Library to access LPC17xx peripherals. It uses static inline functions, constant propagation and dead code elimination to be as fast as possible.

Dependents:   Chua-VGA Wolfram-1D-VGA WolframRnd-1D-VGA Basin-VGA ... more

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/uart.h	Sun Jul 03 17:11:55 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 by Ivo van Poorten <>
+ * This file is licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+ * General Public License, version 3.
+ */
+#include "fastlib/common.h"
+#define FL_UART_RBR         0x00
+#define FL_UART_THR         0x00
+#define FL_UART_DLL         0x00
+#define FL_UART_DLM         0x04
+#define FL_UART_IER         0x04
+#define FL_UART_IIR         0x08
+#define FL_UART_FCR         0x08
+#define FL_UART_LCR         0x0C
+#define FL_UART_MCR         0x10    /* UART1 only */
+#define FL_UART_LSR         0x14
+#define FL_UART_MSR         0x18    /* UART1 only */
+#define FL_UART_SCR         0x1C
+#define FL_UART_ACR         0x20
+#define FL_UART_ICR         0x24    /* UART023 only */
+#define FL_UART_FDR         0x28
+#define FL_UART_TER         0x30
+#define FL_UART_RS485CTRL       0x4C    /* UART1 only */
+#define FL_UART_RS485ADRMATCH   0x50    /* UART1 only */
+#define FL_UART_RS485DLY        0x54    /* UART1 only */
+#define FL_UART0_BASE       0x4000C000
+#define FL_UART1_BASE       0x40010000
+#define FL_UART2_BASE       0x40098000
+#define FL_UART3_BASE       0x4009C000
+#define FL_UART(num, field) \
+    ((volatile uint32_t *)(fl_uart_num_to_base(num) + FL_UART_##field))
+static inline unsigned fl_uart_num_to_base(const unsigned num) {
+    switch(num) {
+    case 0:  return FL_UART0_BASE;
+    case 1:  return FL_UART1_BASE;
+    case 2:  return FL_UART2_BASE;
+    default: return FL_UART3_BASE;
+    }
+static inline unsigned fl_uart_receive_byte(const unsigned uart) {
+    return *FL_UART(uart, RBR);
+static inline void fl_uart_send_byte(const unsigned uart, const unsigned byte) {
+    *FL_UART(uart, THR);
+static inline unsigned fl_uart_get_divisor_latch(const unsigned uart) {
+    unsigned divisor;
+    *FL_UART(uart, LCR) |=   1U<<7;     // enable access to latch
+    divisor = *FL_UART(uart, DLL) | (*FL_UART(uart, DLM) << 8);
+    *FL_UART(uart, LCR) &= ~(1U<<7);    // disable access to latch
+    return divisor;
+/* divisor: 16-bit value */
+static inline void fl_uart_set_divisor_latch(const unsigned uart, const unsigned divisor) {
+    *FL_UART(uart, LCR) |=   1U<<7;     // enable access to latch
+    *FL_UART(uart, DLL)  =  divisor       & 0xff;
+    *FL_UART(uart, DLM)  = (divisor >> 8) & 0xff;
+    *FL_UART(uart, LCR) &= ~(1U<<7);    // disable access to latch
+static inline void fl_uart_rx_data_available_interrupt_enable(const unsigned uart, const unsigned state) {
+    if (state) *FL_UART(uart, IER) |=  (1U<<0);
+    else       *FL_UART(uart, IER) &= ~(1U<<0);
+static inline void fl_uart_tx_fifo_empty_interrupt_enable(const unsigned uart, const unsigned state) {
+    if (state) *FL_UART(uart, IER) |=  (1U<<1);
+    else       *FL_UART(uart, IER) &= ~(1U<<1);
+static inline void fl_uart_rx_line_status_interrupt_enable(const unsigned uart, const unsigned state) {
