ros_serial for mbed updated to work with ROS Hydro. Library still needs to be debugged

Dependencies:   rosserial_hydro

Library and program still under development!

Sun Feb 15 10:54:04 2015 +0000
Error: ; "mbed::Stream::Stream(const mbed::Stream &)" (declared at <a href="#" onmousedown="mbed_doc_goto('/mbed_roshydro_test//extras/mbed_e188a91d3eaa/Stream.h', '59'); return false;">/extras/mbed_e188a91d3eaa/Stream.h:59</a>) is inaccessible in "ext

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 1 //#define COMPILE_BUTTON_EXAMPLE_CODE_ROSSERIAL
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 2 #ifdef COMPILE_BUTTON_EXAMPLE_CODE_ROSSERIAL
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 3
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 4 /*
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 5 * Button Example for Rosserial
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 6 */
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 7
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 8 #include "mbed.h"
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 9 #include <ros.h>
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 10 #include <std_msgs/Bool.h>
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 11
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 12
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 13 ros::NodeHandle nh;
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 14
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 15 std_msgs::Bool pushed_msg;
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 16 ros::Publisher pub_button("pushed", &pushed_msg);
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 17
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 18 DigitalIn button_pin(p8);
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 19 DigitalOut led_pin(LED1);
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 20
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 21 bool last_reading;
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 22 long last_debounce_time=0;
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 23 long debounce_delay=50;
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 24 bool published = true;
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 25
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 26 Timer t;
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 27 int main() {
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 28 t.start();
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 29 nh.initNode();
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 30 nh.advertise(pub_button);
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 31
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 32 //Enable the pullup resistor on the button
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 33 button_pin.mode(PullUp);
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 34
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 35 //The button is a normally button
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 36 last_reading = ! button_pin;
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 37
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 38 while (1) {
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 39 bool reading = ! button_pin;
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 40
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 41 if (last_reading!= reading) {
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 42 last_debounce_time = t.read_ms();
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 43 published = false;
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 44 }
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 45
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 46 //if the button value has not changed for the debounce delay, we know its stable
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 47 if ( !published && (t.read_ms() - last_debounce_time) > debounce_delay) {
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 48 led_pin = reading;
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 49 = reading;
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 50 pub_button.publish(&pushed_msg);
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 51 published = true;
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 52 }
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 53
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 54 last_reading = reading;
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 55
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 56 nh.spinOnce();
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 57 }
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 58 }
akashvibhute 0:cb1dffdc7d05 59 #endif