INSAT Mini Project


Fork of X_NUCLEO_6180XA1 by ST

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Tue Nov 24 16:04:41 2015 +0000
Commit message:
Exposed GPIOs on constructor, code cleanup, doxy comment

Changed in this revision

Components/Display/Display_class.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Components/STMPE1600/stmpe1600_class.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
x_nucleo_6180xa1.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
x_nucleo_6180xa1.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/Components/Display/Display_class.h	Wed Nov 18 16:35:04 2015 +0000
+++ b/Components/Display/Display_class.h	Tue Nov 24 16:04:41 2015 +0000
@@ -47,12 +47,6 @@
 extern "C" {
-#define DISPLAY_USING_STMPE1600  	
-#define FAST_DISPLAY   // fast quick and dirty display to speed up
 #define DP  (1<<7)
 #define NOT_7_NO_DP( ... ) (uint8_t) ~( __VA_ARGS__ + DP )
 #define S0 (1<<0)
@@ -141,8 +135,6 @@
       ['X']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S3), // similar to H
       ['Y']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S4),
       ['Z']=           S0+S1+S6+S4+S3, // same as 2
 #undef S0
@@ -159,232 +151,37 @@
 /* Classes -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 /** Class representing Display
 class Display
-    Display(DevI2C &i2c, STMPE1600DigiOut &D1,	STMPE1600DigiOut &D2, STMPE1600DigiOut &D3, STMPE1600DigiOut &D4,
-	    STMPE1600DigiOut &D_A, STMPE1600DigiOut &D_B, STMPE1600DigiOut &D_C, STMPE1600DigiOut &D_D,
-	    STMPE1600DigiOut &D_E, STMPE1600DigiOut &D_F, STMPE1600DigiOut &D_G)
-	    : Display_D1(D1), Display_D2(D2), Display_D3(D3), Display_D4(D4), Display_A(D_A), Display_B(D_B), 
-            Display_C(D_C), Display_D(D_D), Display_E(D_E), Display_F(D_F), Display_G(D_G), dev_i2c(i2c)
-	    {
-	       pDisplay_DGT[0] = &Display_D1;
-	       pDisplay_DGT[1] = &Display_D2;
-	       pDisplay_DGT[2] = &Display_D3;
-	       pDisplay_DGT[3] = &Display_D4;	
-	       pDisplay_SEG[0] = &Display_A;
-	       pDisplay_SEG[1] = &Display_B;
-	       pDisplay_SEG[2] = &Display_C;
-	       pDisplay_SEG[3] = &Display_D;
-	       pDisplay_SEG[4] = &Display_E;
-	       pDisplay_SEG[5] = &Display_F;
-	       pDisplay_SEG[6] = &Display_G;		
-	       for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { *pDisplay_DGT[i]=1; }
-	       for (int i=0; i<7; i++) { *pDisplay_SEG[i]=1; }		
-	    }
-    Display(DevI2C &i2c) :  dev_i2c(i2c) {}
-#ifndef FAST_DISPLAY			
-    void Digits_off (void)  // all 4 digits off
-    {
-       Display_D1=1;
-       Display_D2=1; 
-       Display_D3=1; 
-       Display_D4=1;  			
-    }
-    void Digits_on (void)  // all 4 digits on
-    {
-       Display_D1=0;
-       Display_D2=0; 
-       Display_D3=0; 
-       Display_D4=0;  			
-    }
-    void Digit_on (int digit)  // digits on
-    {
-       *pDisplay_DGT[digit] = 0;
-    }
-    void Digit_off (int digit)  // digits off
-    {
-       *pDisplay_DGT[digit] = 1;
-    }
-    void Segments_off ()   // all 7 segments off			
-    {
-       Display_A=1;
-       Display_B=1;
-       Display_C=1;
-       Display_D=1;
-       Display_E=1;
-       Display_F=1;			
-       Display_G=1;						
-    }		
-    void Segment_off (int seg)   // segment off			
-    {
-       *pDisplay_SEG[seg] = 1;
-    }
-    void Segment_on (int seg)   // segment on			
-    {
-       *pDisplay_SEG[seg] = 0;
-    }
-    void DisplayString (char str[4])
-    {
-       int i;
-       const char *pc;
-       for( i=0, pc=str; i<4 && *pc!=0 ; i++, pc++)
-       {
-          _V2_Set7Segment( ascii_to_display_lut[(uint8_t)*pc], i);
-          if( *(pc+1)== '.')
