PokittoLib is the library needed for programming the Pokitto DIY game console (www.pokitto.com)
Dependents: YATTT sd_map_test cPong SnowDemo ... more
Library for programming Pokitto hardware
How to Use
- Import this library to online compiler (see button "import" on the right hand side
- DO NOT import mbed-src anymore, a better version is now included inside PokittoLib
- Change My_settings.h according to your project
- Start coding!
- Committer:
- Pokitto
- Date:
- 2017-09-18
- Revision:
- 1:4b1511a0a2c2
- Parent:
- 0:e8b8f36b4505
- Child:
- 2:968589ca3484
File content as of revision 1:4b1511a0a2c2:
/**************************************************************************/ /*! @file PokittoCore.cpp @author Jonne Valola @section LICENSE Software License Agreement (BSD License) Copyright (c) 2016, Jonne Valola All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ''AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "PokittoCore.h" #include "Pokitto_settings.h" #include "PokittoConsole.h" #include "PokittoFonts.h" #include "PokittoTimer.h" #include "PokittoLogos.h" #include <stdlib.h> #ifndef DISABLEAVRMIN #define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) #endif // DISABLEAVRMIN char selectedfile[25]; #define F #ifndef POK_SIM /** start the user application * https://community.nxp.com/thread/417695 * */ void start_application(unsigned long app_link_location){ //asm(" ldr sp, [r0,#0]"); //asm(" ldr pc, [r0,#4]"); //This code is not valid for the Cortex-m0+ instruction set. // The equivalent for this (as used by the KL26) is __disable_irq();// Start by disabling interrupts, before changing interrupt vectors // delete buttons //pokDeleteButtons(); // completely kill button interrupts in preparation for reset LPC_PINT->IENR = 0; LPC_PINT->IENF = 0; SysTick->CTRL = SysTick_CTRL_CLKSOURCE_Msk & ~(SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Msk); //disable systick LPC_SYSCON->PDRUNCFG |= (1 << 10); /* Power-down USB PHY */ LPC_SYSCON->PDRUNCFG |= (1 << 8); /* Power-down USB PLL */ // reset clock source to IRC LPC_SYSCON->MAINCLKUEN = 0x01; /* Update MCLK Clock Source */ LPC_SYSCON->MAINCLKUEN = 0x00; /* Toggle Update Register */ while (LPC_SYSCON->MAINCLKUEN & 0x01); /* Wait Until Updated */ // switch clock selection to IRC LPC_SYSCON->MAINCLKSEL = 0; /* Select Clock Source */ LPC_SYSCON->MAINCLKUEN = 0x01; /* Update MCLK Clock Source */ LPC_SYSCON->MAINCLKUEN = 0x00; /* Toggle Update Register */ while (LPC_SYSCON->MAINCLKUEN & 0x01); /* Wait Until Updated */ //disable PLL clock output LPC_SYSCON->SYSPLLCLKUEN = 0; while (LPC_SYSCON->SYSPLLCLKUEN & 0x00); LPC_SYSCON->SYSPLLCTRL = 0; //kill peripherals LPC_SYSCON->MAINCLKSEL = 0; LPC_SYSCON->PRESETCTRL = 0; //disable all peripherals //power down PLL volatile uint32_t tmp; tmp = (LPC_SYSCON->PDRUNCFG & 0x000025FFL); tmp |= ((1<<7) & 0x000025FFL); LPC_SYSCON->PDRUNCFG = (tmp | 0x0000C800L); /* Power-down SYSPLL */ //Chip_Clock_SetMainClockSource(SYSCTL_MAINCLKSRC_IRC); //switch to IRC // clear all gpio states LPC_GPIO_PORT->PIN[0] = 0; LPC_GPIO_PORT->PIN[1] = 0; LPC_GPIO_PORT->PIN[2] = 0; SCB->VTOR = app_link_location;//APPL_ADDRESS; /* Change vector table address */ /*asm(" mov r0, %[address]"::[address] "r" (app_link_location)); asm(" ldr r1, [r0,#0]"); // get the stack pointer value from the program's reset vector asm(" mov sp, r1"); // copy the value to the stack pointer asm(" ldr r0, [r0,#4]"); // get the program counter value from the program's reset vector asm(" blx r0"); // jump to the' start address*/ } #endif // returns a random integar between 0 and maxVal int random(int maxVal) { return random( 