONTROL::assign_N_xd(float* N_xd_in, size_t n_in, size_t p_in){
    // N_xd_in is the pointer of a mutidimentional array with size n_in by p_in
    if (n != n_in || p != p_in){
        n = n_in;
        p = p_in;
        zeros_n.resize(n, 0.0);
        zeros_p.resize(p, 0.0);
        N_xd.assign(n, zeros_p);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i){
        for (size_t j = 0; j < p; ++j){
            // N_xd[i][j] = N_xd_in[i][j];
            N_xd[i][j] = *N_xd_in;
void MEASUREMENT_ERROR_ADAPTATION_CONTROL::assign_N_ud(float* N_ud_in, size_t p_in){
    // N_ud_in is the pointer of a mutidimentional array with size p_in by p_in
    if (p != p_in){
        p = p_in;
        zeros_p.resize(p, 0.0);
        N_ud.assign(p, zeros_p);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < p; ++i){
        for (size_t j = 0; j < p; ++j){
            // N_ud[i][j] = N_ud_in[i][j];
            N_ud[i][j] = *N_ud_in;
void MEASUREMENT_ERROR_ADAPTATION_CONTROL::iterateOnce(bool enable){
    // Input: sys_output ("y"), command ("r")
    // Get: sys_inputs ("u")

    // Control law
    if (enable){
        get_inputs_compensate(); // Get states_d, inputs_d from command

        // states_est = (sys_output - C_error*MeasurementErrors) - states_d

        // sys_inputs = inputs_d - K_full*states_est
        sys_inputs = Get_VectorPlus(inputs_d, Mat_multiply_Vec(K_full, states_est),true); // minus
        sys_inputs = zeros_p;

    // Integral action

// Private functions
// Command (equalibrium state) related calculation
void MEASUREMENT_ERROR_ADAPTATION_CONTROL::get_inputs_compensate(void){ // Calculate the compensation variable, states_d and sys_inputs_compensate
    Mat_multiply_Vec(states_d, N_xd, command);
    Mat_multiply_Vec(inputs_d, N_ud, command);
// Calculate the states_est
void MEASUREMENT_ERROR_ADAPTATION_CONTROL::get_states_est(void){ // Calculate the sys_outputs from states_est, by mutiplying C_error
    // states_est = (sys_output - C_error*MeasurementErrors) - states_d
    states_est = Get_VectorPlus(Get_VectorPlus(sys_output, Mat_multiply_Vec(C_error, MeasurementErrors), true), states_d, true); // minus
// Calculate the estimation of MeasurementErrors
void MEASUREMENT_ERROR_ADAPTATION_CONTROL::get_MeasurementErrors_est(bool enable){ // Calculate the MeasurementErrors
    // Integral action
    // MeasurementErrors -= Ts*(K_phi*states_est)
    if (enable){
        Get_VectorIncrement(MeasurementErrors, Get_VectorScalarMultiply(Mat_multiply_Vec(K_phi,states_est), Ts) , true); // -=
        MeasurementErrors = zeros_q;
// Utilities
void MEASUREMENT_ERROR_ADAPTATION_CONTROL::Mat_multiply_Vec(vector<float> &v_out, const vector<vector<float> > &m_left, const vector<float> &v_right){ // v_out = m_left*v_right
    static vector<float>::iterator it_out;
    static vector<const float>::iterator it_m_row;
    static vector<const float>::iterator it_v;
    it_out = v_out.begin();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_left.size(); ++i){
        *it_out = 0.0;
        it_m_row = m_left[i].begin();
        it_v = v_right.begin();
        for (size_t j = 0; j < m_left[i].size(); ++j){
            // *it_out += m_left[i][j] * v_right[j];
            if (*it_m_row != 0.0 && *it_v != 0.0){
                (*it_out) += (*it_m_row) * (*it_v);
                // (*it_out) += 0.0
            // (*it_out) += (*it_m_row) * (*it_v);
vector<float> MEASUREMENT_ERROR_ADAPTATION_CONTROL::Mat_multiply_Vec(const vector<vector<float> > &m_left, const vector<float> &v_right){ // v_out = m_left*v_right
    static vector<float> v_out;
    // Size check
    if (v_out.size() != m_left.size()){
    // Iterators
    static vector<float>::iterator it_out;
    static vector<const float>::iterator it_m_row;
    static vector<const float>::iterator it_v;
    it_out = v_out.begin();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_left.size(); ++i){
        *it_out = 0.0;
        it_m_row = m_left[i].begin();
        it_v = v_right.begin();
        for (size_t j = 0; j < m_left[i].size(); ++j){
            // *it_out += m_left[i][j] * v_right[j];
            if (*it_m_row != 0.0 && *it_v != 0.0){
                (*it_out) += (*it_m_row) * (*it_v);
                // (*it_out) += 0.0
            // (*it_out) += (*it_m_row) * (*it_v);
    return v_out;
vector<float> MEASUREMENT_ERROR_ADAPTATION_CONTROL::Get_VectorPlus(const vector<float> &v_a, const vector<float> &v_b, bool is_minus) // v_a + (or -) v_b
    static vector<float> v_c;
    // Size check
    if (v_c.size() != v_a.size()){
    for (size_t i = 0; i < v_a.size(); ++i){
        if (is_minus){
            v_c[i] = v_a[i] - v_b[i];
            v_c[i] = v_a[i] + v_b[i];
    return v_c;
vector<float> MEASUREMENT_ERROR_ADAPTATION_CONTROL::Get_VectorScalarMultiply(const vector<float> &v_a, float scale) // scale*v_a
    static vector<float> v_c;
    // Size check
    if (v_c.size() != v_a.size()){
    // for pure negative
    if (scale == -1.0){
        for (size_t i = 0; i < v_a.size(); ++i){
            v_c[i] = -v_a[i];
        return v_c;
    // else
    for (size_t i = 0; i < v_a.size(); ++i){
        v_c[i] = scale*v_a[i];

    return v_c;
// Increment
void MEASUREMENT_ERROR_ADAPTATION_CONTROL::Get_VectorIncrement(vector<float> &v_a, const vector<float> &v_b, bool is_minus){ // v_a += (or -=) v_b
    // Size check
    if (v_a.size() != v_b.size()){
    if (is_minus){ // -=
        for (size_t i = 0; i < v_b.size(); ++i){
            v_a[i] -= v_b[i];
    }else{ // +=
        for (size_t i = 0; i < v_b.size(); ++i){
            v_a[i] += v_b[i];
