Dependencies of CANSAT_COMBINED

A dependency is a program or library which this program uses. When you import this program, the dependencies are automatically imported.

V4.0.1 of the ARM CMSIS DSP libraries. Note that arm_bitreversal2.s, arm_cfft_f32.c and arm_rfft_fast_f32.c had to be removed. arm_bitreversal2.s will not assemble with the online tools. So, the fast f32 FFT …
pressure sensor
The MPU9150s biggest selling point was its internal Motion Processor to offload the sensor fusion from the host processor, this library uploads the firmware to generate quaternions from the sensors. … DMP, motion, MPU9150, processor
A quick implementation of Quaternion and Vector classes for use with my MPU9150 library MPU9150, Quaternion, vector
MODSERIAL with support for more devices. Added support for LPC4330 LPC4330
mbed library sources mbed