-          {
-             pc++;
-          }
-          wait_ms(DISPLAY_DELAY);
-          Digits_off();
-       }			
-    }
-    void _V2_Set7Segment( int Leds, int digit )
-    {
-       //Digits_off();
-       Segments_off();     // 7 seg off */
-       int mask=1;
-       for (int i=0; i<7; i++) 
-       { 
-          if (Leds & mask) Segment_on(i);
-          mask = mask<<1;
-       }		 
-       Digit_on(digit);
-    }
-    void DisplayDigit (char *val, char dgt)	
-    {
-       uint8_t data[2];
-       uint16_t *pdata = (uint16_t*)data;				
-       dev_i2c.i2c_read(data, (uint8_t)STMPE1600_DEF_DEVICE_ADDRESS, (uint8_t)GPSR_0_7, 2);		//  GPSR_0_7					
-       *pdata = *pdata | (uint16_t)0x0780;				// all digits off
-       dev_i2c.i2c_write(data, (uint8_t)STMPE1600_DEF_DEVICE_ADDRESS, (uint8_t)GPSR_0_7, 2);		//  GPSR_0_7		 
-       _V2_Set7Segment( ascii_to_display_lut[(uint8_t)*val], dgt);						
-    }
-    void DisplayString (char str[4], char strlen)
-    {
-       int i, dgt;
-       const char *pc;
-       uint8_t data[2];
-       uint16_t *pdata = (uint16_t*)data;	
-       //dev_i2c.i2c_read(data, (uint8_t)STMPE1600_DEF_DEVICE_ADDRESS, (uint8_t)GPSR_0_7, 2);		//  GPSR_0_7					
-       //*pdata = *pdata | (uint16_t)0x0780;				// all digits off
-       //dev_i2c.i2c_write(data, (uint8_t)STMPE1600_DEF_DEVICE_ADDRESS, (uint8_t)GPSR_0_7, 2);		//  GPSR_0_7		 
-       for(i=0, dgt=4-strlen, pc=str; i<strlen && *pc!=0; i++, pc++, dgt++)
-       {
-          _V2_Set7Segment( ascii_to_display_lut[(uint8_t)*pc], dgt);
-          if( *(pc+1)== '.')
-          {
-             pc++;
-          }
-          wait_ms(DISPLAY_DELAY);
-          dev_i2c.i2c_read(data, (uint8_t)STMPE1600_DEF_DEVICE_ADDRESS, (uint8_t)GPSR_0_7, 2);		//  GPSR_0_7
-          *pdata = *pdata | (uint16_t)0x0780;				// all digits off
-          dev_i2c.i2c_write(data, (uint8_t)STMPE1600_DEF_DEVICE_ADDRESS, (uint8_t)GPSR_0_7, 2);		//  GPSR_0_7	
-       }			
-    }
-    void _V2_Set7Segment( int Leds, int digit )
-    {
-       //Digits_off();
-       uint16_t dgt;
-       dgt = 1<<digit;
-       dgt = ((uint16_t)dgt)<<7;
-       dgt = ~dgt;	
-       uint8_t data[2];
-       uint16_t *pdata = (uint16_t*)data;			 
-       /* set the exppinname state to lvl */
-       dev_i2c.i2c_read(data, (uint8_t)STMPE1600_DEF_DEVICE_ADDRESS, (uint8_t)GPSR_0_7, 2);		//  GPSR_0_7  		 
-       *pdata = *pdata  | (uint16_t)0x007F;      // 7 segments off
-       dev_i2c.i2c_write(data, (uint8_t)STMPE1600_DEF_DEVICE_ADDRESS, (uint8_t)GPSR_0_7, 2);		//  GPSR_0_7		 
-       int mask=1;
-       for (int i=0; i<7; i++) 
-       { 
-          if (Leds & mask) *pdata = *pdata & ~(uint16_t)mask;  
-          mask = mask<<1;
-       }		 
-       *pdata = *pdata & dgt;
-       dev_i2c.i2c_write(data, (uint8_t)STMPE1600_DEF_DEVICE_ADDRESS, (uint8_t)GPSR_0_7, 2);		//  GPSR_0_7		 			
-   }
- private:		
-   STMPE1600DigiOut &Display_D1;
-   STMPE1600DigiOut &Display_D2;
