Minor changes to support ADMW FWv1.17.75

diff -r c9c5a22e539e -r e1789b7214cf inc/admw1001/ADMW1001_REGISTERS.h
--- a/inc/admw1001/ADMW1001_REGISTERS.h	Tue Dec 10 09:00:11 2019 +0000
+++ b/inc/admw1001/ADMW1001_REGISTERS.h	Tue Jan 07 05:45:58 2020 +0000
@@ -755,16 +755,24 @@
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL                   Pos/Masks         Description
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define BITP_CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL_PST_MEAS_EXC_CTRL 15            /*  Disable Current Sources After Measurement Completes */
 #define BITP_CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL_CYCLE_TIME_UNITS 14            /*  Units for Cycle Time */
 #define BITP_CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL_VBIAS        13            /*  Voltage Bias Global Enable */
+#define BITP_CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL_GND_SW_CTRL  12            /*  Ground Switch Cycle Control */
 #define BITP_CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL_CYCLE_TIME    0            /*  Time Between Measurement Cycles */
+#define BITM_CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL_PST_MEAS_EXC_CTRL 0x00008000    /*  Disable Current Sources After Measurement Completes */
 #define BITM_CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL_CYCLE_TIME_UNITS 0x00004000    /*  Units for Cycle Time */
 #define BITM_CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL_VBIAS        0x00002000    /*  Voltage Bias Global Enable */
+#define BITM_CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL_GND_SW_CTRL  0x00001000    /*  Ground Switch Cycle Control */
 #define BITM_CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL_CYCLE_TIME   0x00000FFF    /*  Time Between Measurement Cycles */
+#define ENUM_CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL_ALWAYSON     0x00008000
 #define ENUM_CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL_MILLISECONDS 0x00000000            /*  Cycle_Time_Units: Milli-seconds */
 #define ENUM_CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL_SECONDS      0x00004000            /*  Cycle_Time_Units: Seconds */
 #define ENUM_CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL_VBIAS_DISABLE 0x00000000            /*  Vbias: Vbias disabled */
 #define ENUM_CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL_VBIAS_ENABLE 0x00002000            /*  Vbias: Enable Vbias output for the duration of a cycle */
+#define ENUM_CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL_CLOSE_SW     0x00000000            /*  GND_SW_CTRL: Ground Switch Closed */
+#define ENUM_CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL_CYCLE_SW     0x00001000            /*  GND_SW_CTRL: Ground Switch Opens outside of measurement cycle to conserve power */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           CORE_FIFO_NUM_CYCLES                 Pos/Masks         Description
@@ -1029,31 +1037,23 @@
           CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP[n]            Pos/Masks         Description
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 #define BITP_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_BUFFER_BYPASS 15            /*  Disable Buffers */
-#define BITP_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_GND_SW   13            /*  Ground Switch Selection */
 #define BITP_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_ADC_FILTER_TYPE 12            /*  ADC Digital Filter Type */
 #define BITP_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_CHOP_MODE 10            /*  Enabled and Disable Chop Mode */
-#define BITP_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_PST_MEAS_EXC_CTRL  9            /*  Disable Current Sources After Measurement Completes */
 #define BITP_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_NOTCH_EN_2  8            /*  Enable Notch 2 Filter Mode */
 #define BITP_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_ADC_SF    0            /*  ADC Digital Filter Speed */
 #define BITM_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_BUFFER_BYPASS 0x00008000    /*  Disable Buffers */
-#define BITM_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_GND_SW   0x00006000    /*  Ground Switch Selection */
 #define BITM_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_ADC_FILTER_TYPE 0x00001000    /*  ADC Digital Filter Type */
 #define BITM_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_CHOP_MODE 0x00000C00    /*  Enabled and Disable Chop Mode */
-#define BITM_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_PST_MEAS_EXC_CTRL 0x00000200    /*  Disable Current Sources After Measurement Completes */
 #define BITM_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_NOTCH_EN_2 0x00000100    /*  Enable Notch 2 Filter Mode */
 #define BITM_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_ADC_SF   0x0000007F    /*  ADC Digital Filter Speed */
 #define ENUM_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_BUFFERS_ENABLED 0x00000000            /*  Buffer_Bypass: Input buffers enabled */
 #define ENUM_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_BUFFERS_DISABLED 0x00008000            /*  Buffer_Bypass: Input buffers disabled */
-#define ENUM_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_GND_SW_OPEN 0x00000000            /*  GND_SW: GND_SW Open. The ground switch is not enabled for the sensor measurement */
-#define ENUM_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_GND_SW_CLOSED 0x00002000            /*  GND_SW: GND_SW Closed. The ground switch is enabled for the sensor measurement, bit wiil Remain Closed After the Measurement */
 #define ENUM_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_ENABLE_SINC4 0x00000000            /*  ADC_Filter_Type: Enabled SINC4 filter */
 #define ENUM_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_ENABLE_SINC3 0x00001000            /*  ADC_Filter_Type: Enabled SINC3 filter */
 #define ENUM_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_DISABLE_CHOP 0x00000000            /*  Chop_Mode: ADC front end chopping disabled */
 #define ENUM_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_HW_CHOP  0x00000400            /*  Chop_Mode: Hardware chopping enabled */
 #define ENUM_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_SW_CHOP  0x00000800            /*  Chop_Mode: SW chop enabled */
 #define ENUM_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_HW_SW_CHOP 0x00000C00            /*  Chop_Mode: Hardware and software chop enabled */
 #define ENUM_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_NOTCH_DIS 0x00000000            /*  NOTCH_EN_2: Disable notch filter */
 #define ENUM_CORE_MEASUREMENT_SETUP_NOTCH_EN 0x00000100            /*  NOTCH_EN_2: Enable notch 2 filter option. */