
Dependents of MMA7660

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Sending MMA7660 & LM75B sensor value to the USB, another device by CAN. And we can view temperature of LM75B by C12832 LCD. C12832, CAN, LM75B, MMA7660, USBHOST
Sensing Data Error Correction C12832, MMA7660, USBHOST
Snake Game using accelerometer with many fun features. game, snake
Motion Detector which can detect the moving direction.
Parody of the cookie clicker using accelerator. cookieclicker, gochiusa, tippy
A basic example of using the mbed NXP LPC1768 Application Board with Exosite.
Port to C027 (using AppShield and Ethernet)
Example program that exercises most of the capabilities of the mbed application shield (via arduino headers) with ST Nucleo board C12832, color, F103RB, led, LM75B, mbed, MMA7660, Nucleo, potentiometer, shield, speaker, ST
mbedアプリケーションボード( )を使用した、簡単なシューティングゲーム C12832
Port to C027 (using AppShield and Cellular)
Add authorization check and messages
A program for IoT demonstration with mbed, EnOcean and MQTT.
IBM IoT Client Example with extra debug in the menu.
Pong program with multiple dependencies to test pgen
Drone code for Prof. Coode
This program displays x and y axis value on LCD
Xively jumpstart demo with static ip
adding resources firmware and 1/0/8
valeur de x de l'accéléromètre
Exemple orientaiton
The keyboard section of the CO657 class 4
Assessment 4
Device 1 for Iot group project.
IBM IoT Client WiFi example using Murata Type-YD WiFi module