test fork
Dependencies: SPI_TFTx2 SPI_TFTx2_ILI9341 TFT_fonts TOUCH_TFTx2 mbed
Fork of CANary_9341 by
- Committer:
- TickTock
- Date:
- 2013-06-15
- Branch:
- Metric
- Revision:
- 99:c05abf8e1cdc
- Parent:
- 98:9f8bab96edff
- Parent:
- 97:a25940fd7b5b
- Child:
- 100:63a7456fc972
File content as of revision 99:c05abf8e1cdc:
// main.cpp //To Do: // * USB device detect // * Ability to update binary from the thumb-drive (requires file timestamp) // * Audible friction brake feedback // * User-configurable watchpoint // * Add 50% charge option // * Tire Pressure Sensor display // * Fix bug in playback while connected to canbus (hangs) // * Fix no power displayed while charging // * Force regen display to zero when in neutral #include "mbed.h" #include "CAN.h" #include "beep.h" #include "MSCFileSystem.h" #include "PowerControl.h" #include "EthernetPowerControl.h" #include "utility.h" #include "displayModes.h" #include "TOUCH_TFTx2.h" char revStr[7] = "100"; LocalFileSystem local("local"); // to write to USB Flash Drives, or equivalent (SD card in Reader/Writer) MSCFileSystem fs("usb"); // to write to a USB Flash Drive time_t seconds ; Ticker autoPoll; Ticker playback; Ticker msgReq; Timer timer; DigitalOut led1(LED1); DigitalOut led2(LED2); DigitalOut led3(LED3); DigitalOut led4(LED4); InterruptIn touchpad(p17); CAN can1(p9, p10); // CAN1 (EV) uses pins 9 and 10 (rx, tx) and pin 8 (rs) DigitalOut can1SleepMode(p8); // Use pin 8 to control the sleep mode of can2 CAN can2(p30, p29); // CAN2 (CAR) uses pins 30 and 29 (rx, tx) and pin 28 (rs) DigitalOut can2SleepMode(p28); // Use pin 28 to control the sleep mode of can1 AnalogIn mon12V(p15); TOUCH_TFTx2 tt(p16, p17, p19, p20, p11, p12, p13, p6, p7, p5, "TFT"); // x+,x-,y+,y-,mosi, miso, sclk, cs0, cs1, reset PwmOut dled(p23); Beep spkr(p21); // revision string, max 6 characters // gg - revStr is used in 2 places // gg - and is easy to edit here // gg - added ZeroSecTick and revStr bool debugMode = false; bool logEn = false, logOpen = false; bool yesBattLog = false ; // gg - Batt Log unsigned char tNavRow = 3 ; // gg - 4x4 touch FILE *hfile; // config file FILE *lfile; // log file char fileName[35] = "" ; char writeBuffer[maxBufLen][13] __attribute__ ((section("AHBSRAM1"))); // buffer for USB write char indexLastMsg[0x800]={0}; // index table for last message CANMessage lastMsg[100]; // table to store last message of eachtype //unsigned char battData[256]={0}; // 7 * 0x3D = BatDataBufMax unsigned char battData[BatDataBufMax]={0}; // 7 * 0x3D = BatDataBufMax unsigned char msgChanged[100]; // inidcates which bytes changed char c; volatile int writePointer = 0; int readPointer=0; volatile unsigned short secsNoMsg = 0; volatile unsigned short secsNoTouch = 0; volatile bool canIdle; volatile bool userIdle; bool touched=false; //flag to read touchscreen unsigned char whichTouched = 0; char counter = 0; unsigned char dMode[2] = {mainScreen,brakeScreen}; //display mode unsigned char sMode = 0; // setup mode unsigned char lastDMode[2] = {0,0}; //last screen mode unsigned char dtMode = 6; char displayLog[20][40]; unsigned char displayLoc = 0; unsigned int fwCount=1; unsigned char indexOffset = 1; bool showCP = false; //bool pollCP = false; bool logCP = false; //Turbo3 bool repeatPoll = false; bool headlights = false; bool tick = false; bool ZeroSecTick = false; float ledHi = 0.8; // Bright LED value (until config file read) float ledLo = 0.1; // Dim LED value (until config file read) unsigned short pollInt = 300; // polling interval=5 minutes (until config file read) bool accOn = false; // Accessories on bool laccOn = false; float scale12V = 16.2; // R1:R2 ratio signed long mWs_x4 = 0; unsigned short numWsamples = 0; unsigned short numSsamples = 0; float accV = 0; bool playbackEn = false; bool playbackOpen = false; //float playbackInt = 0.05; //read