Library to use my Photo MOS Relays Circuit having 16 or less channels.

Fork of PMRC4ch by Akifumi Takahashi


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
48:daef4fb51d25 2020-10-22 aktk added a space default tip
47:a097e670a983 2020-10-21 aktk fixed bug of settwin() which happened when two channels were not changed but a pole was changed.
46:fe9918f73ec0 2020-10-21 aktk fixed bug at channel setting
45:ed91c1743564 2020-08-10 aktk modified operand + -> | in the calculation of channnel code
44:20a890fe5f83 2019-10-29 aktk Modified setTwin(..) to return when called to set to the same channel.;; Modified some summations to logical summations;; Modified for-condition in setBits(..) so that the lib can be used when not 16 channels;
43:03e875137433 2018-11-20 aktk fixed compile error
42:a827fe9166b5 2018-11-20 aktk added a function setTrio(int,int,int)
41:903a9dc5769c 2018-11-07 aktk a
40:d30c68b7ec18 2018-11-07 aktk renshoo datteba
39:c12b8ce1263b 2018-11-07 aktk nennnekoshasshare
38:df92ed56a6a9 2018-11-07 aktk renshoo dayo
37:0106e81d7dfc 2018-11-07 aktk x japan
36:d365db06cf17 2018-11-07 aktk indent?
35:2329524f385a 2018-11-07 aktk tenntekomai
34:013746eddc4a 2018-11-07 aktk nyaan dake
33:79bfee753fda 2018-11-07 aktk neko dake
32:94206e1da5dd 2018-11-07 aktk nyaan neko
31:0f491590ada9 2018-11-07 aktk pumpukuchagama
30:6a9e4e451b42 2018-11-07 aktk nekoneko
29:9028bc6b5717 2018-11-07 aktk nyaan
28:f8e2e2159b9e 2018-11-07 aktk hunyanhonyan
27:a0a453783a4c 2018-11-07 aktk honya
26:a47ab67a4d12 2018-11-07 aktk hunya;
25:953a60ea0e64 2018-11-07 aktk changed the initial comment (test);
24:4714402606f0 2018-11-07 aktk change the initial comment for oxygen (test)
23:cea3ec410735 2018-11-07 aktk changed comment;
22:4aad836d3333 2018-11-07 aktk changed the initial comment;
21:fa067e2a30f2 2018-10-23 aktk used in UIST2018 DEMO
20:26972de3cf90 2018-06-28 aktk modified type of some methods: char -> void, type of getState(): char -> uint32_t
19:1112aeb5cddd 2018-06-26 aktk modified the value of States CH? expressing them by binary
18:049283936e3f 2018-06-26 aktk modified the name of constant in State: NaN -> ALLHiz; modified the procedure in init() so as to set the first state ALLHiZ
17:08a68860396b 2018-06-26 aktk modified: allOff()->allGround(), ALLOFF->ALLGROUND
16:e81a30a098dd 2018-06-26 aktk modified the data to insert so that reflect the variable of POL: m_SER = hoge ^ m_PMRC_POL (xor POL)
15:56703876e914 2018-06-26 aktk Exchange the values: Anodic := 0 and Cathodic := 1.
14:d855fefe3451 2017-03-31 aktk type of value of return of getPol() changed to bool
13:3fdaddb31ed7 2017-03-31 aktk char getPol() -> bool getPol()
12:b7bcca8cd604 2017-03-30 aktk In setCh(...), function shift(), which is used every time setCh() is called, come to be used when num_of_shift is not 0.
11:a7b924776959 2017-03-13 aktk Resistor clock update was reduced
10:f583ec5f82f4 2017-03-13 aktk In function : shift(), Assignment of m_PCC_state was modified not to be out of bound.
9:dd762d521590 2017-02-28 aktk Change the type of return value of getState and getPol from State or Polarity both to char. Delete setCh1-4().
8:d3b6c718cb94 2016-08-23 aktk ?
7:14cce62599ed 2016-07-19 aktk Used in EuroHaptics2016;
6:76886d874a56 2016-06-21 aktk arguments of functions are modified
5:0cf107c36d56 2016-06-19 aktk implemented getState(), getCP()
4:018b35bd8505 2016-06-19 aktk remove meaningless describes. ;
3:0325c4efcc61 2016-03-10 aktk small change.;
2:1e8ba828cb38 2016-02-23 aktk make it able to select whether anodic or cathodic .
1:381114163aeb 2016-02-17 aktk change channel name. negative channel has been named.
0:c2003d481638 2016-02-17 aktk put together functions to use 4 channels Photo MOS Relay Circuit.