HYT humidity & temp sensor polling / showing received data at TFT with capacitive touchscreen

Dependencies:   FT800_2 HYT mbed

HYT humidity & temperature sensor: polling and showing data at TFT via graphical controller FT800/FT801.


For documentation on the FT800 library, please refer to the library pages.


MCU-board to TFT-module

MCU-board is connected to TFT-module via Break Out Board. You need 6 signals to connect: SCK, MOSI and MISO are connected to a SPI channel, SS is the chip select signal, PD work as powerdown and INT for interrupts from TFT to MCU.


You have to connect VDD to BLVDD at Break Out Board if you use the board:


MCU-board to HYT sensor

MCU-board is connected to sensor via I2C. Remember to use pull-up resisrors there:


Подробнее в статьях Как перестать бояться и полюбить mbed [Часть 1 - 5] на https://habrahabr.ru/users/uuuulala/topics/



File content as of revision 0:5d3131d1b142:

#include "display.h"

************************** Display real-time humidity *********************************************************************

void Display::CurrentHumidity(float humidity)
    // accelerator for x-axis data output
    char accelerator = 6;
    // create string including current humididty and " %"
    CreateStringTempHum(humidityStr, humidity, 0);
    // write the new scalable (* 1.5) data to the next available array position
    currentHumidity_Y[currentHumidity_X] = (char)(humidity * 1.5);

    // start FT800 display list

    // draw bottom color for graph line
    (*_TFT).DL(COLOR_RGB(200, 200, 200));
    for (int i = 0; i < 68; i++) {
        if (currentHumidity_Y[i] != 0 && i <= currentHumidity_X) {
            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * accelerator + 15) * 16, (220 - currentHumidity_Y[i]) * 16));

    // draw horisontal grid for humidity (0 .. 100)

    // draw main graph line
    (*_TFT).DL(COLOR_RGB(9, 0, 63));
    for (int i = 0; i < 68; i++) {
        if (currentHumidity_Y[i] != 0 && (i < currentHumidity_X || i >= currentHumidity_X + 13)) {
            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * accelerator + 15) * 16, (222 - currentHumidity_Y[i]) * 16));

    // draw subtitle for main graph line
    (*_TFT).DL(COLOR_RGB(255, 255, 255));
    (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2II((currentHumidity_X * accelerator + 40) + 25, (200 - currentHumidity_Y[currentHumidity_X]), 0, 0));
    (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2II((currentHumidity_X * accelerator + 40), (177 - currentHumidity_Y[currentHumidity_X]), 0, 0));
    (*_TFT).DL(COLOR_RGB(255, 0, 0));
    (*_TFT).Text((currentHumidity_X * accelerator + 30), (180 - currentHumidity_Y[currentHumidity_X] - 7), 28, 0, humidityStr);
    (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((currentHumidity_X * accelerator + 15) * 16, (220 - currentHumidity_Y[currentHumidity_X]) * 16));
    (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((currentHumidity_X * accelerator + 35) * 16, (200 - currentHumidity_Y[currentHumidity_X]) * 16));
    (*_TFT).DL(COLOR_RGB(255, 30, 33));
    (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((currentHumidity_X * accelerator + 15) * 16, (220 - currentHumidity_Y[currentHumidity_X]) * 16));

    // write main title
    (*_TFT).DL(COLOR_RGB(0, 0, 0));
    (*_TFT).Text(11, 15, 30, 0, "Current humidity, rH");

    // clean the space under the plot, create link to the main menu
    (*_TFT).DL(SCISSOR_XY(15, 222));
    (*_TFT).DL(SCISSOR_SIZE(420, 53));
    (*_TFT).Gradient(0, 256, 0xFFFFFF, 450, 16, 0xFFFFFF);

    // finish FT800 display list

    // manage the index for array with real-time humidity
    if (currentHumidity_X >= 68) {
        currentHumidity_X = 0;
    } else {
        currentHumidity_X ++;
    if (pressedButton == MENU_PRESS) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 68; i++) {
            currentHumidity_Y[i] = 0;
            currentHumidity_X = 0;

************************** Display real-time temperature ******************************************************************

void Display::CurrentTemperature(float temperature)
    // accelerator for x-axis data output
    char accelerator = 6;
    // create string including current temperature with decimal mark and " С"
    char degreeOffset = CreateStringTempHum(temperatureStr, temperature, 1);
    // write the new scalable (* 0.88 + 45) data to the next available array position
    currentTemperature_Y[currentTemperature_X] = (char)(temperature * 0.88 + 45);

    // start FT800 display list

    // draw bottom color for graph line
    (*_TFT).DL(COLOR_RGB(200, 177, 199));
    for (int i = 0; i < 68; i++) {
        if (currentTemperature_Y[i] != 0 && i <= currentTemperature_X) {
            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * accelerator + 15) * 16, (220 - currentTemperature_Y[i]) * 16));

    // draw horisontal grid for temperature (-50 .. +125)

    // draw main graph line
    (*_TFT).DL(COLOR_RGB(9, 0, 63));
    for (int i = 0; i < 68; i++) {
        if (currentTemperature_Y[i] != 0 && (i < currentTemperature_X || i >= currentTemperature_X + 13)) {
            (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((i * accelerator + 15) * 16, (222 - currentTemperature_Y[i]) * 16));

    // draw subtitle for main graph line
    (*_TFT).DL(COLOR_RGB(255, 255, 255));
    (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2II((currentTemperature_X * accelerator + 40) + 25, (200 - currentTemperature_Y[currentTemperature_X]), 0, 0));
    (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2II((currentTemperature_X * accelerator + 40), (177 - currentTemperature_Y[currentTemperature_X]), 0, 0));
    (*_TFT).DL(COLOR_RGB(255, 0, 0));
    (*_TFT).Text((currentTemperature_X * accelerator + 25), (173 - currentTemperature_Y[currentTemperature_X]), 28, 0, temperatureStr);
    (*_TFT).Text((currentTemperature_X * accelerator + 25) + (degreeOffset * 8 + 3), (173 - currentTemperature_Y[currentTemperature_X]) - 4, 20, 0, "o");
    (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((currentTemperature_X * accelerator + 15) * 16, (220 - currentTemperature_Y[currentTemperature_X]) * 16));
    (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((currentTemperature_X * accelerator + 35) * 16, (200 - currentTemperature_Y[currentTemperature_X]) * 16));
    (*_TFT).DL(COLOR_RGB(255, 30, 33));
    (*_TFT).DL(VERTEX2F((currentTemperature_X * accelerator + 15) * 16, (220 - currentTemperature_Y[currentTemperature_X]) * 16));

    // write main title
    (*_TFT).DL(COLOR_RGB(0, 0, 0));
    (*_TFT).Text(11, 15, 30, 0, "Current temperature");
    // clean the space under the plot, create link to the main menu
    (*_TFT).DL(SCISSOR_XY(15, 225));
    (*_TFT).DL(SCISSOR_SIZE(420, 53));
    (*_TFT).Gradient(0, 256, 0xFFFFFF, 450, 16, 0xFFFFFF);

    // finish FT800 display list

    if (currentTemperature_X >= 68) {
        currentTemperature_X = 0;
    } else {
        currentTemperature_X ++;
    if (pressedButton == MENU_PRESS) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 68; i++) {
            currentTemperature_Y[i] = 0;
            currentTemperature_X = 0;