cc3100_Socket_Wifi_Server with Ethernet Interface not working

Dependencies:   EthernetInterface mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of cc3100_Test_Demo by David Fletcher

diff -r 000000000000 -r e89ba455dbcf simplelink/cc3100_netapp.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/simplelink/cc3100_netapp.h	Tue Feb 10 12:09:29 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1078 @@
+ * netapp.h - CC31xx/CC32xx Host Driver Implementation
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Texas Instruments Incorporated -
+ *
+ *
+ *  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ *  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ *  are met:
+ *
+ *    Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ *    Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ *    distribution.
+ *
+ *    Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
+ *    its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ *
+#ifndef NETAPP_H_
+#define    NETAPP_H_
+/* Include files                                                             */
+#include "cc3100_simplelink.h"
+#include "cc3100_protocol.h"
+#include "cc3100_nonos.h"
+namespace mbed_cc3100 {
+    \addtogroup netapp
+    @{
+/* Macro declarations                                                        */
+/*ERROR code*/
+const int16_t SL_ERROR_NETAPP_RX_BUFFER_LENGTH_ERROR      = (-230);
+/*  Http Server interface */
+const uint8_t MAX_INPUT_STRING                            =  (64); /*  because of WPA */
+const uint8_t MAX_AUTH_NAME_LEN                           =  (20);
+const uint8_t MAX_AUTH_PASSWORD_LEN                       =  (20);
+const uint8_t MAX_AUTH_REALM_LEN                          =  (20);
+const uint8_t MAX_DEVICE_URN_LEN                          =  (15+1);
+const uint8_t MAX_DOMAIN_NAME_LEN                         =  (24+1);
+const uint8_t MAX_ACTION_LEN                              =  (30);
+/* Important: in case the max len is changed, make sure the struct sl_NetAppHttpServerSendToken_t in protocol.h is padded correctly! */
+const uint8_t MAX_TOKEN_NAME_LEN                          =  (20);
+const uint8_t MAX_TOKEN_VALUE_LEN                         =  MAX_INPUT_STRING;
+const int16_t NETAPP_MAX_SERVICE_TEXT_SIZE                =  (256);
+const uint8_t NETAPP_MAX_SERVICE_NAME_SIZE                =  (60);
+const uint8_t NETAPP_MAX_SERVICE_HOST_NAME_SIZE           =  (64);
+/* Server Responses */
+const uint8_t SL_NETAPP_RESPONSE_NONE                     =  (0);
+const uint8_t SL_NETAPP_HTTPSETTOKENVALUE                 =  (1);
+const uint8_t SL_NETAPP_FAMILY_MASK                       =  (0x80);
+/* mDNS types */
+const uint32_t SL_NET_APP_MASK_IPP_TYPE_OF_SERVICE        =   (0x00000001);
+const uint32_t SL_NET_APP_MASK_DEVICE_INFO_TYPE_OF_SERVICE =  (0x00000002);
+const uint32_t SL_NET_APP_MASK_HTTP_TYPE_OF_SERVICE       =   (0x00000004);
+const uint32_t SL_NET_APP_MASK_HTTPS_TYPE_OF_SERVICE      =   (0x00000008);
+const uint32_t SL_NET_APP_MASK_WORKSATION_TYPE_OF_SERVICE =   (0x00000010);
+const uint32_t SL_NET_APP_MASK_GUID_TYPE_OF_SERVICE       =   (0x00000020);
+const uint32_t SL_NET_APP_MASK_H323_TYPE_OF_SERVICE       =   (0x00000040);
+const uint32_t SL_NET_APP_MASK_NTP_TYPE_OF_SERVICE        =   (0x00000080);
+const uint32_t SL_NET_APP_MASK_OBJECITVE_TYPE_OF_SERVICE  =   (0x00000100);
+const uint32_t SL_NET_APP_MASK_RDP_TYPE_OF_SERVICE        =   (0x00000200);
+const uint32_t SL_NET_APP_MASK_REMOTE_TYPE_OF_SERVICE     =   (0x00000400);
+const uint32_t SL_NET_APP_MASK_RTSP_TYPE_OF_SERVICE       =   (0x00000800);
+const uint32_t SL_NET_APP_MASK_SIP_TYPE_OF_SERVICE        =   (0x00001000);
+const uint32_t SL_NET_APP_MASK_SMB_TYPE_OF_SERVICE        =   (0x00002000);
+const uint32_t SL_NET_APP_MASK_SOAP_TYPE_OF_SERVICE       =   (0x00004000);
+const uint32_t SL_NET_APP_MASK_SSH_TYPE_OF_SERVICE        =   (0x00008000);
+const uint32_t SL_NET_APP_MASK_TELNET_TYPE_OF_SERVICE     =   (0x00010000);
+const uint32_t SL_NET_APP_MASK_TFTP_TYPE_OF_SERVICE       =   (0x00020000);
+const uint32_t SL_NET_APP_MASK_XMPP_CLIENT_TYPE_OF_SERVICE =  (0x00040000);
+const uint32_t SL_NET_APP_MASK_RAOP_TYPE_OF_SERVICE       =   (0x00080000);
+const uint32_t SL_NET_APP_MASK_ALL_TYPE_OF_SERVICE        =   (0xFFFFFFFF);
+/* sl_NetAppDnsGetHostByName error codes     */
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_QUERY_NO_RESPONSE            =  (-159);  /* DNS query failed, no response                        */
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_NO_SERVER                    =  (-161);  /* No DNS server was specified                          */
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_PARAM_ERROR                  =  (-162);  /* mDNS parameters error                                */
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_QUERY_FAILED                 =  (-163);  /* DNS query failed; no DNS server sent an 'answer'     */
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_INTERNAL_1                   =  (-164);
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_INTERNAL_2                   =  (-165);
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_MALFORMED_PACKET             =  (-166);  /* Improperly formed or corrupted DNS packet received   */
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_INTERNAL_3                   =  (-167);