messages every 50 ms float playbackInt = 0.005; //read messages every 5 ms bool step = false; char header[5]; char data[8]; signed long motorRPM; unsigned char skin = ttSkin ; unsigned char dtePeriod = 14; //ten minute averaging interval float mph[39]={0}; float kW[39]={0}; float mpkWh[39]={0}; // Logarithmic division scale (roughly - snapped to common units of time) float timeConstant[39] = {1, 1.58, 2.51, 3.98, 6.31, 10, 15.8, 25.1, 39.8, 60, // 1 minute 60*1.58, 60*2.51, 60*3.98, 60*6.31, 60*10, 60*15.8, 60*25.1, 60*39.8, 60*60, // 1 hour 60*60*1.58, 60*60*2.51, 60*60*3.98, 60*60*6.31, 60*60*10, 60*60*15.8, 60*60*24, // 1 day 60*60*24*1.58, 60*60*24*2.51, 60*60*24*3.98, 60*60*24*6.31, 60*60*24*10, 60*60*24*15.8, 60*60*24*30, // 1 month 60*60*24*39.8, 60*60*24*63.1, 60*60*24*100, 60*60*24*158, 60*60*24*251, 60*60*24*365}; // 1 year bool updateDTE = false; unsigned short pointerSep; unsigned char reqMsgCnt = 99; unsigned char battTemp_x4 = 0; bool metric = false; int main() { char sTemp[40]; unsigned long secs; unsigned char i,j,display=0,lwt=0; point lastTouch; float average; tt.set_orientation(1); tt.background(Black); tt.set_display(2); // select both displays tt.cls(); tt.claim(stdout); // send stdout to the TFT display touchpad.rise(&touch_ISR); tt.wfi(); // enable interrupt on touch dled = 0.8; // turn on display LED 80% timer.start() ; RTC_Init(); // start the RTC Interrupts that sync the timer struct tm t; // pointer to a static tm structure NVIC_SetPriority(CAN_IRQn, 2); //set can priority just below RTC NVIC_SetPriority(TIMER3_IRQn, 3); //set ticker priority just below can seconds = time(NULL); t = *localtime(&seconds) ; // is it a date before 2012 ? if ((t.tm_year + 1900) < 2012 ) { // before 2013 so update year to make date entry easier t.tm_year = 2013 - 1900; // set the RTC set_time(mktime(&t)); seconds = time(NULL); } t = *localtime(&seconds) ; strftime(sTemp, 32, "%a %m/%d/%Y %X\n", &t); printMsg(sTemp); // record RTC // revision sprintf(sTemp,"CANary firmware rev%s\n", revStr); // gg - for Logging the revision printMsg(sTemp); // revision // Look for new binary on thumbdrive // Can't make this work right now since USB doesn't attach the right timestamp (so new binary isn't loaded) /*cfile = fopen("/usb/CANary.bin", "rb"); lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//force refresh if (cfile!=NULL){ //found a new binary on the thumbdrive so copy it over sprintf(sTemp,"New binary found.\n"); printMsg(sTemp); // new binary lfile = fopen("/local/CANary.bin", "wb"); if (lfile==NULL){ //failed to open destination sprintf(sTemp,"Unable to open destination file.\n"); printMsg(sTemp); // cannot open CANary.bin } else { tt.set_display(2); tt.foreground(White); tt.background(Black); tt.cls(); tt.locate(1,40); printf("%s\n","Copying binary - Do no remove power."); tt.locate(1,80); printf("CANary will reset when complete.\n"); wait(1); //Wait 1 sec for display DMA to finish before writing file while ( int size = fread( writeBuffer, sizeof(char), maxBufLen*13, cfile )){ fwrite( writeBuffer, sizeof(char), size, lfile ); led4=led3; led3=led2; led2=led1; led1=!led4; } fclose(cfile); fclose(lfile); remove("/usb/CANary.bin"); // delete original mbed_reset(); //restart } }*/ secsNoMsg = 0; //read efficiency history data hfile = fopen("/local/ehist.cny", "r"); if (hfile!=NULL){ // found a efficiency history file for(i=0;i<39;i++){ if(!feof(hfile)){ fscanf(hfile,"%f %f\r\n",&mph[i],&kW[i]); mpkWh[i]=mph[i]/kW[i]; } } fclose(hfile); sprintf(sTemp,"History Loaded.\n"); printMsg(sTemp); // History loaded } else { // create initial file sprintf(sTemp,"History not found. Created.