-   STMPE1600DigiOut &Display_D3;
-   STMPE1600DigiOut &Display_D4;
-   STMPE1600DigiOut *pDisplay_DGT[4];		// the 4 display digits
-   STMPE1600DigiOut &Display_A;
-   STMPE1600DigiOut &Display_B;
-   STMPE1600DigiOut &Display_C;
-   STMPE1600DigiOut &Display_D;
-   STMPE1600DigiOut &Display_E; 
-   STMPE1600DigiOut &Display_F;
-   STMPE1600DigiOut &Display_G; 
-   STMPE1600DigiOut *pDisplay_SEG[7];		// the 7 digit segmments
-    DevI2C &dev_i2c; 		
-#else  // defined DISPLAY_USING_STMPE1600
-class Display
- public:
- Display(STMPE1600 &stmpe_1600) : stmpe1600(stmpe_1600) {
-	 stmpe1600.setGPIOdir (GPIO_7,  OUTPUT);  // Digit1	 
-	 stmpe1600.setGPIOdir (GPIO_8,  OUTPUT);  // Digit2	 
-	 stmpe1600.setGPIOdir (GPIO_9,  OUTPUT);  // Digit3	 
-	 stmpe1600.setGPIOdir (GPIO_10, OUTPUT);  // Digit4	 	 
+     /** Constructor
+     * @param[in] &stmpe_1600 device handler to be used for display control
+     */    
+     Display(STMPE1600 &stmpe_1600) : stmpe1600(stmpe_1600) {
+	    stmpe1600.setGPIOdir (GPIO_7,  OUTPUT);  // Digit1	 
+	    stmpe1600.setGPIOdir (GPIO_8,  OUTPUT);  // Digit2	 
+	    stmpe1600.setGPIOdir (GPIO_9,  OUTPUT);  // Digit3	 
+	    stmpe1600.setGPIOdir (GPIO_10, OUTPUT);  // Digit4	 	 
-	 stmpe1600.setGPIOdir (GPIO_0,  OUTPUT);  // Digit4	 	 	 
-	 stmpe1600.setGPIOdir (GPIO_1,  OUTPUT);  // Digit4	 	 	 	 
-	 stmpe1600.setGPIOdir (GPIO_2,  OUTPUT);  // Digit4	 	 	 
-	 stmpe1600.setGPIOdir (GPIO_3,  OUTPUT);  // Digit4	 	 	 
-	 stmpe1600.setGPIOdir (GPIO_4,  OUTPUT);  // Digit4	 	 	 
-	 stmpe1600.setGPIOdir (GPIO_5,  OUTPUT);  // Digit4	 	 	 
-	 stmpe1600.setGPIOdir (GPIO_6,  OUTPUT);  // Digit4	 	 	 
- }
+	    stmpe1600.setGPIOdir (GPIO_0,  OUTPUT);  // SegmentA	 	 	 
+	    stmpe1600.setGPIOdir (GPIO_1,  OUTPUT);  // SegmentB	 	 	 
+	    stmpe1600.setGPIOdir (GPIO_2,  OUTPUT);  // SegmentC	 	 
+	    stmpe1600.setGPIOdir (GPIO_3,  OUTPUT);  // SegmentD	 	 
+	    stmpe1600.setGPIOdir (GPIO_4,  OUTPUT);  // SegmentE	 	 
+	    stmpe1600.setGPIOdir (GPIO_5,  OUTPUT);  // SegmentF	 	 
+	    stmpe1600.setGPIOdir (GPIO_6,  OUTPUT);  // SegmentG	 	 	  	 
+     }
+	/*** Interface Methods ***/	     
+	/**
+	 * @brief       Print the string on display
+	 * @param[in]   String to be printed
+	 * @param[in]   String lenght [min 1, max 4]
+	 * @return      void
+	 */				
      void DisplayString (char str[4], char strlen)
-    {
+     {
        int i, dgt;
        const char *pc;
        uint8_t data[2];
@@ -403,21 +200,28 @@
 					stmpe1600.write16bitReg(GPSR_0_7, pdata);
-		}
-    void DisplayDigit (char *val, char dgt)	
-    {
+	 }
+	/**
+	 * @brief       Print the digit on display
+	 * @param[in]   Digit value to be printed
+	 * @param[in]   Digit to be used [min 0, max 3]
+	 * @return      void
+	 */				 
+     void DisplayDigit (char *val, char dgt)	
+     {
        uint8_t data[2];
        uint16_t *pdata = (uint16_t*)data;		
-			 stmpe1600.read16bitReg(GPSR_0_7, pdata);
+	   stmpe1600.read16bitReg(GPSR_0_7, pdata);