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_INTERNAL_4                   =  (-168);
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_INTERNAL_5                   =  (-169);
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_INTERNAL_6                   =  (-170);
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_INTERNAL_7                   =  (-171);
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_INTERNAL_8                   =  (-172);
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_INTERNAL_9                   =  (-173);
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_MISMATCHED_RESPONSE          =  (-174);  /* Server response type does not match the query request*/
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_INTERNAL_10                  =  (-175);
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_INTERNAL_11                  =  (-176);
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_NO_ANSWER                    =  (-177);  /* No response for one-shot query */
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_NO_KNOWN_ANSWER              =  (-178);  /* No known answer for query */
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_NAME_MISMATCH                =  (-179);  /* Illegal service name according to the RFC            */
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_NOT_STARTED                  =  (-180);  /* mDNS is not running                                  */
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_HOST_NAME_ERROR              =  (-181);  /* Host name error. Host name format is not allowed according to RFC 1033,1034,1035, 6763 */
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES              =  (-182);  /* No more entries be found.                            */
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_MAX_SERVICES_ERROR           =  (-200);  /* Maximum advertise services are already configured    */
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_IDENTICAL_SERVICES_ERROR     =  (-201);  /* Trying to register a service that is already exists  */
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_NOT_EXISTED_SERVICE_ERROR    =  (-203);  /* Trying to delete service that does not existed       */
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_ERROR_SERVICE_NAME_ERROR     =  (-204);  /* Illegal service name according to the RFC            */
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_RX_PACKET_ALLOCATION_ERROR   =  (-205);  /* Retry request                                        */
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_BUFFER_SIZE_ERROR            =  (-206);  /* List size buffer is bigger than internally allowed in the NWP */
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_NET_APP_SET_ERROR            =  (-207);  /* Illegal length of one of the mDNS Set functions      */
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_GET_SERVICE_LIST_FLAG_ERROR  =  (-208);
+const int16_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_NO_CONFIGURATION_ERROR       =  (-209);
+/* Set Dev name error codes  (NETAPP_SET_GET_DEV_CONF_OPT_DEVICE_URN) */
+const int16_t SL_ERROR_DEVICE_NAME_LEN_ERR                =   (-117);
+const int16_t SL_ERROR_DEVICE_NAME_INVALID                =   (-118);
+/* Set domain name error codes (NETAPP_SET_GET_DEV_CONF_OPT_DOMAIN_NAME) */
+const int16_t SL_ERROR_DOMAIN_NAME_LEN_ERR                =   (-119);
+const int16_t SL_ERROR_DOMAIN_NAME_INVALID                =   (-120);
+/* NetApp application IDs */
+const uint8_t SL_NET_APP_HTTP_SERVER_ID                   =  (1);
+const uint8_t SL_NET_APP_DHCP_SERVER_ID                   =  (2);
+const uint8_t SL_NET_APP_MDNS_ID                          =  (4);
+const uint8_t SL_NET_APP_DNS_SERVER_ID                    =  (8);
+const uint8_t SL_NET_APP_DEVICE_CONFIG_ID                 =  (16);
+/* NetApp application set/get options */
+const uint8_t NETAPP_SET_DHCP_SRV_BASIC_OPT               =  (0);
+/* HTTP server set/get options */
+const uint8_t NETAPP_SET_GET_HTTP_OPT_PORT_NUMBER         =  (0);
+const uint8_t NETAPP_SET_GET_HTTP_OPT_AUTH_CHECK          =  (1);
+const uint8_t NETAPP_SET_GET_HTTP_OPT_AUTH_NAME           =  (2);
+const uint8_t NETAPP_SET_GET_HTTP_OPT_AUTH_PASSWORD       =  (3);
+const uint8_t NETAPP_SET_GET_HTTP_OPT_AUTH_REALM          =  (4);
+const uint8_t NETAPP_SET_GET_HTTP_OPT_ROM_PAGES_ACCESS    =  (5);
+const uint8_t NETAPP_SET_GET_MDNS_CONT_QUERY_OPT          =  (1);
+const uint8_t NETAPP_SET_GET_MDNS_QEVETN_MASK_OPT         =  (2);
+const uint8_t NETAPP_SET_GET_MDNS_TIMING_PARAMS_OPT       =  (3);
+/* DNS server set/get options */
+const uint8_t NETAPP_SET_GET_DNS_OPT_DOMAIN_NAME          =  (0);
+/* Device Config set/get options */
+const uint8_t NETAPP_SET_GET_DEV_CONF_OPT_DEVICE_URN      =  (0);
+const uint8_t NETAPP_SET_GET_DEV_CONF_OPT_DOMAIN_NAME     =  (1);
+/* Structure/Enum declarations                                               */
+ * The below structure depict the constant parameters that are returned in the Async event answer
+ * according to command/API sl_DnsGetHostByService for IPv4 and IPv6.
+ *
+    1Status                     - The status of the response.
+    2.Address                       - Contains the IP address of the service.