\n"); printMsg(sTemp); // history not found, created for(i=0;i<39;i++){ // Pre-load with 4 mpkWh @ 40 mph mph[i]=40*timeConstant[i]; kW[i]=10*timeConstant[i]; mpkWh[i]=4; } } // Read config file readConfig(); // Start monitors can1.monitor(true); // set to snoop mode can2.monitor(true); // set to snoop mode can1.frequency(500000); can2.frequency(500000); can1SleepMode = 1; // Turn on Monitor_only Mode can2SleepMode = 1; // Turn on Monitor_only Mode can1.attach(&recieve1); can2.attach(&recieve2); touched=false; secsNoTouch=2; while (true) { if (!logOpen) { // Open new file if one is not already open if(logEn){ //logging enable seconds = time(NULL); t = *localtime(&seconds) ; strftime(fileName, 32, "/usb/%m%d%H%M.alc", &t); //mmddhhmm.alc //sprintf(sTemp,"Using file %s\n",fileName); //printMsg(sTemp); // using alc file ... lfile = fopen(fileName, "ab"); lastDMode[0]=99;//force refresh lastDMode[1]=99;//force refresh if(lfile==NULL){ sprintf(sTemp,"\nUnable to open %s\n\n\n\n",fileName); printMsg(sTemp); // cannot open alc file logEn=false; spkr.beep(1000,0.25); } else { logOpen = true; readPointer=writePointer; sprintf(sTemp,"Starting Can Log %s\n",fileName); printMsg(sTemp); // starting alc log file logTS(); // Date Time at start logEvent("Starting"); // Log startup msg for testing sprintf(sTemp,"Cr%s",revStr); logEvent(sTemp); // gg - log firmware version spkr.beep(2000,0.25); } }//logging enabled } else { // if (logOpen) pointerSep=(writePointer+maxBufLen-readPointer)%maxBufLen; if (pointerSep>(maxBufLen/16)||canIdle||!logEn) { // Dump buffer if > 1/16 full or canbus has stopped if (lfile == NULL) { logOpen = false; sprintf(sTemp,"Failed to append log file.\n"); printMsg(sTemp); // failed to append spkr.beep(1000,0.25); logEn=false; } else { while (readPointer != writePointer) { for (j = 0; j<13; j++){ fprintf(lfile,"%c",writeBuffer[readPointer][j]); } if(++readPointer >= maxBufLen){ readPointer=0; led4 = !led4; } } } } // if > 1/16 full, canbus has stopped, or logging stopped if (!logEn) { sprintf(sTemp,"Stopping Can Log %s\n",fileName); printMsg(sTemp); // stopping alc log file fclose(lfile); logOpen=false; pointerSep=0; } } // if logOpen if (canIdle&&userIdle&&!playbackEn) { // canbus idle --> sleep to save power if (repeatPoll) { // stop autopolling if enabled autoPoll.detach(); } if (logOpen){ fclose(lfile); } // if (logOpen)*/ seconds = time(NULL); t = *localtime(&seconds) ; strftime(sTemp, 40, "Sleeping: %a %m/%d/%Y %X\n", &t); printMsg(sTemp); // sleeping date time updateDisplay(0); //Added for turbo3 who has a display override and wants to see the sleep message before going to sleep updateDisplay(1); //LPC_RTC->CIIR=0x00; // block RTC interrupts led1=0; led2=0; led3=0; led4=0; dled=0; // turn off display secs = time(NULL); // seconds past 12:00:00 AM 1 Jan 1900 while (secsNoMsg>canTimeout && !touched) { //DeepPowerDown(); tt.wfi(); //enable touch interrupt //__wfi(); // freeze CPU and wait for interrupt (from canbus or touch) Sleep(); } lastDMode[0]=99; lastDMode[1]=99; secsNoTouch=2; canIdle=secsNoMsg>canTimeout; dled=0.8; // turn on display LED seconds = time(NULL); t = *localtime(&seconds) ; strftime(sTemp, 40, "Waking: %a %m/%d/%Y %X\n", &t); printMsg(sTemp); // wakeup date time if (time(NULL)>(secs+1800)) { logOpen = false; // Start new file if asleep for more than 30 minutes if (secsNoTouch>100) secsNoTouch = 100; // also mostly reset user Idle counter } else if (logOpen){ // insert timestamp on each wake if logging enabled (disabled for now) lfile = fopen(fileName, "ab"); logEvent("WakingUp"); // gg - use messeges logTS(); // Date-Time at wakeup } if (repeatPoll) { // re-enable autopolling if enabled autoPoll.attach(&autoPollISR,pollInt); } } // if idle if(touched){ // call touchscreen procedure if touch interrupt detected lastTouch = tt.get_touch(); lastTouch = tt.to_pixel(lastTouch); // convert to pixel pos if((lastTouch.x!=639)&&(lastTouch.x!=319)&&(lastTouch.y!