        *pdata = *pdata | (uint16_t)0x0780;				// all digits off
-			 stmpe1600.write16bitReg(GPSR_0_7, pdata);
+	   stmpe1600.write16bitReg(GPSR_0_7, pdata);
        _V2_Set7Segment( ascii_to_display_lut[(uint8_t)*val], dgt);						
-    }		
+     }		
-    void _V2_Set7Segment( int Leds, int digit )
-    {
+     void _V2_Set7Segment( int Leds, int digit )
+     {
        uint16_t dgt;
        dgt = 1<<digit;
@@ -428,9 +232,9 @@
        /* set the exppinname state to lvl */
-			 stmpe1600.read16bitReg(GPSR_0_7, pdata);
+	   stmpe1600.read16bitReg(GPSR_0_7, pdata);
        *pdata = *pdata  | (uint16_t)0x007F;      // 7 segments off
-			 stmpe1600.write16bitReg(GPSR_0_7, pdata);
+	   stmpe1600.write16bitReg(GPSR_0_7, pdata);
        int mask=1;
        for (int i=0; i<7; i++) 
@@ -439,14 +243,10 @@
           mask = mask<<1;
        *pdata = *pdata & dgt;
-			 stmpe1600.write16bitReg(GPSR_0_7, pdata);
-   }		
-  private:
-		STMPE1600 &stmpe1600;
+	   stmpe1600.write16bitReg(GPSR_0_7, pdata);
+     }				
+	 STMPE1600 &stmpe1600;
 #ifdef __cplusplus
--- a/Components/STMPE1600/stmpe1600_class.h	Wed Nov 18 16:35:04 2015 +0000
+++ b/Components/STMPE1600/stmpe1600_class.h	Tue Nov 24 16:04:41 2015 +0000
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- * @file    vl6180x_class.h
+ * @file    stmpe1600_class.h
  * @author  AST / EST
  * @version V0.0.1
  * @date    14-April-2015
- * @brief   Header file for component VL6180X
+ * @brief   Header file for component stmpe1600
  * @attention
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
 } ExpGpioPinName;   
 typedef enum {
@@ -89,10 +89,18 @@
+/* Classes -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** Class representing a single stmpe1600 GPIO expander output pin
+ */
 class STMPE1600DigiOut {
+    /** Constructor
+     * @param[in] &i2c device I2C to be used for communication
+     * @param[in] outpinname the desired out pin name to be created
+     * @param[in] DevAddr the stmpe1600 I2C device addres (deft STMPE1600_DEF_DEVICE_ADDRESS)
+     * @param[in] lvl the default ot pin level  
+     */ 
     STMPE1600DigiOut (DevI2C &i2c, ExpGpioPinName outpinname, uint8_t DevAddr=STMPE1600_DEF_DEVICE_ADDRESS, bool lvl=STMPE1600_DEF_DIGIOUT_LVL): dev_i2c(i2c), expdevaddr(DevAddr), exppinname(outpinname) 
        uint8_t data[2];				
@@ -106,6 +114,11 @@
+	/**
+	 * @brief       Write on the out pin
+	 * @param[in]   lvl level to write
+	 * @return      0 on Success
+	 */			
     void write (int lvl) 
        uint8_t data[2];			
@@ -116,7 +129,10 @@
        if (lvl) *(uint16_t*)data = *(uint16_t*)data | (uint16_t)(1<<(uint16_t)exppinname);
        dev_i2c.i2c_write(data, expdevaddr, GPSR_0_7, 2);
+	/**
+	 * @brief       Overload assignement operator
+	 */					
     STMPE1600DigiOut& operator=(int lvl)
        write (lvl);
@@ -129,9 +145,17 @@
     ExpGpioPinName exppinname; 	
+/* Classes -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** Class representing a single stmpe1600 GPIO expander input pin
