test fork

Dependencies:   SPI_TFTx2 SPI_TFTx2_ILI9341 TFT_fonts TOUCH_TFTx2 mbed

Fork of CANary_9341 by Tick Tock

--- a/displayModes.cpp	Wed Mar 19 14:08:56 2014 +0000
+++ b/displayModes.cpp	Sun Mar 23 22:04:44 2014 +0000
@@ -1194,7 +1194,7 @@
-        }
+    }
     if(force||lgids!=gids){ // update Y axis when kWh changes
         tt.set_font((unsigned char*) Arial24x23);
@@ -1424,81 +1424,82 @@
 void whpgDisplay(bool force, bool showButtons){ 
-    unsigned short maxVal, minVal, maxGid, minGid, avg, i, j;
+    unsigned short maxVal, minVal, maxGid, minGid, i, j, y;
+    float avg;
+    static unsigned short lmg;
+    tt.foreground(White);
+    tt.background(Navy);
+    tt.set_font((unsigned char*) Arial12x12_prop);  // select the font
+    maxVal=0;
+    minVal=9999;
+    maxGid=0;
+    minGid=9999;
+    avg=0;
-        tt.foreground(White);
-        tt.background(Navy);
-        tt.set_font((unsigned char*) Arial12x12_prop);  // select the font
-        maxVal=0;
-        minVal=9999;
-        maxGid=0;
-        minGid=9999;
-        avg=0;
-        // find max/min/avg
-        for(i=0; i<300; i++){
-            j=whpg[i];
-            if(j<255){
-                avg+=j;
-                if(j>maxVal) maxVal=j;
-                if(j<minVal) minVal=j;
-                if(i>maxGid) maxGid=i;
-                if(i<minGid) minGid=i;
-            }
+        lmg=281;
+    }
+    // find max/min/avg
+    for(i=0; i<300; i++){
+        if(whpg[i]>0){
+            j=(whpg[i]-whpg[i+1]);
+            avg+=j;
+            if(j>maxVal) maxVal=j;
+            if(j<minVal) minVal=j;
+            if(i>maxGid) maxGid=i;
+            if(i<minGid) minGid=i;
-        avg /= (maxGid-minGid+1);
+    }
+    avg /= (maxGid-minGid+1);
+    if (minGid<lmg){ //update if new data
+        lmg = minGid;
         // show as vertical bar plot
         int xWinMin = 26;
         int xWinMax = 316;
-        int yWinMin = 50;
-        int yWinMax = 150;
-        // draw the Bar Graph Frame, 2 pixels wide
-        tt.rect( xWinMin-1,yWinMin-1, xWinMax+1,yWinMax+1,Red);
-        tt.rect( xWinMin-2,yWinMin-2, xWinMax+2,yWinMax+2,Green);
-        // bar heights
-        int height = yWinMax - yWinMin ;
-        int iBarValMax = maxVal - minVal ; // zero to N
+        int yWinMin = 20;
+        int yWinMax = 200;
+        // draw the Frame, 2 pixels wide
+        tt.rect( xWinMin-1,yWinMin-1, xWinMax+1,yWinMax+1, Red);
+        tt.rect( xWinMin-2,yWinMin-2, xWinMax+2,yWinMax+2, Green);
-        if( iBarValMax > 0 ) {
+        if( maxVal > minVal ) {
             // label the Y axis
-            tt.locate( 2, yWinMin-14 ); printf("%02d\n", maxVal );
-            tt.locate( 2, yWinMax+5); printf("%02d\n", minVal );
-            tt.locate( 2, (yWinMax+yWinMin)/2); printf("%02d avg\n", avg );
-            //---------------
-            // show the bars
-            int nBarWidth = 1 ;
-            int nBarSpace = 0 ; // 1 for testing
-            int xPos = xWinMin + 2 ; // start one from the left
-            for( int i=minGid; i<=maxGid; i++) {
-                height = whpg[i] ;
-                if( height > 100 ) height = 100 ; // clip tops
-                // draw the bar, is always inside x-window
-                tt.fillrect( xPos,yWinMax-height, xPos+nBarWidth-1,yWinMax, Green);  
-                // tic mark the x axis each 10
-                if(i%10 == 9){
-                   tt.line( xPos,yWinMax+2, xPos,yWinMax+5, White);  // a white tick mark
-                   tt.line( xPos+1,yWinMax+2, xPos+1,yWinMax+5, White);  // a white tick mark, to widen
+            tt.locate( 2, yWinMin-14); printf("200\n");
+            tt.locate( 2, yWinMax+5); printf("0\n");
+            tt.locate( 2, yWinMax-avg-18); printf("%3.1f\n", avg );
+            tt.locate( 2, yWinMax-avg+2); printf("avg\n");
+            for( i=4; i<=286; i++) {
+                if((whpg[i-4]>0)&&(whpg[i+4]>0)){
+                    y = (whpg[i-4]-whpg[i+4])/4;
+                }else{
+                    y =  whpg[i];
+                }
+                if( (y>20) && (y<180) && whpg[i]>0){
+                    tt.fillcircle(i+xWinMin,yWinMax-y,2,Green);
-                // label the x axis each 20
-                if(i%20 == 19){
-                   tt.locate( xPos-6, yWinMax+8 );
-                   printf("%02d\n", i+1 );
+                if(i%40 == 0){
+                    // label the x axis each 40
+                    tt.line( i+xWinMin,yWinMax+2, i+xWinMin,yWinMax+8, White );  // a white tick mark
+                    if(i<10){
+                        tt.locate( i+xWinMin-12, yWinMax+8 );
+                    }else{
+                        tt.locate( i+xWinMin-20, yWinMax+8 );
+                    }
+                    printf("%d\n", i );
+                } else if(i%10 == 0){
+                    // tic mark the x axis each 10
+                    tt.line( i+xWinMin,yWinMax+2, i+xWinMin,yWinMax+4, White );  // a white tick mark
-                // step to the next bar position
-                xPos += nBarWidth + nBarSpace ; 