+    3.Port                          - Contains the port of the service.
+    4.TextLen                       - Contains the max length of the text that the user wants to get.
+                                                it means that if the test of service is bigger that its value than
+                                                the text is cut to inout_TextLen value.
+                                        Output: Contain the length of the text that is returned. Can be full text or part
+                                                of the text (see above).
+ */
+typedef struct {
+    uint16_t   Status;
+    uint16_t   TextLen;
+    uint32_t    Port;
+    uint32_t    Address;
+} _GetHostByServiceIPv4AsyncResponse_t;
+ * The below struct contains pointers to the output parameters that the user gives
+ *
+ */
+typedef struct {
+    int16_t       Status;
+    uint32_t      *out_pAddr;
+    uint32_t      *out_pPort;
+    uint16_t      *inout_TextLen; // in: max len , out: actual len
+    unsigned char *out_pText;
+} _GetHostByServiceAsyncResponse_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t    PacketsSent;
+    uint32_t    PacketsReceived;
+    uint16_t    MinRoundTime;
+    uint16_t    MaxRoundTime;
+    uint16_t    AvgRoundTime;
+    uint32_t    TestTime;
+} SlPingReport_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t    PingIntervalTime;       /* delay between pings, in milliseconds */
+    uint16_t    PingSize;               /* ping packet size in bytes           */
+    uint16_t    PingRequestTimeout;     /* timeout time for every ping in milliseconds  */
+    uint32_t    TotalNumberOfAttempts;  /* max number of ping requests. 0 - forever    */
+    uint32_t    Flags;                  /* flag - 0 report only when finished, 1 - return response for every ping, 2 - stop after 1 successful ping.  */
+    uint32_t    Ip;                     /* IPv4 address or IPv6 first 4 bytes  */
+    uint32_t    Ip1OrPaadding;
+    uint32_t    Ip2OrPaadding;
+    uint32_t    Ip3OrPaadding;
+} SlPingStartCommand_t;
+typedef struct _slHttpServerString_t {
+    uint8_t     len;
+    uint8_t     *data;
+} slHttpServerString_t;
+typedef struct _slHttpServerData_t {
+    uint8_t     value_len;
+    uint8_t     name_len;
+    uint8_t     *token_value;
+    uint8_t     *token_name;
+} slHttpServerData_t;
+typedef struct _slHttpServerPostData_t {
+    slHttpServerString_t action;
+    slHttpServerString_t token_name;
+    slHttpServerString_t token_value;
+} slHttpServerPostData_t;
+typedef union {
+    slHttpServerString_t     httpTokenName; /* SL_NETAPP_HTTPGETTOKENVALUE */
+    slHttpServerPostData_t   httpPostData;  /* SL_NETAPP_HTTPPOSTTOKENVALUE */
+} SlHttpServerEventData_u;
+typedef union {
+    slHttpServerString_t token_value;
+} SlHttpServerResponsedata_u;
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t                Event;
+    SlHttpServerEventData_u EventData;
+} SlHttpServerEvent_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t                   Response;
+    SlHttpServerResponsedata_u ResponseData;
+} SlHttpServerResponse_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t   lease_time;
+    uint32_t   ipv4_addr_start;
+    uint32_t   ipv4_addr_last;
+} SlNetAppDhcpServerBasicOpt_t;
+/*mDNS parameters*/
+typedef enum {
+} SlNetAppGetServiceListType_e;
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t   service_ipv4;
+    uint16_t   service_port;
+    uint16_t   Reserved;
+} SlNetAppGetShortServiceIpv4List_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t   service_ipv4;
+    uint16_t   service_port;
+    uint16_t   Reserved;
+    uint8_t    service_name[NETAPP_MAX_SERVICE_NAME_SIZE];
+    uint8_t    service_host[NETAPP_MAX_SERVICE_HOST_NAME_SIZE];
+} SlNetAppGetFullServiceIpv4List_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t    service_ipv4;
+    uint16_t    service_port;
+    uint16_t    Reserved;
+    uint8_t     service_name[NETAPP_MAX_SERVICE_NAME_SIZE];
+    uint8_t     service_host[NETAPP_MAX_SERVICE_HOST_NAME_SIZE];
+    uint8_t     service_text[NETAPP_MAX_SERVICE_TEXT_SIZE];
+} SlNetAppGetFullServiceWithTextIpv4List_t;
+typedef struct {
+    /*The below parameters are used to configure the advertise times and interval
+    For example:
+        If:
+        Period is set to T
+        Repetitions are set to P
+        Telescopic factor is K=2
+        The transmission shall be:
+        advertise P times
+        wait T
+        advertise P times
+        wait 4 * T
+        advertise P time
+        wait 16 * T  ... (till max time reached / configuration changed / query issued)
+    */
+    uint32_t    t;              /* Number of ticks for the initial period. Default is 100 ticks for 1 second. */
+    uint32_t    p;              /* Number of repetitions. Default value is 1                                  */
+    uint32_t    k;              /* Telescopic factor. Default value is 2.                                     */
+    uint32_t    RetransInterval;/* Announcing retransmission interval                                         */
+    uint32_t    Maxinterval;     /* Announcing max period interval                                            */
+    uint32_t    max_time;       /* Announcing max time                                                        */
+} SlNetAppServiceAdvertiseTimingParameters_t;
+/* Types declarations                                               */