0, maxVal); } // returns a random integar between minVal and maxVal int random(int minVal, int maxVal) { // int rand(void); included by default from newlib return rand() % (maxVal-minVal+1) + minVal; } using namespace Pokitto; bool Core::run_state; // this definition needed /** Components */ Backlight Core::backlight; Buttons Core::buttons; Battery Core::battery; #if POK_ENABLE_SOUND > 0 Sound Core::sound; #endif Display Core::display; //GB Related uint8_t Core::startMenuTimer; uint8_t Core::timePerFrame; uint32_t Core::nextFrameMillis; uint32_t Core::frameCount; const char* Core::popupText; uint8_t Core::popupTimeLeft; uint16_t Core::frameDurationMicros; uint32_t Core::frameStartMicros, Core::frameEndMicros; uint8_t Core::volbar_visible=0; Core::Core() { } void Core::showWarning() { display.enableDirectPrinting(true); display.directbgcolor = COLOR_BLACK; display.clearLCD(); display.directcolor = COLOR_RED; display.setFont(fntC64UIGfx); display.adjustCharStep = 0; display.adjustLineStep = 0; display.setCursor(10*8,9); display.print("WARNING!"); display.directcolor = COLOR_WHITE; display.setCursor(5*8,4*9); display.print("LOUD SOUND THROUGH"); display.setCursor(2*8,5*9); display.print("HEADPHONES COULD DAMAGE"); display.setCursor(7*8,6*9); display.print("YOUR HEARING."); display.setCursor(5*8,8*9); display.print("USE "); display.directcolor = COLOR_GREEN; display.print("0-100% VOLUME"); display.directcolor = COLOR_WHITE; display.setCursor(5*8,9*9); display.print("FOR LISTENING WITH"); display.setCursor(8*8,10*9); display.print("HEADPHONES"); display.setCursor(5*8,12*9); display.print("USE "); display.directcolor = COLOR_RED; display.print("> 100% VOLUME"); display.directcolor = COLOR_GREEN; display.directcolor = COLOR_WHITE; display.setCursor(1*8,13*9); display.print("ONLY FOR LISTENING VIA THE"); display.setCursor(5*8,14*9); display.print("BUILT-IN SPEAKER"); display.setCursor(5*8,17*9); display.print("PRESS ");display.directcolor = COLOR_GREEN; display.print("C ");display.directcolor = COLOR_WHITE; display.print("TO ACCEPT"); while (!buttons.cBtn()) { wait(100); } display.clearLCD(); display.enableDirectPrinting(false); } void Core::jumpToLoader() { display.fontSize=1; display.directbgcolor=COLOR_BLACK; display.directcolor=COLOR_GREEN; display.setCursor(0,0); display.enableDirectPrinting(true); display.enableDirectPrinting(true); display.directbgcolor = COLOR_RED; display.setCursor(1,1); display.print("GOT TO LOADER"); while(1); #ifdef POK_SIM display.println("LOADER IS NOT AVAILABLE ON THE SIMULATOR. PRESS A TO RETURN."); #else uint32_t* bootinfo; bootinfo = (uint32_t*)0x3FFF4; if (*bootinfo != 0xB007AB1E) display.println("NO LOADER CONNECTED!"); else start_application(*(bootinfo+2)); //never returns #endif // POK_SIM while (!buttons.aBtn()) { buttons.pollButtons(); if (buttons.aBtn()) { while (buttons.aBtn()) { buttons.pollButtons(); } return; } } } void Core::askLoader() { display.enableDirectPrinting(true); display.directbgcolor = COLOR_BLACK; display.clearLCD(); display.directcolor = COLOR_RED; display.setFont(fntC64UIGfx); display.fontSize=1; display.adjustCharStep = 0; display.adjustLineStep = 0; display.directcolor=COLOR_GREEN; display.set_cursor(12*8,6*8); display.print("ijkl"); display.set_cursor(12*8,7*8); display.print("mnop"); display.set_cursor(12*8,8*8); display.print("qrst"); display.set_cursor(12*8,9*8); display.print("uvwx"); display.set_cursor(5*8,12*8); display.print("PRESS"); display.directcolor=COLOR_WHITE; display.print(" C "); display.directcolor=COLOR_GREEN; display.print("FOR LOADER"); display.directcolor=COLOR_WHITE; display.fontSize=2; int