Labyrinth of the Minotaur A simple roguelike/RPG using a nokia 5110 screen

Dependencies:   N5110 PowerControl mbed

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Mon May 11 12:56:26 2015 +0000
Commit message:
Game.h function commenting finished

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Game.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Game.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/Game.cpp	Mon May 11 12:19:13 2015 +0000
+++ b/Game.cpp	Mon May 11 12:56:26 2015 +0000
@@ -283,21 +283,28 @@
+void NextLevel()
+    level++;
+    score = score + 100;
+    World();
+    LevelScreen();
+    //RevealMap(); //Uncomment for debugging to view map
+    srand(Noise * 1000000);
 void GameLoop()
     while (1) {
-        level++;
-        score = score + 100;
-        World();
-        LevelScreen();
-        //RevealMap(); //Uncomment for debugging to view map
-        srand(Noise * 1000000);
+        NextLevel();
@@ -443,7 +450,7 @@
         m = rand() % mr;
-    int mh = EnemyList[m].EHealth;
+    mh = EnemyList[m].EHealth;
@@ -491,44 +498,8 @@
         if (ActFlag) {
             ActFlag = 0;
             if (menu) { //Fight
-                //Hit monster
-                if (rand() % 100 + 1 > EnemyList[m].EDodge) { //If monster doesn't dodge
-                    int damage = ItemList[pw].ItemValue - EnemyList[m].EArmour + rand() % 3 - rand() % 3; //Calculate damage
-                    if (damage < 0) {
-                        damage = 0;
-                    }
-                    mh = mh - damage; //Apply damage and calculate the monster's health
-                    char damBuffer[14];
-                    write = sprintf(damBuffer,"-%d", damage);
-                    lcd.clear();
-                    DrawGraphic(m, 23, 7);
-                    lcd.printString(damBuffer, 62, 2);
-                    FlashScreen(3);
-                    char buffer3[14];
-                    write = sprintf(buffer3, "for %d damage", damage); // print formatted data to buffer
-                    lcd.clear();
-                    lcd.printString("You hit the", 0, 1);
-                    lcd.printString(EnemyList[m].EName, 0, 2);
-                    lcd.printString(buffer3, 0, 3);
-                    lcd.refresh();
-                    wait(1.0);
-                    Sleep();
-                } else { //Monster dodges
-                    lcd.clear();
-                    lcd.printString(EnemyList[m].EName, 0, 1);
-                    lcd.printString("dodges your", 0, 2);
-                    lcd.printString("attack", 0, 3);
-                    lcd.refresh();
-                    wait(1.0);
-                    Sleep();
-                }
+                PlayerAttack(m);
                 if (mh <= 0) { //Check if monster is dead
                     score = score + EnemyList[m].EPoints;
@@ -598,6 +569,49 @@
+void PlayerAttack(int m)
+    //Hit monster
+    if (rand() % 100 + 1 > EnemyList[m].EDodge) { //If monster doesn't dodge
+        int damage = ItemList[pw].ItemValue - EnemyList[m].EArmour + rand() % 3 - rand() % 3; //Calculate damage
+        if (damage < 0) {
+            damage = 0;
+        }
+        mh = mh - damage; //Apply damage and calculate the monster's health
+        char damBuffer[14];
+        int write = sprintf(damBuffer,"-%d", damage);
+        lcd.clear();
+        DrawGraphic(m, 23, 7);
+        lcd.printString(damBuffer, 62, 2);
+        FlashScreen(3);
+        char buffer3[14];
+        write = sprintf(buffer3, "for %d damage", damage); // print formatted data to buffer
+        lcd.clear();
+        lcd.printString("You hit the", 0, 1);
+        lcd.printString(EnemyList[m].EName, 0, 2);
+        lcd.printString(buffer3, 0, 3);
+        lcd.refresh();
+        wait(1.0);
+        Sleep();
+    } else { //Monster dodges
+        lcd.clear();
+        lcd.printString(EnemyList[m].EName, 0, 1);
+        lcd.printString("dodges your", 0, 2);
+        lcd.printString("attack", 0, 3);
+        lcd.refresh();
+        wait(1.0);
+        Sleep();
+    }
 void MonsterAttack(int m)
     if (rand() % 100 + 1 < EnemyList[m].EHit) { //If monster hits and isn't dead
--- a/Game.h	Mon May 11 12:19:13 2015 +0000
+++ b/Game.h	Mon May 11 12:56:26 2015 +0000
@@ -134,6 +134,9 @@
 //Player armour
 int pa = 5; //5 to 9
+//Monster health
+int mh;
 //Player score
 int score = -100; //100 level, x monster, 10 chest, -2 running away
@@ -220,25 +223,179 @@
 void Initilize();
+/** Main Menu
+* Displays a menu where the user can choose to start the game, view highscores or view the option menu 
 void MainMenu();
+/** Options Menu
+* Allows the user to turn the screen backlight on or off
 void Options();
+/** Level Screen
+* Displays which level the user is about to enter
 void LevelScreen();
+/** Next Level
+* Increases the score, generates the next level and then initilizes the random seed
+void NextLevel();
+/** Game Loop
+* The main loop while the game is running.
+* Checks if the user is interacting with a chest, moving the analogue stick or pressing a button and then calls the corresponding function
 void GameLoop();
+/** Player Camera
+* Displays the map around the player as characters on the screen
 void PlayerCamera();
+/** Player Move
+* Checks which way the analogue stick was moved and then moves the player into that space if the tile is passable
 void PlayerMove();
+/** Fight
+* Function called during a fight.
+* It first displays the opponent and then gives the user the option to fight or run away.
+* The loop ends if the player runs away, kills the opponent or is killed.
 void Fight();
+/** Monster Attack
+* Calculates the damage the opponent does to the player
 void MonsterAttack(int m);
+/** Player Attack
+* Calculates the damage the player does to the opponent
+void PlayerAttack(int m);
+/** Start Menu
+* Displays a screen showing the player's current health and a menu where the user can view the map, map legend and inventory
 void StartMenu();
+/** Map
+* Calls the functions which displays the map of the current level on the screen and flashes the player's current location
 void Map();
+/** Draw Map
+* Displays the map of the current level on the screen
 void DrawMap();
+/** Flash Player Location
+* Flashes the player's current location on the screen
 void FlashPlayerLocation();
+/** Map legend
+* Displays a screen showing what each character represents on the main game screen
 void MapLegend();
+/** Inventory
+* Displays a screen showing what weapon and armour the player has equipped.
 void Inventory();
+/** Chest
+* Generates either an item, potion, map or booby trap in the chest as it is opened.
 void Chest();
+/** Get Item
+* Generates an item from the list of items and asks if the player wants to equip it.
 void getItem();
+/** Booby Trap
+* Damages the player for 0-5 damage. If the damage is 0 the trap will display as having failed. 
 void BoobyTrap();
+/** Reveal Map
+* Turns all the unseen floors into seen ones. 
 void RevealMap();
+/** Potion
+* Generates either a potion that heals the player, damages the player or transports them to the next level
 void Potion();
+/** Game Over
+* Displays the game over screen
 void GameOver();
+/** Score Screen
+* Displays the user's final score
 void ScoreScreen();
+/** High Score Screen
+* Displays the top 4 high scores
 void HighScoreScreen();
\ No newline at end of file