+typedef void (*P_SL_DEV_PING_CALLBACK)(SlPingReport_t*);
+extern P_SL_DEV_PING_CALLBACK  pPingCallBackFunc;
+*   NETAPP structs
+typedef _BasicResponse_t _NetAppStartStopResponse_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t  appId;
+} _NetAppStartStopCommand_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint16_t  Status;
+    uint16_t  AppId;
+    uint16_t  ConfigOpt;
+    uint16_t  ConfigLen;
+} _NetAppSetGet_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint16_t  port_number;
+} _NetAppHttpServerGetSet_port_num_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint8_t  auth_enable;
+} _NetAppHttpServerGetSet_auth_enable_t;
+typedef struct _sl_NetAppHttpServerGetToken_t {
+    uint8_t   token_name_len;
+    uint8_t   padd1;
+    uint16_t  padd2;
+} sl_NetAppHttpServerGetToken_t;
+typedef struct _sl_NetAppHttpServerSendToken_t {
+    uint8_t   token_value_len;
+    uint8_t   token_name_len;
+    uint8_t   token_name[MAX_TOKEN_NAME_LEN];
+    uint16_t  padd;
+} sl_NetAppHttpServerSendToken_t;
+typedef struct _sl_NetAppHttpServerPostToken_t {
+    uint8_t post_action_len;
+    uint8_t token_name_len;
+    uint8_t token_value_len;
+    uint8_t padding;
+} sl_NetAppHttpServerPostToken_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint16_t Len;
+    uint8_t  family;
+    uint8_t  padding;
+} _GetHostByNameCommand_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint16_t status;
+    uint16_t padding;
+    uint32_t ip0;
+    uint32_t ip1;
+    uint32_t ip2;
+    uint32_t ip3;
+} _GetHostByNameIPv6AsyncResponse_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint16_t status;
+    uint8_t  padding1;
+    uint8_t  padding2;
+    uint32_t ip0;
+} _GetHostByNameIPv4AsyncResponse_t;
+typedef enum {
+} CommTest_e;
+typedef struct _sl_protocol_CtestStartCommand_t {
+    uint32_t Test;
+    uint16_t DestPort;
+    uint16_t SrcPort;
+    uint32_t DestAddr[4];
+    uint32_t PayloadSize;
+    uint32_t timeout;
+    uint32_t csEnabled;
+    uint32_t secure;
+    uint32_t rawProtocol;
+    uint8_t  reserved1[4];
+} _CtestStartCommand_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint8_t  test;
+    uint8_t  socket;
+    int16_t  status;
+    uint32_t startTime;
+    uint32_t endTime;
+    uint16_t txKbitsSec;
+    uint16_t rxKbitsSec;
+    uint32_t outOfOrderPackets;
+    uint32_t missedPackets;
+} _CtestAsyncResponse_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t pingIntervalTime;
+    uint16_t PingSize;
+    uint16_t pingRequestTimeout;
+    uint32_t totalNumberOfAttempts;
+    uint32_t flags;
+    uint32_t ip0;
+    uint32_t ip1OrPaadding;
+    uint32_t ip2OrPaadding;
+    uint32_t ip3OrPaadding;
+} _PingStartCommand_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint16_t status;
+    uint16_t rttMin;
+    uint16_t rttMax;
+    uint16_t rttAvg;
+    uint32_t numSuccsessPings;
+    uint32_t numSendsPings;
+    uint32_t testTime;
+} _PingReportResponse_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t ip;
+    uint32_t gateway;
+    uint32_t dns;
+} _IpV4AcquiredAsync_t;
+typedef enum {
+} IpV6AcquiredType_e;
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t type;
+    uint32_t ip[4];
+    uint32_t gateway[4];
+    uint32_t dns[4];
+} _IpV6AcquiredAsync_t;
+typedef union {
+    _SocketCommand_t     EventMask;
+    _sendRecvCommand_t   DeviceInit;
+} _device_commands_t;
+class cc3100_netapp
+    cc3100_netapp(cc3100_driver &driver, cc3100_nonos &nonos);
+    ~cc3100_netapp();
+    /*****************************************************************************/
+    /* Functions prototypes                                                      */
+    /*****************************************************************************/
+    int16_t sl_NetAppMDNSRegisterUnregisterService(const char* pServiceName,  uint8_t ServiceNameLen, const char* pText, uint8_t TextLen, uint16_t Port, uint32_t TTL, uint32_t Options);
+    void _sl_HandleAsync_DnsGetHostByAddr(void *pVoidBuf);
+    void CopyPingResultsToReport(_PingReportResponse_t *pResults,SlPingReport_t *pReport);
+    uint16_t sl_NetAppSendTokenValue(slHttpServerData_t * Token);
+    /*****************************************************************************/
+    /* Function prototypes                                                       */
+    /*****************************************************************************/
+    /*!
+        \brief Starts a network application
+        Gets and starts network application for the current WLAN mode
+        \param[in] AppBitMap      application bitmap, could be one or combination of the following: \n
+                                  - SL_NET_APP_HTTP_SERVER_ID
+                                  - SL_NET_APP_DHCP_SERVER_ID
+                                  - SL_NET_APP_MDNS_ID
+        \return                   On error, negative number is returned
+        \sa                       Stop one or more the above started applications using sl_NetAppStop
+        \note                     This command activates the application for the current WLAN mode (AP or STA)
+        \warning
+        \par                 Example:
+        \code
+        For example: Starting internal HTTP server + DHCP server:
+        \endcode
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_NetAppStart)
+    int16_t sl_NetAppStart(uint32_t AppBitMap);
+    /*!
