P controller to make the motor follow pot1

Dependencies:   HIDScope MODSERIAL QEI mbed

Thu Sep 24 16:28:56 2015 +0000
works; controller values need to be tuned;

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
Gerth 0:3df25d5b2946 1 #include "mbed.h"
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 2 #include "QEI.h"
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 3 #include "HIDScope.h"
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 4
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 5 //info uit
Gerth 5:efa3157df167 6 HIDScope scope(3);
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 7
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 8 //encoders
Gerth 4:339514e618e0 9 QEI encoder1 (D12,D13,NC,32); // first b then a for clockwise +
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 10
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 11 //ingangen
Gerth 8:b30e7b255e97 12 AnalogIn pot1(A2);
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 13
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 14 //uitgangen
Gerth 4:339514e618e0 15 DigitalOut motor1_direction(D7);// draairichting motor 1 (1 is CW encoder als je daar op kijkt en CW shaft als je daar op kijkt)
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 16 PwmOut motor1_speed_control(D6);//aanstuursnelheid motor 1
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 17 //PwmOut motor2_speed_control(D5);
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 18 //DigitalOut motor2_direction(D4);
Gerth 4:339514e618e0 19 const int CW=1; //clockwise
Gerth 4:339514e618e0 20 const int CCW=0; //counterclockwise
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 21
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 22 //frequencies
Gerth 4:339514e618e0 23 //const float pwm_frequency=1000;
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 24 const float hidscope_frequency=100;
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 25 const float p_control_frequency=5;
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 26
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 27 //tickers
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 28 Ticker hidscope_ticker;
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 29 Ticker p_control_ticker;
Gerth 0:3df25d5b2946 30
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 31 //constants
Gerth 4:339514e618e0 32 const int cpr=32*131;
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 33 const float PI=3.1415;
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 34 const float counttorad=((2*PI)/cpr);
Gerth 4:339514e618e0 35 const float motor1_p_kp=0.5;
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 36
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 37 //go flags
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 38 volatile bool scopedata_go=false, p_control_go=false;
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 39
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 40 //acvitator functions
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 41
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 42 void scopedata_activate()
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 43 {
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 44 scopedata_go=true;
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 45 }
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 46 void p_control_activate()
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 47 {
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 48 p_control_go=true;
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 49 }
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 50 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////FUNCTIONS//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 51
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 52 //scopedata
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 53 void scopedata()
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 54 {
Gerth 8:b30e7b255e97 55 scope.set(0,2*PI*pot1.read());//gewenste hoek in rad van potmeter
Gerth 8:b30e7b255e97 56 scope.set(1,counttorad*encoder1.getPulses());//hoek in rad van outputshaft
Gerth 8:b30e7b255e97 57 scope.set(2,motor1_speed_control.read());//pwm signaal naar motor toe
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 58 scope.send();
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 59 }
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 60
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 61 //re usable P controller
Gerth 3:c39510de9443 62 double p_control(float error,float kp)
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 63 {
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 64 return (error*kp);
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 65 }
Gerth 0:3df25d5b2946 66
Gerth 0:3df25d5b2946 67 int main()
Gerth 0:3df25d5b2946 68 {
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 69 //set initial shizzle
Gerth 4:339514e618e0 70 //motor1_speed_control.period(1.0/pwm_frequency);
Gerth 3:c39510de9443 71 motor1_speed_control.write(0);
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 72
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 73 //tickers
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 74 hidscope_ticker.attach(&scopedata_activate,1.0/hidscope_frequency);
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 75 p_control_ticker.attach(&p_control_activate,1.0/p_control_frequency);
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 76
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 77 while(1) {
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 78 //control motor 1 with a p controller
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 79 if (p_control_go==true) {
Gerth 4:339514e618e0 80 float signal_motor1=p_control(2*PI*pot1.read()-counttorad*encoder1.getPulses(),motor1_p_kp);//send error to p controller
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 81 if (signal_motor1>=0) {//determine CW or CCW rotation
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 82 motor1_direction.write(CW);
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 83 } else {
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 84 motor1_direction.write(CCW);
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 85 }
Gerth 4:339514e618e0 86
Gerth 3:c39510de9443 87 if (fabs(signal_motor1)>=1) { //check if signal is <1
Gerth 6:b3fd4c6a292e 88 signal_motor1=1;//if signal >1 make it 1 to not damage motor
Gerth 3:c39510de9443 89 } else {
Gerth 6:b3fd4c6a292e 90 signal_motor1=fabs(signal_motor1);// if signal<1 use signal
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 91 }
Gerth 4:339514e618e0 92
Gerth 2:04ad19deeb2c 93 motor1_speed_control.write(fabs(signal_motor1));//write signal to motor
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 94 p_control_go=false;
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 95 }
Gerth 6:b3fd4c6a292e 96 //call scopedata
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 97 if (scopedata_go==true) {
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 98 scopedata();
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 99 scopedata_go=false;
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 100 }
Gerth 0:3df25d5b2946 101 }
Gerth 6:b3fd4c6a292e 102 return 0;
Gerth 1:f367ab17bc18 103 }