MODSERIAL with support for more devices

Dependents:   1D-Pong BMT-K9_encoder BMT-K9-Regelaar programma_filter ... more

Check the cookbook page for more information:

Did you add a device? Please send a pull request so we can keep everything in one library instead of many copies. In that case also send a PM, since currently mbed does not inform of new pull requests. I will then also add you to the developers of this library so you can do other changes directly.

--- a/ChangeLog.c	Wed Nov 24 00:33:40 2010 +0000
+++ b/ChangeLog.c	Thu Jan 20 11:57:32 2011 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,16 @@
 /* $Id:$
+1.12 - 20/01/2011
+    * Added new "autoDetectChar()" function. To use:-
+      1st: Add a callback to invoke when the char is detected:-        
+        .attach(&detectedChar, MODSERIAL::RxAutoDetect);
+      2nd: Send the char to detect.
+        .autoDectectChar('\n');
+      Whenever that char goes into the RX buffer your callback will be invoked.
+      Added example2.cpp to demo a simple messaging system using this auto feature.
 1.11 - 23/11/2010
     * Fixed a minor issue with 1.10 missed an alteration of name change.