+        \brief Stops a network application
+        Gets and stops network application for the current WLAN mode
+        \param[in] AppBitMap    application id, could be one of the following: \n
+                                - SL_NET_APP_HTTP_SERVER_ID
+                                - SL_NET_APP_DHCP_SERVER_ID
+                                - SL_NET_APP_MDNS_ID
+        \return                 On error, negative number is returned
+        \sa
+        \note                This command disables the application for the current active WLAN mode (AP or STA)
+        \warning
+        \par                 Example:
+        \code
+        For example: Stopping internal HTTP server:
+                             sl_NetAppStop(SL_NET_APP_HTTP_SERVER_ID);
+        \endcode
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_NetAppStop)
+    int16_t sl_NetAppStop(uint32_t AppBitMap);
+    /*!
+        \brief Get host IP by name
+        Obtain the IP Address of machine on network, by machine name.
+        \param[in]  hostname        host name
+        \param[in]  usNameLen       name length
+        \param[out] out_ip_addr     This parameter is filled in with
+                                    host IP address. In case that host name is not
+                                    resolved, out_ip_addr is zero.
+        \param[in]  family          protocol family
+        \return                     On success, 0 is returned.
+                                    On error, negative is returned
+                                    SL_POOL_IS_EMPTY may be return in case there are no resources in the system
+                                    In this case try again later or increase MAX_CONCURRENT_ACTIONS
+                                    Possible DNS error codes:
+                                    - SL_NET_APP_DNS_QUERY_NO_RESPONSE
+                                    - SL_NET_APP_DNS_NO_SERVER
+                                    - SL_NET_APP_DNS_QUERY_FAILED
+                                    - SL_NET_APP_DNS_MALFORMED_PACKET
+                                    - SL_NET_APP_DNS_MISMATCHED_RESPONSE
+        \sa
+        \note   Only one sl_NetAppDnsGetHostByName can be handled at a time.
+                Calling this API while the same command is called from another thread, may result
+                in one of the two scenarios:
+                1. The command will wait (internal) until the previous command finish, and then be executed.
+                2. There are not enough resources and POOL_IS_EMPTY error will return.
+                In this case, MAX_CONCURRENT_ACTIONS can be increased (result in memory increase) or try
+                again later to issue the command.
+        \warning
+        \par  Example:
+        \code
+        uint32_t DestinationIP;
+        sl_NetAppDnsGetHostByName("", strlen(""), &DestinationIP,SL_AF_INET);
+        Addr.sin_family = SL_AF_INET;
+        Addr.sin_port = sl_Htons(80);
+        Addr.sin_addr.s_addr = sl_Htonl(DestinationIP);
+        AddrSize = sizeof(SlSockAddrIn_t);
+        SockID = sl_Socket(SL_AF_INET,SL_SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+        \endcode
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_NetAppDnsGetHostByName)
+    int16_t sl_NetAppDnsGetHostByName(unsigned char * hostname, uint16_t usNameLen, uint32_t*  out_ip_addr,uint8_t family );
+    /*!
+            \brief Return service attributes like IP address, port and text according to service name
+            \par
+            The user sets a service name Full/Part (see example below), and should get:
+            - IP of service
+            - The port of service
+            - The text of service
+            Hence it can make a connection to the specific service and use it.
+            It is similar to get host by name method.
+            It is done by a single shot query with PTR type on the service name.
+                      The command that is sent is from constant parameters and variables parameters.
+            \param[in]     pService                   Service name can be full or partial. \n
+                                                      Example for full service name:
+                                                      1. PC1._ipp._tcp.local
+                                                      2. PC2_server._ftp._tcp.local \n
+                                                      .
+                                                      Example for partial service name:
+                                                      1. _ipp._tcp.local
+                                                      2. _ftp._tcp.local
+            \param[in]    ServiceLen                  The length of the service name (in_pService).
+            \param[in]    Family                      IPv4 or IPv6 (SL_AF_INET , SL_AF_INET6).
+            \param[out]    pAddr                      Contains the IP address of the service.
+            \param[out]    pPort                      Contains the port of the service.
+            \param[out]    pTextLen                   Has 2 options. One as Input field and the other one as output:
+                                                      - Input: \n
+                                                      Contains the max length of the text that the user wants to get.\n
+                                                      It means that if the text len of service is bigger that its value than
+                                                      the text is cut to inout_TextLen value.
+                                                      - Output: \n
+                                                       Contain the length of the text that is returned. Can be full text or part of the text (see above).
+            \param[out]   pOut_pText     Contains the text of the service full or partial
+            \return       On success, zero is returned
+                          SL_POOL_IS_EMPTY may be return in case there are no resources in the system
+                          In this case try again later or increase MAX_CONCURRENT_ACTIONS
+                          In case No service is found error SL_NET_APP_DNS_NO_ANSWER will be returned
+            \note         The returns attributes belongs to the first service found.
+                          There may be other services with the same service name that will response to the query.
+                          The results of these responses are saved in the peer cache of the Device and should be read by another API.
+                          Only one sl_NetAppDnsGetHostByService can be handled at a time.
+                          Calling this API while the same command is called from another thread, may result
+                          in one of the two scenarios:
+                          1. The command will wait (internal) until the previous command finish, and then be executed.
+                          2. There are not enough resources and SL_POOL_IS_EMPTY error will return.