+ */
 class STMPE1600DigiIn 
+     /** Constructor
+     * @param[in] &i2c device I2C to be used for communication
+     * @param[in] inpinname the desired input pin name to be created
+     * @param[in] DevAddr the stmpe1600 I2C device addres (deft STMPE1600_DEF_DEVICE_ADDRESS)
+     */ 
     STMPE1600DigiIn (DevI2C &i2c, ExpGpioPinName inpinname, uint8_t DevAddr=STMPE1600_DEF_DEVICE_ADDRESS): dev_i2c(i2c), expdevaddr(DevAddr), exppinname(inpinname) 
        uint8_t data[2];
@@ -142,6 +166,10 @@
        dev_i2c.i2c_write(data, expdevaddr, GPDR_0_7, 2);
+	/**
+	 * @brief       Read the input pin
+	 * @return      The pin logical state 0 or 1
+	 */			
     bool read () 
        uint8_t data[2];
@@ -164,10 +192,16 @@
     ExpGpioPinName exppinname;      
+/* Classes -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** Class representing a whole stmpe1600 component (16 gpio)
+ */
 class STMPE1600 {
+    /** Constructor
+    * @param[in] &i2c device I2C to be used for communication
+    * @param[in] DevAddr the stmpe1600 I2C device addres (deft STMPE1600_DEF_DEVICE_ADDRESS)
+    */ 
     STMPE1600 (DevI2C &i2c, uint8_t DevAddr=STMPE1600_DEF_DEVICE_ADDRESS ) : dev_i2c(i2c)
        dev_i2c = i2c;								
@@ -180,51 +214,86 @@
 			 write16bitReg (GPSR_0_7, &GPSR0_15);			
+	/**
+	 * @brief       Write the SYS_CTRL register 
+	 * @param[in]   Data to be written (bit fields)
+	 */		
     void writeSYS_CTRL (uint8_t data)     // data = SOFT_RESET reset the device
 	     dev_i2c.i2c_write((uint8_t*)SYS_CTRL, expdevaddr, data, 1);
-		bool setGPIO (ExpGpioPinName PinName) 
-		{
-			 if (PinName == NOT_CON) return true;			
-			 GPSR0_15 = GPSR0_15 | ((uint16_t)0x0001<<PinName);
-			 write16bitReg (GPSR_0_7 , &GPSR0_15);
-			 return false;
-		}
+	/**
+	 * @brief       Set the out pin
+	 * @param[in]   The pin name
+	 * @return      0 on Success
+	 */			
+	bool setGPIO (ExpGpioPinName PinName) 
+	{
+		 if (PinName == NOT_CON) return true;			
+		 GPSR0_15 = GPSR0_15 | ((uint16_t)0x0001<<PinName);
+		 write16bitReg (GPSR_0_7 , &GPSR0_15);
+		 return false;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * @brief       Clear the out pin
+	 * @param[in]   The pin name
+	 * @return      0 on Success
+	 */			
+	bool clrGPIO (ExpGpioPinName PinName) 
+	{
+		 if (PinName == NOT_CON) return true;			
+		 GPSR0_15 = GPSR0_15 & (~((uint16_t)0x0001<<PinName));
+		 write16bitReg (GPSR_0_7 , &GPSR0_15);
+		 return false;
+	}		
+	/**
+	 * @brief       Read the input pin
+	 * @param[in]   The pin name
+	 * @return      The logical pin level
+	 */					
+	bool rdGPIO (ExpGpioPinName PinName) 
+	{				
+		  uint16_t gpmr0_15;
+		  if (PinName == NOT_CON) return true;
+		  read16bitReg (GPMR_0_7, &gpmr0_15);
+		  gpmr0_15 = gpmr0_15 & ((uint16_t)0x0001<<PinName);
+		  if (gpmr0_15) return true; 			
+		  return false;			
+	}
+	/**
+	 * @brief       Set the pin direction
