Labyrinth of the Minotaur A simple roguelike/RPG using a nokia 5110 screen

Dependencies:   N5110 PowerControl mbed


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
37:a0ea57af9279 2015-05-11 ThomasBGill Fixed error default tip
36:b64696135142 2015-05-11 ThomasBGill Version 1.0 finished
35:2c290fa78f1d 2015-05-11 ThomasBGill Game source file commenting finished
34:e58c8322884d 2015-05-11 ThomasBGill Game.h function commenting finished
33:4fc26476b2e0 2015-05-11 ThomasBGill Commenting started
32:99ca304085e6 2015-05-10 ThomasBGill Chest items fixed
31:5b4a4d225ab4 2015-05-09 ThomasBGill Analogue stick added + interfaced with PCB
30:4a03611a3d99 2015-05-09 ThomasBGill Armour values reduced for balancing
29:89bc8c8aa8ac 2015-05-08 ThomasBGill Max player health changed to 20
28:b3a597b38b60 2015-05-08 ThomasBGill Graphics added
27:1ad2408ba702 2015-05-08 ThomasBGill Intro screen changed
26:0dd71fc0ede4 2015-05-08 ThomasBGill Header created for main Game source
25:4d9841e579e2 2015-05-08 ThomasBGill PinDetect library removed (interferes with some sleep functions)
24:4c4467971c91 2015-05-08 ThomasBGill Pin detect library added
23:1b8b1d043403 2015-05-07 ThomasBGill High scores added
22:dae750e4d749 2015-05-07 ThomasBGill Options menu + first +last room changed to original
21:aa4feee6aa39 2015-05-04 ThomasBGill main.cpp cleanup
20:e54792b89571 2015-05-04 ThomasBGill Worldbuilder functions put into separate header and source
19:1ab2d83ebffa 2015-05-04 ThomasBGill New maze algorithm implemented + automatic player healing while walking
18:98ea2b787894 2015-05-03 ThomasBGill Better maze algorithm started
17:8790dd599b25 2015-05-02 ThomasBGill Basic version of game fully working
16:a26d7519830e 2015-05-02 ThomasBGill Running from fights improved
15:05a227f970c2 2015-05-02 ThomasBGill Chest function expanded
14:55802ce40285 2015-05-02 ThomasBGill Map legend + new monsters created
13:2195ec8bc9ff 2015-05-01 ThomasBGill Fight system improved + start menu added
12:30a242706847 2015-04-25 ThomasBGill Chest items added
11:b86a15d26de9 2015-04-25 ThomasBGill Better mapping
10:59c874d006ab 2015-04-24 ThomasBGill Main menu + level screen created
9:3cad581b5419 2015-04-19 ThomasBGill Labyrinth builder added
8:ee857f0147aa 2015-04-17 ThomasBGill Player camera and basic player movement done
7:cd799c701997 2015-04-17 ThomasBGill Start of player 'camera'
6:ca5db4353c95 2015-04-17 ThomasBGill Mine algorithm removed (not needed)
5:9bd276652111 2015-04-17 ThomasBGill Dead end value revised
4:6482ceb08dc8 2015-04-17 ThomasBGill Dungeon creator finished
3:1a25939df22a 2015-04-17 ThomasBGill Basic maze algorithm finished
2:0b0311609edc 2015-04-15 ThomasBGill Start of hunt&kill maze algorithm- currently not working
1:0f774d41584c 2015-04-10 ThomasBGill Power saving + mine mapping algorithm finished.
0:9200b3c387ed 2015-04-09 ThomasBGill Initial room with random corridors