+                          In this case, MAX_CONCURRENT_ACTIONS can be increased (result in memory increase) or try
+                          again later to issue the command.
+            \warning      Text length can be 120 bytes only
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_NetAppDnsGetHostByService)
+    int32_t sl_NetAppDnsGetHostByService(unsigned char  *pServiceName, /*  string containing all (or only part): name + subtype + service */
+                                         uint8_t  ServiceLen,
+                                         uint8_t  Family,        /*  4-IPv4 , 16-IPv6  */
+                                         uint32_t pAddr[],
+                                         uint32_t *pPort,
+                                         uint16_t *pTextLen,     /*  in: max len , out: actual len */
+                                         unsigned char  *pText
+                                        );
+    /*!
+            \brief Get service List
+            Insert into out pBuffer a list of peer's services that are the NWP.
+            The list is in a form of service struct. The user should chose the type
+            of the service struct like:
+                - Full service parameters with text.
+                - Full service parameters.
+                - Short service parameters (port and IP only) especially for tiny hosts.
+            The different types of struct are made to give the
+            Possibility to save memory in the host
+            The user also chose how many max services to get and start point index
+            NWP peer cache.
+            For example:
+                1.    Get max of 3 full services from index 0.Up to 3 full services
+                from index 0 are inserted into pBuffer (services that are in indexes 0,1,2).
+                2.    Get max of 4 full services from index 3.Up to 4 full services
+                from index 3 are inserted into pBuffer (services that are in indexes 3,4,5,6).
+                3.    Get max of 2 int services from index 6.Up to 2 int services
+                from index 6 are inserted into pBuffer (services that are in indexes 6,7).
+            See below - command parameters.
+            \param[in] indexOffset - The start index in the peer cache that from it the first service is returned.
+            \param[in] MaxServiceCount - The Max services that can be returned if existed or if not exceed the max index
+                          in the peer cache
+            \param[in] Flags - an ENUM number that means which service struct to use (means which types of service to fill)
+                            - use SlNetAppGetFullServiceWithTextIpv4List_t
+                            - use SlNetAppGetFullServiceIpv4List_t
+                            - use SlNetAppGetShortServiceIpv4List_t
+           \param[out]  Buffer - The Services are inserted into this buffer. In the struct form according to the bit that is set in the Flags
+                          input parameter.
+            \return    ServiceFoundCount - The number of the services that were inserted into the buffer. zero means no service is found
+                        negative number means an error
+            \sa           sl_NetAppMDNSRegisterService
+            \note
+            \warning
+                        if the out pBuffer size is bigger than an RX packet(1480), than
+                        an error is returned because there
+                        is no place in the RX packet.
+                        The size is a multiply of MaxServiceCount and size of service struct(that is set
+                        according to flag value).
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_NetAppGetServiceList)
+    int16_t sl_NetAppGetServiceList(uint8_t   IndexOffest,
+                                    uint8_t   MaxServiceCount,
+                                    uint8_t   Flags,
+                                    int8_t   *pBuffer,
+                                    uint32_t  RxBufferLength
+                                   );
+    /*!
+            \brief Unregister mDNS service
+            This function deletes the mDNS service from the mDNS package and the database.
+            The mDNS service that is to be unregistered is a service that the application no longer wishes to provide. \n
+            The service name should be the full service name according to RFC
+            of the DNS-SD - meaning the value in name field in the SRV answer.
+            Examples for service names:
+            1. PC1._ipp._tcp.local
+            2. PC2_server._ftp._tcp.local
+            \param[in]    pServiceName            Full service name. \n
+                                                    Example for service name:
+                                                    1. PC1._ipp._tcp.local
+                                                    2. PC2_server._ftp._tcp.local
+            \param[in]    ServiceLen              The length of the service.
+            \return    On success, zero is returned
+            \sa          sl_NetAppMDNSRegisterService
+            \note
+            \warning
+            The size of the service length should be smaller than 255.
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_NetAppMDNSUnRegisterService)
+    int16_t sl_NetAppMDNSUnRegisterService(const char *pServiceName,uint8_t ServiceNameLen);
+    /*!
+            \brief Register a new mDNS service
+            \par
+            This function registers a new mDNS service to the mDNS package and the DB.
+            This registered service is a service offered by the application.
+            The service name should be full service name according to RFC
+            of the DNS-SD - meaning the value in name field in the SRV answer.
+            Example for service name:
+            1. PC1._ipp._tcp.local
+            2. PC2_server._ftp._tcp.local
+            If the option is_unique is set, mDNS probes the service name to make sure
+            it is unique before starting to announce the service on the network.
+            Instance is the instance portion of the service name.
+            \param[in]  ServiceLen         The length of the service.
+            \param[in]  TextLen            The length of the service should be smaller than 64.
+            \param[in]  port               The port on this target host port.
+            \param[in]  TTL                The TTL of the service
+            \param[in]  Options            bitwise parameters: \n
+                                           - bit 0  - service is unique (means that the service needs to be unique)
+                                           - bit 31  - for internal use if the service should be added or deleted (set means ADD).
+                                           - bit 1-30 for future.
+            \param[in]    pServiceName              The service name.
+                                           Example for service name: \n
+                                                    1. PC1._ipp._tcp.local
+                                                    2. PC2_server._ftp._tcp.local
+            \param[in] pText                     The description of the service.
+                                                    should be as mentioned in the RFC
+                                                    (according to type of the service IPP,FTP...)
+            \return     On success, zero is returned
+                        Possible error codes:
+                        - Maximum advertise services are already configured.
