INSAT Mini Project


Fork of X_NUCLEO_6180XA1 by ST

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Mon Jan 18 15:11:01 2016 +0000
Commit message:
Fixed array init gcc compilation issue in Display.h

Changed in this revision

Components/Display/Display_class.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/Components/Display/Display_class.h	Thu Dec 03 09:45:40 2015 +0000
+++ b/Components/Display/Display_class.h	Mon Jan 18 15:11:01 2016 +0000
@@ -57,6 +57,97 @@
 #define S5 (1<<5)
 #define S6 (1<<6)
+#ifndef __cpluplus  
+/* refer to */
+static const uint8_t ascii_to_display_lut[256]={
+	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+	[32]=           0,
+	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+	0,
+	[42]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(),
+	0,0,
+	[45]=           S6,
+	0,0,
+	[48]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S6),
+	[49]=           S1+S2,
+	[50]=           S0+S1+S6+S4+S3,
+	[51]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S4+S5),
+	[52]=           S5+S1+S6+S2,
+	[53]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S1+S4),
+	[54]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S1),
+	[55]=           S0+S1+S2,
+	[56]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(0),
+	[57]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S4),
+	0,0,0,
+	[61]=           S3+S6,
+	0,
+	[63]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S5+S3+S2),
+	[64]=           S0+S3,
+	[65]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S3),
+	[66]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S1), /* as b  */
+	[67]=           S0+S3+S4+S5, // same as [
+	[68]=           S0+S3+S4+S5, // same as [ DUMMY
+	[69]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S1+S2),
+	[70]=           S6+S5+S4+S0,
+	[71]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S4), /* same as 9 */
+	[72]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S3),
+	[73]=           S1+S2,
+	[74]=           S1+S2+S3+S4,
+	[75]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S3), /* same as H */
+	[76]=           S3+S4+S5,
+	[77]=           S0+S4+S2, /* same as  m*/
+	[78]=           S2+S4+S6, /* same as n*/
+	[79]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S6),
+	[80]=           S0+S1+S2+S5+S6, // sames as 'q'
+	[81]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S3+S2),
+	[82]=           S4+S6,
+	[83]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S1+S4), /* sasme as 5 */
+	[84]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S1+S2), /* sasme as t */
+	[85]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S6+S0),
+	[86]=           S4+S3+S2, // is u but u use U
+	[87]=           S1+S3+S5,
+	[88]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S3), // similar to H
+	[89]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S4),
+	[90]=           S0+S1+S6+S4+S3, // same as 2
+	[91]=           S0+S3+S4+S5,
+	0,
+	[93]=           S0+S3+S2+S1,
+	[94]=           S0, /* use as top bar */
+	[95]=           S3,	
+	0,
+	[97]=           S2+ S3+ S4+ S6 ,
+	[98]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S1),
+	[99]=           S6+S4+S3,
+	[100]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S5),
+	[101]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S2),
+	[102]=           S6+S5+S4+S0, /* same as F */
+	[103]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S4), /* same as 9 */
+	[104]=           S6+S5+S4+S2,
+	[105]=           S4,
+	[106]=           S1+S2+S3+S4,
+	[107]=           S6+S5+S4+S2, /* a h */
+	[108]=           S3+S4,
+	[109]=           S0+S4+S2, /* same as  */
+	[110]=           S2+S4+S6,
+	[111]=           S6+S4+S3+S2,
+	[112]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S3+S2), // same as P
+	[113]=           S0+S1+S2+S5+S6,
+	[114]=           S4+S6,
+	[115]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S1+S4),
+	[116]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S1+S2),
+	[117]=           S4+S3+S2+S5+S1, // U
+	[118]=           S4+S3+S2, // is u but u use U
+	[119]=           S1+S3+S5,
+	[120]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S3), // similar to H
+	[121]=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S4),
+	[122]=           S0+S1+S6+S4+S3, // same as 2
+	0,0,0,
+	[126]=           S0+S3+S6 /* 3 h bar */
 /* refer to */
 static const uint8_t ascii_to_display_lut[256]={
       [' ']=           0,
@@ -134,8 +225,9 @@
       ['W']=           S1+S3+S5,
       ['X']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S3), // similar to H
       ['Y']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S4),
-      ['Z']=           S0+S1+S6+S4+S3, // same as 2
+      ['Z']=           S0+S1+S6+S4+S3 // same as 2
 #undef S0
 #undef S1