Voili voilou

Dependencies:   RoboClaw StepperMotor mbed

Fork of Robot2016_2-0 by ARES

Thu Jan 21 14:25:03 2016 +0000
Test robot aller-retour avec un obstacle et mpc=75

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
IceTeam 11:9c70a7f4d7aa 1 #ifndef OBS_CIRCLE_H_
IceTeam 11:9c70a7f4d7aa 2 #define OBS_CIRCLE_H_
IceTeam 11:9c70a7f4d7aa 3
IceTeam 11:9c70a7f4d7aa 4 #include "Obstacle.h"
IceTeam 11:9c70a7f4d7aa 5
IceTeam 11:9c70a7f4d7aa 6 class Obs_circle: public Obstacle
IceTeam 11:9c70a7f4d7aa 7 {
IceTeam 11:9c70a7f4d7aa 8 public:
IceTeam 23:3a34b8b70da6 9 /** Definit un obstacle de la forme d'un cercle
IceTeam 27:ae68960316f1 10 * @param */
IceTeam 11:9c70a7f4d7aa 11 Obs_circle(float robotRadius, int id, float x, float y, float size);
IceTeam 11:9c70a7f4d7aa 12 virtual int height(float x, float y);
IceTeam 11:9c70a7f4d7aa 13
IceTeam 11:9c70a7f4d7aa 14 //void setPos(float x, float y);
IceTeam 11:9c70a7f4d7aa 15 private:
IceTeam 11:9c70a7f4d7aa 16 float x,y,size2; // size2 c'est la taille au carré
IceTeam 11:9c70a7f4d7aa 17 };
IceTeam 11:9c70a7f4d7aa 18
IceTeam 11:9c70a7f4d7aa 19 #endif