+	 * @param[in]   The pin name
+	 * @param[in]   The pin direction	 
+	 * @return      0 on success
+	 */					
+	bool setGPIOdir (ExpGpioPinName PinName, ExpGpioPinDirection PinDir) 
+	{
+	       if (PinName == NOT_CON || PinDir == NOT_CONNECTED) return true; 
+		   GPDR0_15 = GPDR0_15 & (~((uint16_t)0x0001<<PinName));  // clear the Pin
+		   GPDR0_15 = GPDR0_15 | ((uint16_t)PinDir<<PinName);
+		   write16bitReg (GPDR_0_7 , &GPDR0_15);
+		   return false;
+	}
-		bool clrGPIO (ExpGpioPinName PinName) 
-		{
-			 if (PinName == NOT_CON) return true;			
-			 GPSR0_15 = GPSR0_15 & (~((uint16_t)0x0001<<PinName));
-			 write16bitReg (GPSR_0_7 , &GPSR0_15);
-			 return false;
-		}		
-		bool rdGPIO (ExpGpioPinName PinName) 
-		{				
-			  uint16_t gpmr0_15;
-			  if (PinName == NOT_CON) return true;
-			  read16bitReg (GPMR_0_7, &gpmr0_15);
-			  gpmr0_15 = gpmr0_15 & ((uint16_t)0x0001<<PinName);
-			  if (gpmr0_15) return true; 			
-			  return false;			
-		}
-		bool setGPIOdir (ExpGpioPinName PinName, ExpGpioPinDirection PinDir) 
-		{
-				 if (PinName == NOT_CON || PinDir == NOT_CONNECTED) return true; 
-			   GPDR0_15 = GPDR0_15 & (~((uint16_t)0x0001<<PinName));  // clear the Pin
-			   GPDR0_15 = GPDR0_15 | ((uint16_t)PinDir<<PinName);
-			   write16bitReg (GPDR_0_7 , &GPDR0_15);
-			   return false;
-		}
+	/**
+	 * @brief       Read a 16 bits register
+	 * @param[in]   The register address
+	 * @param[in]   The pointer to the read data
+	 */					
     void read16bitReg (uint8_t Reg16Addr, uint16_t *Reg16Data)
        dev_i2c.i2c_read((uint8_t*)Reg16Data, expdevaddr, Reg16Addr, 2);	
+	/**
+	 * @brief       Write a 16 bits register
+	 * @param[in]   The register address
+	 * @param[in]   The pointer to the data to be written
+	 */							
     void write16bitReg (uint8_t Reg16Addr, uint16_t *Reg16Data)
        dev_i2c.i2c_write((uint8_t*)Reg16Data, expdevaddr, Reg16Addr, 2);	
--- a/x_nucleo_6180xa1.cpp	Wed Nov 18 16:35:04 2015 +0000
+++ b/x_nucleo_6180xa1.cpp	Tue Nov 24 16:04:41 2015 +0000
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@
 /* Static variables ----------------------------------------------------------*/
 X_NUCLEO_6180XA1* X_NUCLEO_6180XA1::_instance = NULL;
 X_NUCLEO_6180XA1* X_NUCLEO_6180XA1::Instance(DevI2C *ext_i2c)
@@ -52,6 +51,18 @@
    return _instance;
+X_NUCLEO_6180XA1* X_NUCLEO_6180XA1::Instance(DevI2C *ext_i2c, 
+                                             PinName gpio1_top, PinName gpio1_bottom,
+                                             PinName gpio1_left, PinName gpio1_right)
+   if(_instance==NULL)
+      //_instance=new X_NUCLEO_6180XA1(ext_i2c);
+      _instance=new X_NUCLEO_6180XA1(ext_i2c, gpio1_top, gpio1_bottom, gpio1_left, gpio1_right);
+   else
+      VL6180x_ErrLog("Failed to create X_NUCLEO_6180XA1 instance\n\r");
+   return _instance;
 int X_NUCLEO_6180XA1::InitBoard()
--- a/x_nucleo_6180xa1.h	Wed Nov 18 16:35:04 2015 +0000
+++ b/x_nucleo_6180xa1.h	Tue Nov 24 16:04:41 2015 +0000