+    if (state) *FL_UART(uart, IER) |=  (1U<<2);
+    else       *FL_UART(uart, IER) &= ~(1U<<2);
+static inline void fl_uart_end_of_autobaud_interrupt_enable(const unsigned uart, const unsigned state) {
+    if (state) *FL_UART(uart, IER) |=  (1U<<8);
+    else       *FL_UART(uart, IER) &= ~(1U<<8);
+static inline void fl_uart_timeout_autobaud_interrupt_enable(const unsigned uart, const unsigned state) {
+    if (state) *FL_UART(uart, IER) |=  (1U<<9);
+    else       *FL_UART(uart, IER) &= ~(1U<<9);
+static inline unsigned fl_uart_interrupt_status(const unsigned uart) {
+    return !(*FL_UART(uart, IIR) & 1);  // negate, because status is active low
+#define FL_UART_INTERRUPT_RLS   3   /* rx line status */
+#define FL_UART_INTERRUPT_RDA   2   /* rx data available */
+#define FL_UART_INTERRUPT_CTI   6   /* character time-out */
+#define FL_UART_INTERRUPT_THRE  1   /* tx fifo empty */
+#define FL_UART_INTERRUPT_MODEM 0   /* modem interrupt, uart1 only */
+static inline unsigned fl_uart_get_interrupt_identification(const unsigned uart) {
+    return (*FL_UART(uart, IIR) >> 1) & 7;
+/* returns 0 or !0 */
+static inline unsigned fl_uart_end_of_autobaud_interrupt(const unsigned uart) {
+    return *FL_UART(uart, IIR) & (1U<<8);
+static inline unsigned fl_uart_timeout_autobaud_interrupt(const unsigned uart) {
+    return *FL_UART(uart, IIR) & (1U<<9);
+/* call is more or less mandatory for application (page 305) */
+static inline void fl_uart_enable_fifos(const unsigned uart) {
+    *FL_UART(uart, FCR) |= 1U<<0;
+/* disable/enable cycle clears fifo */
+static inline void fl_uart_disable_fifos(const unsigned uart) {
+    *FL_UART(uart, FCR) &= ~(1U<<0);
+static inline void fl_uart_reset_rx_fifo(const unsigned uart) {
+    *FL_UART(uart, FCR) |= 1U<<1;       // bit is self-clearing
+static inline void fl_uart_reset_tx_fifo(const unsigned uart) {
+    *FL_UART(uart, FCR) |= 1U<<2;       // bit is self-clearing
+static inline void fl_uart_enable_dma_mode(const unsigned uart, const unsigned state) {
+    if (state) *FL_UART(uart, FCR) |=   1U<<3 ;
+    else       *FL_UART(uart, FCR) &= ~(1U<<3);
+static inline void fl_uart_set_rx_trigger_level(const unsigned uart, const unsigned level) {
+    if (level != 14) *FL_UART(uart, FCR) &= ~(3U<<6);
+    switch(level) {
+    default:                               return;
+    case 4:  *FL_UART(uart, FCR) |= 1U<<6; return;
+    case 8:  *FL_UART(uart, FCR) |= 2U<<6; return;
+    case 14: *FL_UART(uart, FCR) |= 3U<<6; return;
+    }
+#define FL_UART_5BIT    0
+#define FL_UART_6BIT    1
+#define FL_UART_7BIT    2
+#define FL_UART_8BIT    3
+#define FL_UART_1STOPBIT    0
+#define FL_UART_2STOPBITS   1
+#define FL_UART_NO_PARITY   0
+#define FL_UART_PARITY      1
+#define FL_UART_ODD         0
+#define FL_UART_EVEN        1
+#define FL_UART_FORCE1      2
+#define FL_UART_FORCE0      3
+static inline void fl_uart_line_config(const unsigned uart, const unsigned wordlength, const unsigned stopbit, \
+                                       const unsigned parity_enable, const unsigned parity_type) {
