Русифицированная версия программы для измерения температуры и отн. влажности и вывода информации на сенсорный TFT

Dependencies:   FT800_2 HYT mbed



Отладочная плата к TFT-модулю

Отладочная плата подключается к модулю через переходник Break Out Board 20. На плате-переходнике используется 6 сигналов: SCK, MOSI, MISO, SS (интерфейс SPI), PD (powerdown) и INT (interrupt).

Питание должно быть подано не только на VDD, но и на BLVDD - подсветку экрана. Соответствующие выводы можно просто соединить между собой:


Отладочная плата к датчику серии HYT

К датчику отладочная плата подключается по I2C. Не забываем про подтяжку к питанию:


Демонстрация работы

Процесс создания приложения подробно описан тут:



File content as of revision 0:9db07391e780:

#include "display.h"

************************** Display data about humidity in the 30-minutes interval *****************************************

void Display::StatHumidity_30min(volatile uint64_t seconds, short int statistics24hrs[3][288], uint64_t gridSecondsOffset)
    // start FT800 display list
    // mark the plot area as touch input (to return to 24-hrs statistics)
    (*_TFT).DL(COLOR_RGB(213, 213, 213));
    (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2II(25, 100, 0, 0));
    (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2II(433, 200, 0, 0));
    // create time string, GridLines, link to main menu 
    // draw graph line
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        char currentValue = statistics24hrs[0][i + timePoint3hrs + timePoint30min];
        char currentMinValue = statistics24hrs[1][i + timePoint3hrs + timePoint30min];
        char currentMaxValue = statistics24hrs[2][i + timePoint3hrs + timePoint30min];
        if (currentValue != INIT_STATISTICS_NUMBER && (i + timePoint3hrs + timePoint30min) != 0) {
            if (currentMaxValue - currentMinValue >= DELTA_HUMIDITY) {
                (*_TFT).DL(COLOR_RGB(207, 45, 13));
                (*_TFT).Number(i * 68, 200 - currentMaxValue - 15, 26, 0, currentMaxValue);
                (*_TFT).Number(i * 68, 200 - currentMinValue + 1, 26, 0, currentMinValue);
                (*_TFT).Number(i * 68 + 43, 200 - currentValue - 7, 26, 0, currentValue);
            } else {
                (*_TFT).DL(COLOR_RGB(9, 0, 63));
                (*_TFT).Number(i * 68 + 43, 200 - currentValue - 7, 26, 0, currentValue);
            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * 68 + 25) * 16, (200 - currentValue) * 16));
            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * 68 + 25) * 16, (200 - currentMaxValue) * 16));
            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * 68 + 10) * 16, (200 - currentMaxValue) * 16));
            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * 68 + 40) * 16, (200 - currentMaxValue) * 16));

            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * 68 + 25) * 16, (200 - currentValue) * 16));
            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * 68 + 25) * 16, (200 - currentMinValue) * 16));
            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * 68 + 10) * 16, (200 - currentMinValue) * 16));
            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * 68 + 40) * 16, (200 - currentMinValue) * 16));

            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * 68 + 25) * 16, (200 - currentValue) * 16));

            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * 68 + 15) * 16, (200 - currentValue) * 16));
            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * 68 + 35) * 16, (200 - currentValue) * 16));
        if (timePoint3hrs + timePoint30min == 0) {
            (*_TFT).DL(COLOR_RGB(9, 0, 63));
            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F(25 * 16, (200 - statistics24hrs[0][0]) * 16));
    // write main title
    (*_TFT).DL(COLOR_RGB(0, 0, 0));
    CreateStringRussian("Отн. влажность за 30 минут");
    (*_TFT).Text(15, 15, 3, 0, russianStr); 
    // finish FT800 display list

************************** Display data about temperature in the 30-minutes interval **************************************

void Display::StatTemperature_30min(volatile uint64_t seconds, short int statistics24hrs[3][288], uint64_t gridSecondsOffset)
    // strings needed to output temperature values with decimal mark
    char currentValueStr[8], currentMinValueStr[8], currentMaxValueStr[8];