countd=POK_LOADER_COUNTDOWN; uint16_t c2 = getTime(); while (countd) { buttons.pollButtons(); display.set_cursor(13*8,15*8); display.print(countd); if (getTime()>c2+1000) { c2=getTime(); countd--; } if (cBtn()) {while (cBtn()) buttons.pollButtons();jumpToLoader();countd=0;} if (aBtn()) {while (aBtn()) buttons.pollButtons();countd=0;} if (bBtn()) {while (bBtn()) buttons.pollButtons();countd=0;} } display.fontSize=1; display.clearLCD(); display.enableDirectPrinting(false); } void Core::drawvolbar(int x, int y, int level, bool text) { uint16_t oldcol = display.directcolor; if (text) display.directRectangle(0,0,50,50,COLOR_BLACK); display.directcolor = COLOR_GREEN; if (text) { bool temp = display.isDirectPrintingEnabled(); display.enableDirectPrinting(true); display.print(x-1,y-20,(int)sound.getVolume()); display.print(" "); display.enableDirectPrinting(temp); } if (level<12) display.directcolor = COLOR_GRAY_80; display.directBitmap(x,y,Pokitto_volumebar,1,1); if (level<24) display.directcolor = COLOR_GRAY_80; display.directBitmap(x+8,y,Pokitto_volumebar,1,1); display.directBitmap(x+8,y-4,Pokitto_volumebar,1,1); display.directcolor = COLOR_RED; if (level<48) display.directcolor = COLOR_GRAY_80; display.directBitmap(x+16,y,Pokitto_volumebar,1,1); display.directBitmap(x+16,y-4,Pokitto_volumebar,1,1); display.directBitmap(x+16,y-8,Pokitto_volumebar,1,1); if (level<96) { display.directcolor = COLOR_GRAY_80; } display.directBitmap(x+24,y,Pokitto_volumebar,1,1); display.directBitmap(x+24,y-4,Pokitto_volumebar,1,1); display.directBitmap(x+24,y-8,Pokitto_volumebar,1,1); display.directBitmap(x+24,y-12,Pokitto_volumebar,1,1); if (level<160) { display.directcolor = COLOR_GRAY_80; } display.directBitmap(x+32,y,Pokitto_volumebar,1,1); display.directBitmap(x+32,y-4,Pokitto_volumebar,1,1); display.directBitmap(x+32,y-8,Pokitto_volumebar,1,1); display.directBitmap(x+32,y-12,Pokitto_volumebar,1,1); display.directBitmap(x+32,y-16,Pokitto_volumebar,1,1); display.directcolor = oldcol; } #ifdef POK_SIM #define VINCMULT 1 #else #define VINCMULT 50 #endif //POK_SIM void Core::setVolLimit() { display.enableDirectPrinting(true); display.adjustCharStep = 0; sound.setMaxVol(VOLUME_HEADPHONE_MAX); int dstate=1; bool wipe = true; float vol = sound.getVolume(); float tvol; volbar_visible=0; while (core.isRunning() && dstate){ switch (dstate) { case 1: //redraw if (wipe) { display.clearLCD(); display.directcolor = COLOR_WHITE; display.setCursor(4*8,2*8); display.print("SELECT VOLUME LIMIT"); display.setCursor(5*8,17*9); display.print("PRESS "); display.directcolor = COLOR_GREEN; display.print("A"); display.directcolor = COLOR_WHITE; display.print(" TO ACCEPT"); display.directcolor = COLOR_GREEN; // draw frame below first display.setCursor(0,11*8); display.println(" abbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbc"); display.println(" | |"); display.println(" | |"); display.println(" | |"); display.println(" | |"); display.println(" dbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbe"); } // wipe = true display.setCursor(6*8,17*9); if (sound.getVolume()-5<=VOLUME_HEADPHONE_MAX) display.directcolor = COLOR_WHITE; else display.directcolor = COLOR_RED; display.directBitmap(21*8-4,6*8,Pokitto_headphones,1,2); display.setCursor(3*8,6*8+6); display.print("HEADPHONES"); display.setCursor(3*8,8*8+2); if (sound.getVolume()-8>VOLUME_HEADPHONE_MAX) display.print("TOO LOUD!"); else display.print("OK "); display.directcolor = COLOR_GREEN; display.directBitmap(21*8-4,12*8,Pokitto_speaker,1,2); display.setCursor(3*8,12*8+6); display.print("VOLUME MAX"); display.setCursor(3*8,14*8+2); tvol = (vol/float(VOLUME_HEADPHONE_MAX))*100; if (tvol > 100 && tvol < 120) tvol=100; if (sound.getVolume()-5>VOLUME_HEADPHONE_MAX) { display.directcolor=COLOR_RED;} else display.directcolor=COLOR_GREEN; display.print(int(sound.getVolume())); //display.print(int(tvol)); display.print(" "); display.directcolor=COLOR_GREEN; drawvolbar(14*8,14*8+4+2,sound.getVolume(),false); //display.setCursor(1,10); //display.print(vol); dstate=2; break; case 2: buttons.pollButtons(); if (aBtn()) {dstate=0;while(aBtn()){buttons.pollButtons();};break;} if (rightBtn()) { if (vol >= VOLUME_HEADPHONE_MAX && vol < VOLUME_HEADPHONE_MAX+1 ) vol += 0.00025f*VINCMULT; else if (vol >= VOLUME_HEADPHONE_MAX) vol += 0.025f*VINCMULT; else vol += 0.05f*VINCMULT; if (vol > VOLUME_HEADPHONE_MAX + 20) { sound.setMaxVol(VOLUME_SPEAKER_MAX); } if (vol > VOLUME_SPEAKER_MAX) vol=VOLUME_SPEAKER_MAX; sound.setVolume(vol); dstate=1; wipe=false; break; } if (leftBtn()) { vol -= 0.025f*VINCMULT; if (vol <= VOLUME_HEADPHONE_MAX) sound.setMaxVol(VOLUME_HEADPHONE_MAX); if (vol < 0) vol=0; sound.setVolume(vol); dstate=1; wipe=false; break; } break; } } } void Core::begin() { init(); // original functions timePerFrame = POK_FRAMEDURATION; //nextFrameMillis = 0; //frameCount = 0; frameEndMicros = 1; startMenuTimer = 255; //read default settings from flash memory (set using settings.hex) readSettings(); //init everything backlight.begin(); backlight.set(BACKLIGHT_MAX); buttons.begin(); buttons.update(); battery.begin(); display.begin(); #if POK_DISPLAYLOGO showLogo(); #endif // POK_DISPLAYLOGO display.enableDirectPrinting(true); display.directbgcolor = COLOR_BLACK; display.clearLCD(); display.setFont(fntC64UIGfx); askLoader(); #ifndef DISABLE_SOUND_WARNING //showWarning(); setVolLimit(); //sound.setVolume(sound.getVolume());//make sure we're at set volume before continue sound.volumeUp(); #endif display.enableDirectPrinting(false); display.adjustCharStep=1; display.adjustLineStep=1; display.fontSize=1; display.textWrap=true; #if POK_GAMEBUINO_SUPPORT > 0 display.setFont(font5x7); #else display.setFont(fontC64); #endif #if POK_ENABLE_SOUND > 0 sound.begin(); //mute when B is held during start up or if battery is low battery.update(); if(buttons.pressed(BTN_B) || (battery.level == 0)){ sound.setVolume(0); } else{ //play the startup sound on each channel for it to be louder #if POK_GBSOUND > 0 #if(NUM_CHANNELS > 0) sound.playPattern(startupSound, 0); #endif #if(NUM_CHANNELS > 1) sound.playPattern(startupSound, 1); #endif #if(NUM_CHANNELS > 2) sound.playPattern(startupSound, 2); #endif #if(NUM_CHANNELS > 3) sound.playPattern(startupSound, 3); #endif #endif // POK_GBSOUND } #endif // POK ENABLE_SOUND display.enableDirectPrinting(true); display.directbgcolor = COLOR_RED; display.setCursor(1,1); display.print("GOT HERE"); while(1); } void Core::init() { run_state = true; display.enableDirectPrinting(false); display.setFont(DEFAULT_FONT); initClock(); initGPIO(); initButtons(); initRandom(); //initAudio(); //initDisplay(); } void Core::init(uint8_t switches) { run_state = true; display.enableDirectPrinting(false); display.setFont(DEFAULT_FONT); initClock(); initGPIO(); initButtons(); initRandom(); //initAudio(); //initDisplay(); } void Core::initButtons() { #ifndef POK_SIM Pokitto::initButtons(); #endif } bool Core::isRunning() { #ifdef POK_SIM run_state = simulator.isRunning(); #endif // POK_SIM return run_state; } void Core::initDisplay() { #if POK_DISPLAYLOGO > 0 showLogo(); #endif #if POK_USE_CONSOLE > 0 console.AddMessage(MSOURCE_LCD,MSG_INIT_OK); #endif } void Core::showLogo() { uint32_t now; uint8_t state=0; //jump directly to logo, bypass teeth uint16_t counter=0, i=0; uint16_t