=239)){ // filter phantom touches if (userIdle) { secsNoTouch=2; // Ignore first touch if user idle userIdle=false; } else { secsNoTouch=0; } if (lastTouch.x>320){ whichTouched=1; } else { whichTouched=0; } if (whichTouched!=lwt){ lastDMode[lwt]=99; // Repaint lastTouched lwt=whichTouched; } sMode = 1; } //sprintf(sTemp,"%d,%d ",lastTouch.x,lastTouch.y); //printMsg(sTemp); // touch x,y - for debug touched = false; // clear interrupt flag } //--------------- // gg - 4x4 touch //unsigned char tScrn = 0 ; // screen 0 unsigned char tCol ; unsigned char tRow ; if (!userIdle) { if (secsNoTouch<2) {// Recently touched secsNoTouch +=2; // increment to prevent double touch sMode = 1; //sprintf(sTemp,"button %d %d,%d %d\n",i,buttonX(lastTouch.x,3),buttonY(lastTouch.y,3),lastTouch.x); //printMsg(sTemp); // button parms - for debug switch (sMode) { case 0: // no select break; case 1: // select screen //-------------- // gg - 4x4 touch tCol = buttonX(lastTouch.x,4) ; if( tCol >= 4 ){ tCol -= 4; } // touch is on screen 1 tRow = buttonY(lastTouch.y,4) ; highlightButton( tCol,tRow, whichTouched, 4,4) ; // gg - highlight if( tRow == tNavRow ) tRow = 7 ; // gg switch ( (tCol*10) + tRow ) { //--------------------------------- case 00: // top row, left button on screen 0 or 1 if (dMode[whichTouched]==monitorScreen||dMode[whichTouched]==changedScreen) { indexOffset=indexOffset>4?indexOffset-4:1; } else if (dMode[whichTouched] == indexScreen) { // gg - index dMode[whichTouched] = mainScreen ; // GoTo Main Screen sMode=0; } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==configScreen) { wait_ms(500); tt.background(Black); tt.calibrate(); } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==playbackScreen) { // slower playbackInt *=2; if(playbackEn){ playback.detach(); playback.attach(&playbackISR,playbackInt); } } else { lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight } break; //----------------------------------------------- case 10: // 1,0 (col left of center,top row) on screen 0 or 1 if (dMode[whichTouched]==changedScreen) { for(j=0;j<100;j++) msgChanged[j]=0; // clear changed data lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//force refresh } else if (dMode[whichTouched] == indexScreen) { // gg - index sMode=0; dMode[whichTouched] = brakeScreen ; // GoTo Brake Screen } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==cpScreen) { reqMsgCnt=0; msgReq.attach(&sendReq,0.015); } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==cpHistScreen) { // gg - hist reqMsgCnt=0; msgReq.attach(&sendReq,0.015); } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==cpBarScreen) { // gg - cpbars reqMsgCnt=0; msgReq.attach(&sendReq,0.015); } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==configScreen) { mbed_reset(); } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==playbackScreen) { // pause/unpause playbackEn=!playbackEn; if(playbackEn){ playback.attach(&playbackISR,playbackInt); } else { playback.detach(); } } else { lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight } break; //-------------------------------------- case 20: // col 2 and row 0 on either screen 0 or 1 if (dMode[whichTouched]==monitorScreen||dMode[whichTouched]==changedScreen) { indexOffset=indexOffset<77?indexOffset+4:80; } else if (dMode[whichTouched] == indexScreen) { // gg - index dMode[whichTouched] = effScreen ; // GoTo EFF Screen sMode=0; } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==configScreen) { sprintf(sTemp,"Saving config file.\n"); printMsg(sTemp); // saving config saveConfig(); spkr.beep(2000,0.25); } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==playbackScreen) { // faster if(playbackInt>.002){ playbackInt/=2; if(playbackEn){ playback.detach(); playback.attach(&playbackISR,playbackInt); } } } else { lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight } break; case 30: // right-most on top row if (dMode[whichTouched]==configScreen) { // step through skins if( skin < maxSkin ) skin += 1 ; else skin = 0 ; // repaint both screens, I think lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight // and re-paint the other screen too, to see new skin there lastDMode[whichTouched ^ 1]=99; // repaint other screen (^ = XOR) //sprintf(sTemp,"Changed Skin to %d.