    // start FT800 display list
    // mark the plot area as touch input (to return to 24-hrs statistics)    
    (*_TFT).DL(COLOR_RGB(213, 213, 213));
    (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2II(25, 100, 0, 0));
    (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2II(433, 200, 0, 0));

    // create time string, GridLines, link to main menu 

    // draw graph line
    // Temperature values are multiplied by 10 in the statistics data array.
    // To receive "normal" temperature with decimal mark we have to divide it
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        char currentValue_toDraw = (statistics24hrs[0][i + timePoint3hrs + timePoint30min] / TEMPERATURE_MULTIPLIER + 50) * 0.57;
        char currentMinValue_toDraw = (statistics24hrs[1][i + timePoint3hrs + timePoint30min] / TEMPERATURE_MULTIPLIER + 50) * 0.57;
        char currentMaxValue_toDraw = (statistics24hrs[2][i + timePoint3hrs + timePoint30min] / TEMPERATURE_MULTIPLIER + 50) * 0.57;

        short int currentValue_multiplied = statistics24hrs[0][i + timePoint3hrs + timePoint30min];
        CreateStringMultipliedTemp(currentValueStr, currentValue_multiplied);
        short int currentMinValue_multiplied = statistics24hrs[1][i + timePoint3hrs + timePoint30min];
        CreateStringMultipliedTemp(currentMinValueStr, currentMinValue_multiplied);
        short int currentMaxValue_multiplied = statistics24hrs[2][i + timePoint3hrs + timePoint30min];
        CreateStringMultipliedTemp(currentMaxValueStr, currentMaxValue_multiplied);

        short int delta = currentMaxValue_multiplied - currentMinValue_multiplied;
        if (currentValue_multiplied != INIT_STATISTICS_NUMBER && (i + timePoint3hrs + timePoint30min) != 0) {
                (*_TFT).DL(COLOR_RGB(207, 45, 13));
                (*_TFT).Text(i * 68 + 5, 200 - currentMaxValue_toDraw - 17, 20, 0, currentMaxValueStr);
                (*_TFT).Text(i * 68 + 5, 200 - currentMinValue_toDraw + 3, 20, 0, currentMinValueStr);
                (*_TFT).Text(i * 68 + 43, 200 - currentValue_toDraw - 7, 26, 0, currentValueStr);
            } else {
                (*_TFT).DL(COLOR_RGB(9, 0, 63));
                (*_TFT).Text(i * 68 + 43, 200 - currentValue_toDraw - 7, 26, 0, currentValueStr);
            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * 68 + 25) * 16, (200 - currentValue_toDraw) * 16));
            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * 68 + 25) * 16, (200 - currentMaxValue_toDraw) * 16));
            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * 68 + 10) * 16, (200 - currentMaxValue_toDraw) * 16));
            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * 68 + 40) * 16, (200 - currentMaxValue_toDraw) * 16));

            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * 68 + 25) * 16, (200 - currentValue_toDraw) * 16));
            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * 68 + 25) * 16, (200 - currentMinValue_toDraw) * 16));
            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * 68 + 10) * 16, (200 - currentMinValue_toDraw) * 16));
            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * 68 + 40) * 16, (200 - currentMinValue_toDraw) * 16));

            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * 68 + 25) * 16, (200 - currentValue_toDraw) * 16));

            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * 68 + 15) * 16, (200 - currentValue_toDraw) * 16));
            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * 68 + 35) * 16, (200 - currentValue_toDraw) * 16));
        if (timePoint3hrs + timePoint30min == 0) {
            (*_TFT).DL(COLOR_RGB(9, 0, 63));
            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F(25 * 16, (200 - statistics24hrs[0][0]) * 16));

    // write main title
    (*_TFT).DL(COLOR_RGB(0, 0, 0));    
    CreateStringRussian("Температура за 30 минут");
    (*_TFT).Text(15, 15, 3, 0, russianStr); 
    // finish FT800 display list