sc; while (state < 255/6) { now=getTime(); if (now>refreshtime) { refreshtime=now+30; switch (state) { case 0: /** POKITTO CLEAN **/ display.directbgcolor = COLOR_BLACK; display.fillLCD(display.directbgcolor); sc = COLOR_BLACK; state++; break; case 1: /** POKITTO FADE IN **/ display.directcolor = display.interpolateColor(sc, COLOR_GREEN, i); display.directBitmap(POK_LCD_W/2 - (*Pokitto_logo/2),POK_LCD_H/2-(*(Pokitto_logo+1)/2),Pokitto_logo,1,1); i += 28; if (i>=0xFF) { state++; i=0;} break; case 2: /** POKITTO WAIT **/ display.directcolor = COLOR_GREEN; display.directBitmap(POK_LCD_W/2 - (*Pokitto_logo/2),POK_LCD_H/2-(*(Pokitto_logo+1)/2),Pokitto_logo,1,1); i+= 0x3F; if (i>0x3FF) state = 255; break; } if(buttons.aBtn()) state=255; } } } void Core::readSettings() { // ToDo /*display.contrast = SCR_CONTRAST; backlight.backlightMin = BACKLIGHT_MIN; backlight.backlightMax = BACKLIGHT_MAX; backlight.ambientLightMin = AMBIENTLIGHT_MIN; backlight.ambientLightMax = AMBIENTLIGHT_MAX; */ sound.setMaxVol(VOLUME_HEADPHONE_MAX); sound.globalVolume = VOLUME_STARTUP; startMenuTimer = START_MENU_TIMER; /* battery.thresolds[0] = BAT_LVL_CRITIC; battery.thresolds[1] = BAT_LVL_LOW; battery.thresolds[2] = BAT_LVL_MED; battery.thresolds[3] = BAT_LVL_FULL;*/ } void Core::titleScreen(const char* name){ titleScreen(name, 0); } void Core::titleScreen(const uint8_t* logo){ titleScreen(F(""), logo); } void Core::titleScreen(){ titleScreen(F("")); } void Core::titleScreen(const char* name, const uint8_t *logo){ display.setFont(font5x7); if(startMenuTimer){ display.fontSize = 1; display.textWrap = false; display.persistence = false; battery.show = false; display.setColor(BLACK); while(isRunning()){ if(update()){ uint8_t logoOffset = name[0]?display.fontHeight:0; //add an offset the logo when there is a name to display //draw graphics display.setColorDepth(1); display.setColor(3); //display.drawBitmap(0,0, gamebuinoLogo); display.setColor(1); if(logo){ display.drawBitmap(0, 12+logoOffset, logo); } display.cursorX = 0; display.cursorY = 12; display.print(name); //A button display.cursorX = LCDWIDTH - display.fontWidth*3 -1; display.cursorY = LCDHEIGHT - display.fontHeight*3 - 3; if((frameCount/16)%2) display.println(F("\25 \20")); else display.println(F("\25\20 ")); //B button display.cursorX = LCDWIDTH - display.fontWidth*3 - 1; display.cursorY++; if(sound.globalVolume) display.println(F("\26\23\24")); else display.println(F("\26\23x")); //C button display.cursorX = LCDWIDTH - display.fontWidth*3 - 1; display.cursorY++; //display.println(F("\27SD")); //toggle volume when B is pressed if(buttons.pressed(BTN_B)){ sound.setVolume(sound.getVolume() + 1); sound.playTick(); } //leave the menu if(buttons.pressed(BTN_A) || ((frameCount>=startMenuTimer)&&(startMenuTimer != 255))){ startMenuTimer = 255; //don't automatically skip the title screen next time it's displayed sound.stopPattern(0); sound.playOK(); break; } //flash the loader //if(buttons.pressed(BTN_C)) // ToDo changeGame(); } } battery.show = true; } } bool Core::update(bool useDirectMode) { #if POK_STREAMING_MUSIC sound.updateStream(); #endif if ((((nextFrameMillis - getTime())) > timePerFrame) && frameEndMicros) { //if time to render a new frame is reached and the frame end has ran once nextFrameMillis = getTime() + timePerFrame; frameCount++; frameEndMicros = 0; backlight.update(); buttons.update(); battery.update(); return true; } else { if (!frameEndMicros) { //runs once at the end of the frame #if POK_ENABLE_SOUND > 0 sound.updateTrack(); sound.updatePattern(); sound.updateNote(); #endif updatePopup(); displayBattery(); if(!useDirectMode) display.update(); //send