The library with which to configure a Web Socket Server on a Mbed. This lib was coded by a day at least one year before when this description is written. It will be updated adopting mbed os 5.

Dependencies:   mbedTLSLibrary

Dependents:   SIMPLE_WSS

diff -r 86a479dd1814 -r 73f2f67d1732 WS_SERVER.h
--- a/WS_SERVER.h	Thu Dec 08 10:11:25 2016 +0000
+++ b/WS_SERVER.h	Sat Mar 03 18:47:34 2018 +0000
@@ -88,18 +88,18 @@
     bool        m_DiscontiuanceFlag;
     bool        m_EODFlag;
     const uint32_t  m_RxBufferSize;
-    int8_t*         m_RxBuffer;     // = new uint8_t(RxBufferSize = 1024);
+    uint8_t*         m_RxBuffer;     // = new uint8_t(RxBufferSize = 1024);
     const uint32_t  m_PortNumber;
     //  bits (not bytes) is commented to right
-    int8_t      m_FIN_RSV;          //[1bit x4(FIN, RSV1, RSV2, RSV3)]
-    int8_t      m_Opcode;           //[4bits]
-    int8_t      m_Mask;             //[1bit]
-    int64_t     m_PayloadLen;       //=x+y bytes[7 xor 7\16 xor 7\64 bits]
-    int8_t      m_Masking_key[4];      //[0-4 bytes]
-    int8_t*     m_PayloadData;      //[x+y bytes]
-    int32_t     m_ExtensionLen;     //=x   bytes
-    int32_t     m_ApplicationLen;   //=y   bytes
-    int32_t     m_restAppDataLen;   //=m_ApplicationLen - already read data len
+    uint8_t      m_FIN_RSV;          //[1bit x4(FIN, RSV1, RSV2, RSV3)]
+    uint8_t      m_Opcode;           //[4bits]
+    uint8_t      m_Mask;             //[1bit]
+    uint64_t     m_PayloadLen;       //=x+y bytes[7 xor 7\16 xor 7\64 bits]
+    uint8_t      m_Masking_key[4];      //[0-4 bytes]
+    uint8_t*     m_PayloadData;      //[x+y bytes]
+    uint32_t     m_ExtensionLen;     //=x   bytes
+    uint64_t     m_ApplicationLen;   //=y   bytes
+    uint64_t     m_restAppDataLen;   //=m_ApplicationLen - already read data len
     enum OpCode{
         cont = 0, txt = 1, bin = 2, close = 8, ping = 9, pong = 10