This Library for DOGS-102 Graphic LCD module. Based on Igor Skochinsky's "DOGLCDDemo" program.

Dependents:   DOGS102_Example1 DOGS102_Example2

Fork of DOGLCDDemo by Igor Skochinsky

--- a/main.cpp	Thu Jan 14 00:49:39 2010 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "Graphics.h"
-#include "Cuboid.h"
-#include "TrimeshObject.h"
-#include "TieFighter.h"
-#include "DogLCD.h"
-#include "hellombed.h"
-SPI spi(p5, NC, p7);
-DogLCD dog(spi, p17, p18, p20, p19); //  spi, power, cs, a0, reset
-Graphics g(&dog);
-TrimeshObject tf(tie_fighter_vertices, tie_fighter_faces, TIE_FIGHTER_NUM_FACES);
-Cuboid cube;
-int main()
-    dog.init();
-    // draw "hello mbed"
-    dog.send_pic(pic_hellombed);
-    wait(5);
-    // draw rectangle around the screen
-    g.line(0, 0, dog.width()-1, 0, 0xFFFFFF);
-    wait(2);
-    g.line(dog.width()-1, 0, dog.width()-1, dog.height()-1, 0xFFFFFF);
-    wait(2);
-    g.line(dog.width()-1, dog.height()-1, 0, dog.height()-1, 0xFFFFFF);
-    wait(2);
-    g.line(0, dog.height()-1, 0, 0, 0xFFFFFF);
-    wait(5);
-    dog.clear_screen();
-    float rotx = 0, roty = 0, rotz = 0;
-    Timer timer;
-    timer.start();
-    int frameno = 0;
-    const int pollcount = 10;
-    // shift 1/4th of screen to the left
-    tf.position(-dog.width() / 4, 0, 0);
-    tf.colour(0xffffff);
-    // shift 1/4th of screen to the right
-    cube.position(+dog.width() / 4, 0, 0);
-    cube.colour(0xffffff);
-    while (1)
-    {
-        rotx += 0.1;
-        roty += 0.08;
-        rotz += 0.05;
-        // set rotation angles
-        tf.rotate(rotx, roty, rotz);
-        cube.rotate(rotx, roty, rotz);
-        // lock update
-        dog.beginupdate();
-            dog.clear_screen();
-            // render TieFighter
-            tf.render(g);
-            // and the cube
-            cube.render(g);
-        // unlock update (and draw framebuffer)    
-        dog.endupdate();
-        if ( ++frameno == pollcount )
-        {
-            // output fps to serial
-            int end = timer.read_ms();
-            float fps = pollcount*1000.0/end;
-            printf("\r%d frames, %d ms, FPS: %f", pollcount, end, fps);
-            frameno = 0;
-            timer.reset();
-        }
-        //dog.fill(40, 40, 52, 52, 0x000000);
-    }