@@ -56,31 +56,22 @@
 /* Classes--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Classes -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** Class representing the X-NUCLEO-VL6180XA1 expansion board
+ */
 class X_NUCLEO_6180XA1
+     /** Constructor 1
+     * @param[in] &i2c device I2C to be used for communication
+     */
     X_NUCLEO_6180XA1(DevI2C *ext_i2c) : dev_i2c(ext_i2c)
-		   stmpe1600 = new STMPE1600(*ext_i2c);		
-			 stmpe1600->writeSYS_CTRL (SOFT_RESET);		
+       stmpe1600 = new STMPE1600(*ext_i2c);		
+       stmpe1600->writeSYS_CTRL (SOFT_RESET);		
        Switch = new SWITCH (*stmpe1600, GPIO_11);	
-			 display = new Display(*stmpe1600);			
-       /*digit1=new STMPE1600DigiOut(*dev_i2c, GPIO_7);
-       digit2=new STMPE1600DigiOut(*dev_i2c, GPIO_8);
-       digit3=new STMPE1600DigiOut(*dev_i2c, GPIO_9);
-       digit4=new STMPE1600DigiOut(*dev_i2c, GPIO_10);			
+       display = new Display(*stmpe1600);			
-       dispA=new STMPE1600DigiOut(*dev_i2c, GPIO_0);			
-       dispB=new STMPE1600DigiOut(*dev_i2c, GPIO_1);			
-       dispC=new STMPE1600DigiOut(*dev_i2c, GPIO_2);			
-       dispD=new STMPE1600DigiOut(*dev_i2c, GPIO_3);			
-       dispE=new STMPE1600DigiOut(*dev_i2c, GPIO_4);			
-       dispF=new STMPE1600DigiOut(*dev_i2c, GPIO_5);			
-       dispG=new STMPE1600DigiOut(*dev_i2c, GPIO_6);*/
-       //display=new Display(*digit1,*digit2,*digit3,*digit4,*dispA,*dispB,*dispC,*dispD,*dispE,*dispF,*dispG);
-       //display=new Display(*ext_i2c);
        gpio0_top=new STMPE1600DigiOut(*dev_i2c, GPIO_12);
        sensor_top=new VL6180X(*dev_i2c, *gpio0_top, PB_0);
@@ -93,7 +84,35 @@
        gpio0_right=new STMPE1600DigiOut(*dev_i2c, GPIO_15);
        sensor_right=new VL6180X(*dev_i2c, *gpio0_right, PA_10);
+    /** Constructor 2
+     * @param[in] &i2c device I2C to be used for communication
+     * @param[in] PinName gpio1_top Mbed DigitalOut pin name to be used as a top sensor GPIO_1 INT
+     * @param[in] PinName gpio1_bottom Mbed DigitalOut pin name to be used as a bottom sensor GPIO_1 INT
+     * @param[in] PinName gpio1_left Mbed DigitalOut pin name to be used as a left sensor GPIO_1 INT
+     * @param[in] PinName gpio1_right Mbed DigitalOut pin name to be used as a right sensor GPIO_1 INT               
+     */    
+    X_NUCLEO_6180XA1(DevI2C *ext_i2c, PinName gpio1_top, PinName gpio1_bottom,
+    		 						  PinName gpio1_left, PinName gpio1_right) : dev_i2c(ext_i2c) {
+       stmpe1600 = new STMPE1600(*ext_i2c);		    		 						  	
+       Switch = new SWITCH (*stmpe1600, GPIO_11);	
+       display = new Display(*stmpe1600);			
+       gpio0_top=new STMPE1600DigiOut(*dev_i2c, GPIO_12);			
+       sensor_top=new VL6180X(*dev_i2c, *gpio0_top, gpio1_top);
+       gpio0_bottom=new STMPE1600DigiOut(*dev_i2c, GPIO_13);   
+       sensor_bottom=new VL6180X(*dev_i2c, *gpio0_bottom, gpio1_bottom);
+       gpio0_left=new STMPE1600DigiOut(*dev_i2c, GPIO_14);      