the buffer to the screen frameEndMicros = 1; //jonne } return false; } } void Core::displayBattery(){ #if (ENABLE_BATTERY > 0) //display.setColor(BLACK, WHITE); uint8_t ox,oy; ox=display.cursorX; oy=display.cursorY; display.cursorX = LCDWIDTH-display.fontWidth+1; display.cursorY = 0; switch(battery.level){ case 0://battery critic, power down sound.stopPattern(); backlight.set(0); display.clear(); display.fontSize = 1; display.print(F("LOW BATTERY\n")); display.print(battery.voltage); display.print(F("mV\n\nPLEASE\nTURN OFF")); display.update(); break; case 1: //empty battery if((frameCount % 16) < 8) display.print('\7'); //blinking battery else display.print('x'); break; case 2://low battery case 3://full battery case 4://full battery if(battery.show){ display.print(char(5+battery.level)); } break; default: if(battery.show){ display.print('/'); } break; } display.cursorX = ox; display.cursorY = oy; #endif } char* Core::filemenu(char *ext) { display.persistence = false; uint16_t oldpal0=display.palette[0]; uint16_t oldpal1=display.palette[1]; uint16_t oldpal2=display.palette[2]; display.palette[2]=COLOR_GREEN; display.palette[1]=COLOR_WHITE; display.palette[0]=COLOR_BLACK; uint8_t oldbg=display.bgcolor; uint8_t oldfg=display.color; display.color=1; display.bgcolor=0; int8_t activeItem = 0; int16_t currentY = 100; int16_t targetY = 0, rowh = display.fontHeight + 2; boolean exit = false; char* txt; while (isRunning()) { if (update()) { getFirstFile(ext); if (buttons.pressed(BTN_A) || buttons.pressed(BTN_B) || buttons.pressed(BTN_C)) { exit = true; //time to exit menu ! targetY = - display.fontHeight * 10 - 2; //send the menu out of the screen if (buttons.pressed(BTN_A)) { //answer = activeItem; sound.playOK(); } else { sound.playCancel(); } } if (exit == false) { if (buttons.repeat(BTN_DOWN,4)) { activeItem++; sound.playTick(); } if (buttons.repeat(BTN_UP,4)) { activeItem--; sound.playTick(); } //don't go out of the menu //if (activeItem == length) activeItem = 0; //if (activeItem < 0) activeItem = length - 1; if (currentY>targetY) currentY-=16; if (currentY<targetY) currentY=targetY; //targetY = -rowh * activeItem + (rowh+4); //center the menu on the active item } else { //exit : if (currentY>targetY) currentY-=16; if (currentY<targetY) currentY=targetY; if ((currentY - targetY) <= 1) { display.bgcolor=oldbg; display.color=oldfg; display.palette[0] = oldpal0; display.palette[1] = oldpal1; display.palette[2] = oldpal2; return selectedfile; } } //draw a fancy menu //currentY = 0;//(currentY + targetY) / 2 + 5; display.cursorX = 0; display.cursorY = currentY; display.textWrap = false; uint16_t fc,bc; fc = display.color; bc = display.bgcolor; //getFirstFile(ext); for (int i = 0; i<20; i++) { display.invisiblecolor=255; display.cursorY = currentY + rowh * i; if (i==3) display.color=1; if (i == activeItem){ display.cursorX = 3; //display.fillRoundRect(0, currentY + display.fontHeight * activeItem - 2, LCDWIDTH, (display.fontHeight+3), 3); display.color=2; display.fillRect(0, currentY + rowh * activeItem - 2, LCDWIDTH, (rowh)); display.setColor(0,2); } else display.setColor(1,0); //display.println((char*)*(const unsigned int*)(items+i)); //display.println((int)i); txt = getNextFile(ext); if (txt) { display.println(txt); if (i == activeItem) { strcpy(selectedfile,txt); } } else i--; display.setColor(1,0); } // draw menu loop } // update } } char* Core::filemenu() { return filemenu(""); } int8_t Core::menu(const char* const* items, uint8_t length) { #if (ENABLE_GUI > 0) display.persistence = false; int8_t activeItem = 0; int16_t currentY = display.height; int16_t targetY = 