\n"); //printMsg(sTemp); /// changed skin - for debug //saveConfig(); //spkr.beep(2000,0.25); } else if (dMode[whichTouched] == indexScreen) { // gg - index dMode[whichTouched] = dteScreen ; // GoTo DTE Screen sMode=0; } else { lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight } break; //---------------------------------- //---------------------------------- case 01: // left col middle row if (dMode[whichTouched]==configScreen) { logEn = !logEn; if (!logEn) { repeatPoll=false; // disable auto polling, too autoPoll.detach(); } } else if (dMode[whichTouched] == indexScreen) { // gg - index dMode[whichTouched] = cpScreen ; // GoTo CP Data Screen sMode=0; } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==dateScreen){ dtMode=(dtMode<6)?dtMode+1:0; lastDMode[whichTouched]=99; } else { lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight } break; //------------------------------ case 11: if (dMode[whichTouched]==configScreen){ repeatPoll = !repeatPoll; if (repeatPoll) { autoPoll.attach(&autoPollISR,pollInt); } else { autoPoll.detach(); } } else if (dMode[whichTouched] == indexScreen) { // gg - index dMode[whichTouched] = cpHistScreen ; // GoTo CP Hist Screen sMode=0; } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==playbackScreen) { // Start/stop playback if(!playbackOpen){ if(!logOpen){ lfile = fopen("/usb/playback.alc", "rb"); lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//force refresh if(lfile==NULL){ sprintf(sTemp,"Unable to open /usb/playback.alc\n"); printMsg(sTemp); // no playback.alc spkr.beep(1000,0.25); } else { playbackOpen = true; playbackEn=true; playback.attach(&playbackISR,playbackInt); sprintf(sTemp,"Starting playback\n"); printMsg(sTemp); // start playback spkr.beep(2000,0.25); can1.attach(&doNothing);// Stop recieving CAN data can2.attach(&doNothing); } } else { sprintf(sTemp,"Must stop logging first\n"); printMsg(sTemp); // Must stop logging first } } else { playback.detach(); fclose(lfile); playbackOpen=false; playbackEn=false; can1.attach(&recieve1);// Restore CAN data recieve can2.attach(&recieve2); lastDMode[whichTouched]=99; } } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==dateScreen){ upDate(dtMode,true); lastDMode[whichTouched]=99; } else { lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight } break; //--------------------------------- case 21: // col 2 row 1 if (dMode[whichTouched]==configScreen) { // gg - Batt Log Enable Button yesBattLog = !yesBattLog; } else if (dMode[whichTouched] == indexScreen) { // gg - index dMode[whichTouched] = cpBarScreen ; // GoTo CP Bars Screen sMode=0; } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==dateScreen){ upDate(dtMode,false); lastDMode[whichTouched]=99; } else { lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight } break; case 31: // col 3 row 1 if (dMode[whichTouched]==configScreen) { // gg - Batt Log Enable Button debugMode = !debugMode; } else if (dMode[whichTouched] == indexScreen) { // gg - index dMode[whichTouched] = configScreen ; // GoTo Config Screen } else { lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight } break; //----------------------------------- case 02: // left col, bottom row (not nav) if (dMode[whichTouched] == indexScreen) { // gg - index dMode[whichTouched] = playbackScreen ; // GoTo Playback Screen } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==configScreen) { metric = !metric; // toggle metric/imperial display } else { lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight } break; case 12: // left-middle col, bottom row (not nav) if (dMode[whichTouched] == indexScreen) { // gg - index dMode[whichTouched] = dateScreen ; // GoTo Set Date/Time Screen } else { lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight } break; case 22: // right-middle col, bottom row (not nav) if (dMode[whichTouched] == indexScreen) { // gg - index dMode[whichTouched] = logScreen ; } else { lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight } break; case 32: // right col, bottom row (not nav) if (dMode[whichTouched] == configScreen) { updateFirmware(); } else { lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight } break; //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- // Prev Navigation case 07: // col 0 row tNavRow dMode[whichTouched]=dMode[whichTouched]>0?dMode[whichTouched]-1:maxScreens; break; //----------------------------------- // Select Screen Navigation case 17: //secsNoTouch = userTimeout; // immediately exit config mode sMode=0; lastDMode[whichTouched]=99; // Repaint break; //----------------------------------- // Index Navigation case 27: // col 2 row tNavRow dMode[whichTouched]= indexScreen ; // gg - index break; //------------------------------------ // Next Navigation case 37: // lower right on Nav Line gg - move next dMode[whichTouched]=dMode[whichTouched]<maxScreens?dMode[whichTouched]+1:0; break; //------------------------------------ //------------------------------------ default: lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight break; } break; case 2: // numpad break; case 3: break; default: break; } // case sMode } //recently touched } else { // userIdle if(sMode==1){ sMode=0; lastDMode[whichTouched]=99; } } if(tick){ // Executes once a second headlights = (lastMsg[indexLastMsg[0x358]].data[1]&0x80)?true:false; // headlight/turn signal indicator accV=floor(mon12V*scale12V*10+0.5)/10; //Round to nearest 10th accOn=(accV>5)?true:false; if(laccOn&&!accOn){ // Car turned off //write efficiency history data hfile = fopen("/local/ehist.cny", "w"); if (hfile!=NULL){ // found a efficiency history file for(i=0;i<39;i++){ fprintf(hfile,"%f %f\r\n",mph[i],kW[i]); } fclose(hfile); } } laccOn=accOn; if(!accOn&&!logEn&&userIdle&&!playbackEn){ dled = 0; // turn off display if car off and logging disabled and no user activity }else if(!headlights){ dled = ledHi; } else { dled = ledLo; } //compute historic efficiency if(numSsamples>0){ // Avoid div0 mph[0]=((float) motorRPM)/numSsamples/215; // Empirically derived - may change car to car } else { mph[0]=0; } if(mph[0]>99){ mph[0]=0; } mpkWh[0]=mph[0]; if(numWsamples>0){ // Avoid div0 kW[0]=((float) mWs_x4)/numWsamples/4e3; mpkWh[0]/=kW[0]; if (mpkWh[0]<0) { mpkWh[0]=99;// negative means inf. } } else { kW[0]=0; mpkWh[0]=0; } //mpkWh[0]=floor(mpkWh[0]*10+0.5)/10; // Round to nearest 10th motorRPM=0; numSsamples=0; mWs_x4=0; numWsamples=0; if(accOn||playbackEn){ for(i=1;i<39;i++){ average=mph[i]/timeConstant[i]; mph[i]-=average; mph[i]+=mph[0]; mpkWh[i]=average; average=kW[i]/timeConstant[i]; if((mph[0]>0)||(kW[0]>0)){ //Not charging - so include in efficiency data kW[i]-=average; kW[i]+=kW[0]; } mpkWh[i]/=average; if (mpkWh[i]<0) { mpkWh[i]=99;// negative means inf. } //mpkWh[i]=floor(mpkWh[i]*10+0.5)/10; // Round to nearest 10th } } updateDTE=true; if(logCP) logPackVoltages(); // Turbo3, only call tick=false; } display=display<1?display+1:0; // toggle display updateDisplay(display); if(step){ // playback if(playbackOpen&&playbackEn){ for(i=0;i<120;i++){ if(!feof(lfile)){ fscanf(lfile,"%5c%8c",&header,&data); logCan(header[0],CANMessage(0x7ff&((header[4]<<8)+header[3]), data, 8)); // Playback } else { fclose(lfile); // restart lfile = fopen("/usb/playback.alc", "rb"); lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//force refresh spkr.beep(2000,0.25); } } } step=false; } } //while (true) }