+       sensor_left=new VL6180X(*dev_i2c, *gpio0_left, gpio1_left);
+       gpio0_right=new STMPE1600DigiOut(*dev_i2c, GPIO_15);
+       sensor_right=new VL6180X(*dev_i2c, *gpio0_right, gpio1_right);   	
+    }  
+   /** Destructor
+    */		
@@ -136,62 +155,62 @@
           delete sensor_right;
-       /*delete digit1;
-       delete digit2;
-       delete digit3;
-       delete digit4;
-       delete dispA;
-       delete dispB;
-       delete dispC;
-       delete dispD;
-       delete dispE;
-       delete dispF;
-       delete dispG;*/
-			 delete stmpe1600;
-			 delete Switch;
-			 delete display;
+	   delete stmpe1600;
+	   stmpe1600 = NULL;
+	   delete Switch;
+	   Switch = NULL;
+	   delete display;
+	   display = NULL;
+	/**
+	 * @brief       Creates a singleton object instance
+     * @param[in]   &i2c device I2C to be used for communication
+	 * @return      Pointer to the object instance
+	 */					     
+    static X_NUCLEO_6180XA1 *Instance(DevI2C *ext_i2c);
+	/**
+	 * @brief       Creates a singleton object instance
+     * @param[in]   &i2c device I2C to be used for communication
+     * @param[in]   PinName gpio1_top the pin connected to top sensor INT     
+     * @param[in]   PinName gpio1_bottem the pin connected to bottom sensor INT          
+     * @param[in]   PinName gpio1_left the pin connected to left sensor INT          
+     * @param[in]   PinName gpio1_right the pin connected to right sensor INT          
+	 * @return      Pointer to the object instance
+	 */					         
+    static X_NUCLEO_6180XA1 *Instance(DevI2C *ext_i2c, PinName gpio1_top, PinName gpio1_bottom,
+                                             PinName gpio1_left, PinName gpio1_right);
+	/**
+	 * @brief       Initialize the board and sensors with deft values
+	 * @return      0 on success
+	 */		
+    int InitBoard();
+	/**
+	 * @brief       Read the on board red slider switch
+	 * @return      0 or 1 according to switch position
+	 */				
     bool RdSwitch () {
 	     return Switch->RdSwitch();	
     DevI2C *dev_i2c;
     VL6180X *sensor_top;
     VL6180X *sensor_bottom;
     VL6180X *sensor_left;
     VL6180X *sensor_right;
-		STMPE1600 * stmpe1600;
-		SWITCH * Switch;
+	STMPE1600 * stmpe1600;
+	SWITCH * Switch;		
     STMPE1600DigiOut *gpio0_top;
     STMPE1600DigiOut *gpio0_bottom;
     STMPE1600DigiOut *gpio0_left;
-    STMPE1600DigiOut *gpio0_right;
+    STMPE1600DigiOut *gpio0_right;    
+    Display *display;
-    STMPE1600DigiOut *digit1;
-    STMPE1600DigiOut *digit2;
-    STMPE1600DigiOut *digit3;
-    STMPE1600DigiOut *digit4;		
-    STMPE1600DigiOut *dispA;		
-    STMPE1600DigiOut *dispB;
-    STMPE1600DigiOut *dispC;
-    STMPE1600DigiOut *dispD;
-    STMPE1600DigiOut *dispE;
-    STMPE1600DigiOut *dispF;
-    STMPE1600DigiOut *dispG;
-    Display *display;
-    static X_NUCLEO_6180XA1 *Instance(DevI2C *ext_i2c);
-    int InitBoard();
- private:
+ private:		 		
     static X_NUCLEO_6180XA1 *_instance;