+    const unsigned combined = wordlength | (stopbit << 2) | (parity_enable << 3) | (parity_type << 4);
+    *FL_UART(uart, LCR) &= ~(0x3fU);
+    *FL_UART(uart, LCR) |= combined;
+static inline void fl_uart_break_transmission(const unsigned uart, const unsigned state) {
+    if (state) *FL_UART(uart, LCR) |=   1U<<6 ;
+    else       *FL_UART(uart, LCR) &= ~(1U<<6);
+static inline unsigned fl_uart_get_line_status(const unsigned uart) {
+    return *FL_UART(uart, LSR);
+/* read status first and use functions below to test what is happening */
+/* the reason for this is that a status read clears several bits */
+#define FL_LSR_TEST(what, where) \
+    static inline unsigned fl_uart_##what(const unsigned status) { \
+        return status & (where); \
+    }
+FL_LSR_TEST(rx_fifo_not_empty,      1U<<0);
+FL_LSR_TEST(rx_fifo_overun_error,   1U<<1);
+FL_LSR_TEST(rx_parity_error,        1U<<2);
+FL_LSR_TEST(rx_framing_error,       1U<<3);
+FL_LSR_TEST(rx_break_interrupt,     1U<<4);     /* associated with top of fifo */
+FL_LSR_TEST(tx_send_register_empty, 1U<<5);
+FL_LSR_TEST(tx_empty,               1U<<6);     /* both send and status register */
+FL_LSR_TEST(rx_error_entered_fifo,  1U<<7);
+static inline void fl_uart_write_scratch_pad(const unsigned uart, const unsigned byte) {
+    *FL_UART(uart, SCR) = byte & 0xff;
+static inline unsigned fl_uart_read_scratch_pad(const unsigned uart) {
+    return *FL_UART(uart, SCR);
+static inline void fl_uart_autobaud_config(const unsigned uart, const unsigned mode, const unsigned autorestart) {
+    *FL_UART(uart, ACR) = (mode << 1) | (autorestart << 2);     // writing zeroes to other bits has no impact (p.308/309)
+static inline void fl_uart_start_autobaud(const unsigned uart) {
+    *FL_UART(uart, ACR) |= 1;       // bit is auto-clearing
+static inline void fl_uart_clear_end_of_autobaud_interrupt(const unsigned uart) {
+    *FL_UART(uart, ACR) |= 1U<<8;
+static inline void fl_uart_clear_autobaud_timeout_interrupt(const unsigned uart) {
+    *FL_UART(uart, ACR) |= 1U<<9;
+static inline void fl_uart_set_fractional_divider(const unsigned uart, const unsigned divaddval, const unsigned mulval) {
+    *FL_UART(uart, FDR) &= ~(0xff);
+    *FL_UART(uart, FDR) |= divaddval | (mulval<<4);
+static inline unsigned fl_uart_get_fractional_divider(const unsigned uart) {
+    return *FL_UART(uart, FDR);
+static inline void fl_uart_transmitter_enable(const unsigned uart, const unsigned state) {
+    if (state) *FL_UART(uart, TER) |=   1U<<7 ;
+    else       *FL_UART(uart, TER) &= ~(1U<<7);
+// infrared mode only works on uart0, 2 and 3
+static inline void fl_uart_infrared_mode(const unsigned uart, const unsigned state) {
+    if (state) *FL_UART(uart, ICR) |=   1U<<0;
+    else       *FL_UART(uart, ICR) &= ~(1U<<0);
+static inline void fl_uart_infrared_input_inverted(const unsigned uart, const unsigned state) {
+    if (state) *FL_UART(uart, ICR) |=   1U<<1;
+    else       *FL_UART(uart, ICR) &= ~(1U<<1);
+static inline void fl_uart_infrared_fixed_pulsewidth(const unsigned uart, const unsigned state) {
+    if (state) *FL_UART(uart, ICR) |=   1U<<2;
+    else       *FL_UART(uart, ICR) &= ~(1U<<2);