+                                    Delete another existed service that is registered and then register again the new service
+                        - Trying to register a service that is already exists
+                        - Trying to delete service that does not existed
+                        - Illegal service name according to the RFC
+                        - Retry request
+                        - Illegal length of one of the mDNS Set functions
+                        - mDNS is not operational as the device has no IP.Connect the device to an AP to get an IP address.
+                        - mDNS parameters error
+                        - mDNS internal cache error
+                        - mDNS internal error
+                        - Adding a service is not allowed as it is already exist (duplicate service)
+                        - mDNS is not running
+                        - Host name error. Host name format is not allowed according to RFC 1033,1034,1035, 6763
+                        - List size buffer is bigger than internally allowed in the NWP (API get service list),
+                         change the APIs� parameters to decrease the size of the list
+            \sa              sl_NetAppMDNSUnRegisterService
+            \warning      1) Temporary -  there is an allocation on stack of internal buffer.
+                        Its size is NETAPP_MDNS_MAX_SERVICE_NAME_AND_TEXT_LENGTH. \n
+                        It means that the sum of the text length and service name length cannot be bigger than
+                        If it is - An error is returned. \n
+                        2) According to now from certain constraints the variables parameters are set in the
+                        attribute part (contain constant parameters)
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_NetAppMDNSRegisterService)
+    int16_t sl_NetAppMDNSRegisterService( const char*  pServiceName,
+                                          uint8_t         ServiceNameLen,
+                                          const char*  pText,
+                                          uint8_t         TextLen,
+                                          uint16_t        Port,
+                                          uint32_t        TTL,
+                                          uint32_t        Options);
+    /*!
+        \brief send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts
+        Ping uses the ICMP protocol's mandatory ECHO_REQUEST
+        \param[in]   pPingParams     Pointer to the ping request structure: \n
+                                     - if flags parameter is set to 0, ping will report back once all requested pings are done (as defined by TotalNumberOfAttempts). \n
+                                     - if flags parameter is set to 1, ping will report back after every ping, for TotalNumberOfAttempts.
+                                     - if flags parameter is set to 2, ping will stop after the first successful ping, and report back for the successful ping, as well as any preceding failed ones.
+                                     For stopping an ongoing ping activity, set parameters IP address to 0
+        \param[in]   family          SL_AF_INET or  SL_AF_INET6
+        \param[out]  pReport         Ping pReport
+        \param[out]  pCallback       Callback function upon completion.
+                                     If callback is NULL, the API is blocked until data arrives
+        \return    On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned
+                   SL_POOL_IS_EMPTY may be return in case there are no resources in the system
+                   In this case try again later or increase MAX_CONCURRENT_ACTIONS
+        \sa       sl_NetAppPingReport
+        \note      Only one sl_NetAppPingStart can be handled at a time.
+                  Calling this API while the same command is called from another thread, may result
+                      in one of the two scenarios:
+                  1. The command will wait (internal) until the previous command finish, and then be executed.
+                  2. There are not enough resources and SL_POOL_IS_EMPTY error will return.
+                  In this case, MAX_CONCURRENT_ACTIONS can be increased (result in memory increase) or try
+                  again later to issue the command.
+        \warning
+        \par      Example:
+        \code
+        An example of sending 20 ping requests and reporting results to a callback routine when
+                  all requests are sent:
+                  // callback routine
+                  void pingRes(SlPingReport_t* pReport)
+                  {
+                   // handle ping results
+                  }
+                  // ping activation
+                  void PingTest()
+                  {
+                     SlPingReport_t report;
+                     SlPingStartCommand_t pingCommand;
+                     pingCommand.Ip = SL_IPV4_VAL(10,1,1,200);     // destination IP address is
+                     pingCommand.PingSize = 150;                   // size of ping, in bytes
+                     pingCommand.PingIntervalTime = 100;           // delay between pings, in milliseconds
+                     pingCommand.PingRequestTimeout = 1000;        // timeout for every ping in milliseconds
+                     pingCommand.TotalNumberOfAttempts = 20;       // max number of ping requests. 0 - forever
+                     pingCommand.Flags = 0;                        // report only when finished
+                     sl_NetAppPingStart( &pingCommand, SL_AF_INET, &report, pingRes ) ;
+                 }
+        \endcode
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_NetAppPingStart)
+    int16_t sl_NetAppPingStart(SlPingStartCommand_t* pPingParams,uint8_t family,SlPingReport_t *pReport,const P_SL_DEV_PING_CALLBACK pPingCallback);
+    /*!