0, rowh = display.fontHeight + 2; boolean exit = false; int8_t answer = -1; while (isRunning()) { if (update()) { if (buttons.pressed(BTN_A) || buttons.pressed(BTN_B) || buttons.pressed(BTN_C)) { exit = true; //time to exit menu ! targetY = - display.fontHeight * length - 2; //send the menu out of the screen if (buttons.pressed(BTN_A)) { answer = activeItem; sound.playOK(); } else { sound.playCancel(); } } if (exit == false) { if (buttons.repeat(BTN_DOWN,4)) { activeItem++; sound.playTick(); } if (buttons.repeat(BTN_UP,4)) { activeItem--; sound.playTick(); } //don't go out of the menu if (activeItem == length) activeItem = 0; if (activeItem < 0) activeItem = length - 1; targetY = -rowh * activeItem + (rowh+4); //center the menu on the active item } else { //exit : if ((currentY - targetY) <= 1) return (answer); } //draw a fancy menu currentY = (currentY + targetY) / 2; display.cursorX = 0; display.cursorY = currentY; display.textWrap = false; uint16_t fc,bc; fc = display.color; bc = display.bgcolor; for (byte i = 0; i < length; i++) { display.cursorY = currentY + rowh * i; if (i == activeItem){ display.cursorX = 3; //display.fillRoundRect(0, currentY + display.fontHeight * activeItem - 2, LCDWIDTH, (display.fontHeight+3), 3); display.fillRect(0, currentY + rowh * activeItem - 2, LCDWIDTH, (rowh)); display.setColor(bc,fc); } else display.setColor(fc,bc); display.println((char*)*(const unsigned int*)(items+i)); display.setColor(fc,bc); } } } #else return 0; #endif } void Core::keyboard(char* text, uint8_t length) { #if (ENABLE_GUI > 0) display.persistence = false; //memset(text, 0, length); //clear the text text[length-1] = '\0'; //active character in the typing area int8_t activeChar = 0; //selected char on the keyboard int8_t activeX = 0; int8_t activeY = 2; //position of the keyboard on the screen int8_t currentX = LCDWIDTH; int8_t currentY = LCDHEIGHT; int8_t targetX = 0; int8_t targetY = 0; while (1) { if (update()) { //move the character selector if (buttons.repeat(BTN_DOWN, 4)) { activeY++; sound.playTick(); } if (buttons.repeat(BTN_UP, 4)) { activeY--; sound.playTick(); } if (buttons.repeat(BTN_RIGHT, 4)) { activeX++; sound.playTick(); } if (buttons.repeat(BTN_LEFT, 4)) { activeX--; sound.playTick(); } //don't go out of the keyboard if (activeX == KEYBOARD_W) activeX = 0; if (activeX < 0) activeX = KEYBOARD_W - 1; if (activeY == KEYBOARD_H) activeY = 0; if (activeY < 0) activeY = KEYBOARD_H - 1; //set the keyboard position on screen targetX = -(display.fontWidth+1) * activeX + LCDWIDTH / 2 - 3; targetY = -(display.fontHeight+1) * activeY + LCDHEIGHT / 2 - 4 - display.fontHeight; //smooth the keyboard displacement currentX = (targetX + currentX) / 2; currentY = (targetY + currentY) / 2; //type character if (buttons.pressed(BTN_A)) { if (activeChar < (length-1)) { byte thisChar = activeX + KEYBOARD_W * activeY; if((thisChar == 0)||(thisChar == 10)||(thisChar == 13)) //avoid line feed and carriage return continue; text[activeChar] = thisChar; text[activeChar+1] = '\0'; } activeChar++; sound.playOK(); if (activeChar > length) activeChar = length; } //erase character if (buttons.pressed(BTN_B)) { activeChar--; sound.playCancel(); if (activeChar >= 0) text[activeChar] = 0; else activeChar = 0; } //leave menu if (buttons.pressed(BTN_C)) { sound.playOK(); while (1) { if (update()) { //display.setCursor(0,0); display.println(F("You entered\n")); display.print(text); display.println(F("\n\n\n\x15:okay \x16:edit")); if(buttons.pressed(BTN_A)){ sound.playOK(); return; } if(buttons.pressed(BTN_B)){ sound.playCancel(); break; } } } } //draw the keyboard for (int8_t y = 0; y < KEYBOARD_H; y++) { for (int8_t x = 0; x < KEYBOARD_W; x++) { display.drawChar(currentX + x * (display.fontWidth+1), currentY + y * (display.fontHeight+1), x + y * KEYBOARD_W, 1); } } //draw instruction display.cursorX = currentX-display.fontWidth*6-2; display.cursorY = currentY+1*(display.fontHeight+1); display.print(F("\25type")); display.cursorX = currentX-display.fontWidth*6-2; display.cursorY = currentY+2*(display.fontHeight+1); display.print(F("\26back")); display.cursorX = currentX-display.fontWidth*6-2; display.cursorY = currentY+3*(display.fontHeight+1); display.print(F("\27save")); //erase some pixels around the selected character display.setColor(WHITE); display.drawFastHLine(currentX + activeX * (display.fontWidth+1) - 1, currentY + activeY * (display.fontHeight+1) - 2, 7); //draw the selection rectangle display.setColor(BLACK); display.drawRoundRect(currentX + activeX * (display.fontWidth+1) - 2, currentY + activeY * (display.fontHeight+1) - 3, (display.fontWidth+2)+(display.fontWidth-1)%2, (display.fontHeight+5), 3); //draw keyboard outline //display.drawRoundRect(currentX - 6, currentY - 6, KEYBOARD_W * (display.fontWidth+1) + 12, KEYBOARD_H * (display.fontHeight+1) + 12, 8, BLACK); //text field display.drawFastHLine(0, LCDHEIGHT-display.fontHeight-2, LCDWIDTH); display.setColor(WHITE); display.fillRect(0, LCDHEIGHT-display.fontHeight-1, LCDWIDTH, display.fontHeight+1); //typed text display.cursorX = 0; display.cursorY = LCDHEIGHT-display.fontHeight; display.setColor(BLACK); display.print(text); //blinking cursor if (((frameCount % 8) < 4) && (activeChar < (length-1))) display.drawChar(display.fontWidth * activeChar, LCDHEIGHT-display.fontHeight, '_',1); } } #endif } void Core::popup(const char* text, uint8_t duration){ #if (ENABLE_GUI > 0) popupText = text; popupTimeLeft = duration+12; #endif } void Core::updatePopup(){ #if (ENABLE_GUI > 0) if (popupTimeLeft){ uint8_t yOffset = 0; if(popupTimeLeft<12){ yOffset = 12-popupTimeLeft; } display.fontSize = 1; display.setColor(WHITE); display.fillRoundRect(0,LCDHEIGHT-display.fontHeight+yOffset-3,84,display.fontHeight+3,3); display.setColor(BLACK); display.drawRoundRect(0,LCDHEIGHT-display.fontHeight+yOffset-3,84,display.fontHeight+3,3); display.cursorX = 4; display.cursorY = LCDHEIGHT-display.fontHeight+yOffset-1; display.print(popupText); popupTimeLeft--; } #endif } void Core::setFrameRate(uint8_t fps) { timePerFrame = 1000 / fps; sound.prescaler = fps / 20; sound.prescaler = __avrmax(1, sound.prescaler); } void Core::pickRandomSeed(){ initRandom(); } bool Core::collidePointRect(int16_t x1, int16_t y1 ,int16_t x2 ,int16_t y2, int16_t w, int16_t h){ if((x1>=x2)&&(x1<x2+w)) if((y1>=y2)&&(y1<y2+h)) return true; return false; } bool Core::collideRectRect(int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t w1, int16_t h1 ,int16_t x2 ,int16_t y2, int16_t w2, int16_t h2){ return !( x2 >= x1+w1 || x2+w2 <= x1 || y2 >= y1+h1 || y2+h2 <= y1 ); } bool Core::collideBitmapBitmap(int16_t x1, int16_t y1, const uint8_t* b1, int16_t x2, int16_t y2, const uint8_t* b2){ int16_t w1 = pgm_read_byte(b1); int16_t h1 = pgm_read_byte(b1 + 1); int16_t w2 = pgm_read_byte(b2); int16_t h2 = pgm_read_byte(b2 + 1); if(collideRectRect(x1, y1, w1, h1, x2, y2, w2, h2) == false){ return false; } int16_t xmin = (x1>=x2)? 0 : x2-x1; int16_t ymin = (y1>=y2)? 0 : y2-y1; int16_t xmax = (x1+w1>=x2+w2)? x2+w2-x1 : w1; int16_t ymax = (y1+h1>=y2+h2)? y2+h2-y1 : h1; for(uint8_t y = ymin; y < ymax; y++){ for(uint8_t x = xmin; x < xmax; x++){ if(display.getBitmapPixel(b1, x, y) && display.getBitmapPixel(b2, x1+x-x2, y1+y-y2)){ return true; } } } return false; } //** EOF **//