FOC Implementation for putting multirotor motors in robots

Dependencies:   FastPWM3 mbed

--- a/Transforms/Transforms.cpp	Sun May 22 03:47:40 2016 +0000
+++ b/Transforms/Transforms.cpp	Mon Oct 31 16:48:16 2016 +0000
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@
     //float sine = sin(theta);
     float cosine = FastCos(theta);
     float sine = FastSin(theta);
-    *d = alpha*cosine - beta*sine;      //This is a hack - effectively using -beta instead of beta
-    *q = -beta*cosine - alpha*sine;     //I think because I'm using pi as the d axis offset instead of zero, but I need to investigate more.
-    //*d = alpha*cosine + beta*sine;
-    //*q = beta*cosine - alpha*sine;
+    //*d = alpha*cosine - beta*sine;      //This is a hack - effectively using -beta instead of beta
+    //*q = -beta*cosine - alpha*sine;     //I think because I'm using pi as the d axis offset instead of zero, but I need to investigate more.
+    *d = alpha*cosine + beta*sine;
+    *q = beta*cosine - alpha*sine;
     //DAC->DHR12R1 = (int) (*q*49.648f) + 2048;
     //DAC->DHR12R1 = (int) (*q*2048.0f) + 2048;