+        \brief     Internal function for setting network application configurations
+        \return    On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is
+                   returned
+        \param[in] AppId          Application id, could be one of the following: \n
+                                  - SL_NET_APP_HTTP_SERVER_ID
+                                  - SL_NET_APP_DHCP_SERVER_ID
+                                  - SL_NET_APP_DHCP_SERVER_ID
+        \param[in] SetOptions     set option, could be one of the following: \n
+                                  NETAPP_SET_BASIC_OPT
+        \param[in] OptionLen       option structure length
+        \param[in] pOptionValues   pointer to the option structure
+        \sa
+        \note
+        \warning
+        \par
+        \code
+            Set DHCP Server (AP mode) parameters example:
+            SlNetAppDhcpServerBasicOpt_t dhcpParams;
+            uint8_t outLen = sizeof(SlNetAppDhcpServerBasicOpt_t);
+            dhcpParams.lease_time      = 4096;                         // lease time (in seconds) of the IP Address
+            dhcpParams.ipv4_addr_start =  SL_IPV4_VAL(192,168,1,10);   // first IP Address for allocation. IP Address should be set as Hex number - i.e. 0A0B0C01 for (
+            dhcpParams.ipv4_addr_last  =  SL_IPV4_VAL(192,168,1,16);   // last IP Address for allocation. IP Address should be set as Hex number - i.e. 0A0B0C01 for (
+            sl_NetAppStop(SL_NET_APP_DHCP_SERVER_ID);                  // Stop DHCP server before settings
+            sl_NetAppSet(SL_NET_APP_DHCP_SERVER_ID, NETAPP_SET_DHCP_SRV_BASIC_OPT, outLen, (uint8_t* )&dhcpParams);  // set parameters
+            sl_NetAppStart(SL_NET_APP_DHCP_SERVER_ID);                 // Start DHCP server with new settings
+        \endcode
+        \code
+            Set Device URN name example:
+            Device name, maximum length of 33 characters
+            Device name affects URN name, own SSID name in AP mode, and WPS file "device name" in WPS I.E (STA-WPS / P2P)
+            In case no device URN name set, the default name is "mysimplelink"
+            Allowed characters in device name are: 'a - z' , 'A - Z' , '0-9' and '-'
+            uint8_t *my_device = "MY-SIMPLELINK-DEV";
+            sl_NetAppSet (SL_NET_APP_DEVICE_CONFIG_ID, NETAPP_SET_GET_DEV_CONF_OPT_DEVICE_URN, strlen(my_device), (uint8_t *) my_device);
+        \endcode
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_NetAppSet)
+    int32_t sl_NetAppSet(uint8_t AppId ,uint8_t Option,uint8_t OptionLen, uint8_t *pOptionValue);
+    /*!
+        \brief     Internal function for getting network applications configurations
+        \return    On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is
+                   returned
+        \param[in] AppId          Application id, could be one of the following: \n
+                                  - SL_NET_APP_HTTP_SERVER_ID
+                                  - SL_NET_APP_DHCP_SERVER_ID
+        \param[in] Options        Get option, could be one of the following: \n
+                                  NETAPP_SET_BASIC_OPT
+        \param[in] OptionLen     The length of the allocated memory as input, when the
+                                            function complete, the value of this parameter would be
+                                            the len that actually read from the device.
+                                            If the device return length that is longer from the input
+                                            value, the function will cut the end of the returned structure
+                                            and will return ESMALLBUF
+        \param[out] pValues      pointer to the option structure which will be filled with the response from the device
+        \sa
+        \note
+        \warning
+        \par
+        \code
+             Get DHCP Server parameters example:
+             SlNetAppDhcpServerBasicOpt_t dhcpParams;
+             uint8_t outLen = sizeof(SlNetAppDhcpServerBasicOpt_t);
+             sl_NetAppGet(SL_NET_APP_DHCP_SERVER_ID, NETAPP_SET_DHCP_SRV_BASIC_OPT, &outLen, (uint8_t* )&dhcpParams);
+             printf("DHCP Start IP %d.%d.%d.%d End IP %d.%d.%d.%d Lease time seconds %d\n",
+                SL_IPV4_BYTE(dhcpParams.ipv4_addr_start,3),SL_IPV4_BYTE(dhcpParams.ipv4_addr_start,2),
+                SL_IPV4_BYTE(dhcpParams.ipv4_addr_start,1),SL_IPV4_BYTE(dhcpParams.ipv4_addr_start,0),
+                SL_IPV4_BYTE(dhcpParams.ipv4_addr_last,3),SL_IPV4_BYTE(dhcpParams.ipv4_addr_last,2),
+                SL_IPV4_BYTE(dhcpParams.ipv4_addr_last,1),SL_IPV4_BYTE(dhcpParams.ipv4_addr_last,0),
+                dhcpParams.lease_time);
+        \endcode
+        \code
+             Get Device URN name example:
+             Maximum length of 33 characters of device name.
+             Device name affects URN name, own SSID name in AP mode, and WPS file "device name" in WPS I.E (STA-WPS / P2P)
+             in case no device URN name set, the default name is "mysimplelink"
+             uint8_t my_device_name[35];
+             sl_NetAppGet (SL_NET_APP_DEVICE_CONFIG_ID, NETAPP_SET_GET_DEV_CONF_OPT_DEVICE_URN, strlen(my_device_name), (uint8_t *)my_device_name);
+        \endcode
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_NetAppGet)
+    int32_t sl_NetAppGet(uint8_t AppId, uint8_t Option,uint8_t *pOptionLen, uint8_t *pOptionValue);
+    cc3100_driver           &_driver;
+    cc3100_nonos            &_nonos;
+/* Macro declarations                                                        */
+const uint8_t FLOW_CONT_MIN = 1;
+class cc3100_flowcont
+    cc3100_flowcont(cc3100_driver &driver, cc3100_nonos &nonos);
+    ~cc3100_flowcont();
+    /*****************************************************************************/
+    /* Function prototypes                                                       */
+    /*****************************************************************************/
+    void _SlDrvFlowContInit(void);
+    void _SlDrvFlowContDeinit(void);
+    cc3100_driver &_driver;
+    cc3100_nonos  &_nonos;
+}//namespace mbed_cc3100
+ Close the Doxygen group.
+ @}
+ */
+#endif    /*  __NETAPP_H__ */