+// see UM10360 page 312 for pulsediv values (0-7)
+static inline void fl_uart_infrared_config_pulse(const unsigned uart, const unsigned pulsediv) {
+    *FL_UART(uart, ICR) &= ~(7U<<3);
+    *FL_UART(uart, ICR) |= pulsediv << 3;
+// functions below only work for uart1 (full modem interface)
+static inline void fl_modem_status_interrupt_enable(const unsigned state) {
+    if (state) *FL_UART(1, IER) |=  (1U<<3);
+    else       *FL_UART(1, IER) &= ~(1U<<3);
+static inline void fl_modem_cts_interrupt_enable(const unsigned state) {
+    if (state) *FL_UART(1, IER) |=  (1U<<7);
+    else       *FL_UART(1, IER) &= ~(1U<<7);
+static inline void fl_modem_control(const unsigned dtr_control, const unsigned rts_control, const unsigned loopback,
+                                    const unsigned rts, const unsigned cts) {
+    *FL_UART(1, MCR) = dtr_control | (rts_control << 1) | (loopback << 4) | (rts << 6) | (cts << 7);
+static inline unsigned fl_modem_get_status(void) {
+    return *FL_UART(1, MSR);
+/* read status first and use functions below to test what is happening */
+/* the reason for this is that a status read clears several bits */
+#define FL_MSR_TEST(what, where) \
+    static inline unsigned fl_modem_##what(const unsigned status) { \
+        return status & (where); \
+    }
+FL_MSR_TEST(cts_state_changed, 1U<<0);
+FL_MSR_TEST(dsr_state_changed, 1U<<1);
+FL_MSR_TEST(low_to_high_ri,    1U<<2);
+FL_MSR_TEST(dcd_state_changed, 1U<<3);
+FL_MSR_TEST(cts_state,         1U<<4);      /* clear to send */
+FL_MSR_TEST(dsr_state,         1U<<5);      /* data set ready */
+FL_MSR_TEST(ri_state,          1U<<6);      /* ring indicator */
+FL_MSR_TEST(dcd_state,         1U<<7);      /* data carrier detect */
+// RS-485/EIA-485 mode functions, also uart1 only
+static inline void fl_rs485_normal_multidrop_mode_enable(const unsigned state) {
+    if (state) *FL_UART(1, RS485CTRL) |=   1U<<0 ;
+    else       *FL_UART(1, RS485CTRL) &= ~(1U<<0);
+static inline void fl_rs485_receiver_enable(const unsigned state) {
+    if (state) *FL_UART(1, RS485CTRL) |=   1U<<1 ;
+    else       *FL_UART(1, RS485CTRL) &= ~(1U<<1);
+static inline void fl_rs485_auto_address_detect_enable(const unsigned state) {
+    if (state) *FL_UART(1, RS485CTRL) |=   1U<<2 ;
+    else       *FL_UART(1, RS485CTRL) &= ~(1U<<2);
+static inline void fl_rs485_auto_direction_control_enable(const unsigned state) {
+    if (state) *FL_UART(1, RS485CTRL) |=   1U<<4 ;
+    else       *FL_UART(1, RS485CTRL) &= ~(1U<<4);
+static inline void fl_rs485_direction_control_on_rts_pin(void) {
+    *FL_UART(1, RS485CTRL) &= ~(1U<<3);
+static inline void fl_rs485_direction_control_on_dtr_pin(void) {
+    *FL_UART(1, RS485CTRL) |= 1U<<3;
+static inline void fl_rs485_direction_control_polarity(const unsigned oinv) {
+    if (oinv) *FL_UART(1, RS485CTRL) |=   1U<<5 ;
+    else      *FL_UART(1, RS485CTRL) &= ~(1U<<5);
+static inline void fl_rs485_set_address_match(const unsigned byte) {
+    *FL_UART(1, RS485ADRMATCH) = byte & 0xff;
+static inline void fl_rs485_set_delay_time(const unsigned byte) {
+    *FL_UART(1, RS485DLY) = byte & 0xff;
\ No newline at end of file