Final version of BioRobotics program for Stamp Robot of Group 9, Biomedical Engineering at University of Twente. Script has been cleaned from any unused stuff, comments are unified in style.

Dependencies:   HIDScope MODSERIAL QEI biquadFilter mbed

Fork of prog_forwardkin_feedback_copy3 by Gerhard Berman



File content as of revision 48:73a5f7f62aec:

#include "mbed.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "MODSERIAL.h"
#include "QEI.h"
#include "HIDScope.h"
#include "BiQuad.h"
- Motor action of motor 1 is inverted because it is mounted
opposite to motor 2 in the tower. Check if the clockwise directions of the 
motors correspond to the positive q1, q2-directions (both counterclockwise)
 in the original IK-sketch.
- Robot arms should be placed manually into reference position before resetting board.
//set pins
DigitalIn encoder1A (D13);                          //Channel A from Encoder 1
DigitalIn encoder1B (D12);                              //Channel B from Encoder 1
DigitalIn encoder2A (D11);                                  //Channel A from Encoder 2
DigitalIn encoder2B (D10);                                      //Channel B from Encoder 2
AnalogIn emg0( A0 );
AnalogIn emg1( A1 );
DigitalIn button1(D3);
DigitalIn button2(D9);
DigitalOut motor1DirectionPin(D7);
PwmOut motor1MagnitudePin(D6);
DigitalOut motor2DirectionPin(D4);
PwmOut motor2MagnitudePin(D5);
DigitalOut ledGrn(LED_GREEN);
DigitalOut ledRed(LED_RED);
DigitalOut ledBlue(LED_BLUE);
//library settings
Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);
HIDScope    scope(6);
//go-Ticker settings
Ticker MeasureTicker;
volatile bool MeasureTicker_go=false;
void MeasureTicker_act(){MeasureTicker_go=true;};               // Activates go-flag
//constant values
const float PI = 3.141592653589793;
const int cw = 0;               //values for cw and ccw are inverted! cw=0 and ccw=1
const int ccw = 1;
double threshold_l=0.09;                                        //left arm EMG threshold
double threshold_r = 0.08;                                      //right arm EMG threshold
float EMGgain = 1.0;
//set lengths
//float L0 = 0.232;                     //height of motor axes above table surface
float L1 = 0.45;                        //length of proximal arm
float L2 = 0.35;                            //length of distal arm
float TowerHeight = 0.232;                  //height of motor axes above table surface
float StampHeight = 0.056;              // height of end effector
float y_stampup = 0.1;                  //height stamp while not stamping: 10cm above                           table surface
float y_stampdown = -0.04;                  //height stamp while    stamping: at table surface
float MotorGain = 8.4;          // rad/s for PWM, is max motor speed
float MotorMaxSpeed = 0.1;                  //define a maximum PWM speed for the motor
float t_sample = 0.002;                                     //seconds
const float maxStampDistance = 0.7;
const float minStampDistance = 0.3;
float Kp = 4.0;                          //proportional controller constant
float Ki = 0.04;                            //integrative controller constant
float Kd = 0.02;                        //derivative controller constant
float N = 25;                               //PIDF filter constant
//(Higher N is faster derivative action but more sensitive to noise)
//set initial conditions for inputs and positions
float biceps_l = 0, biceps_r = 0;
double envelopeL = 0, envelopeR = 0;
int T=0;                                //EMG 'switch' variable
float ReferencePosition_x = 0.35;       //starting position for x reference position        
float ReferencePosition_y = L1 + TowerHeight - StampHeight; 
//starting position for y reference position
float ReferencePosition_xnew = 0.35;     
float ReferencePosition_ynew = L1 + TowerHeight - StampHeight;
float Position_x = 0.0;
float Position_y = 0.0;
//set initial conditions for angles, errors and motor values
float q1 = 0,q2 = PI/2;
float q1_ref = 0, q2_ref = 0;
float q1start = 0; 
float q12start = PI/2;
float q1Encoder = 0, q12Encoder = 0;
float q12Out = 0;
float q1_error_prev = 0, q2_error_prev = 0;
float DerTotalError1 = 0, DerTotalError2 = 0;
float q1IntError = 0, q2IntError = 0;
float TotalError1_prev = 0, TotalError2_prev = 0;
float TotalError1= 0, TotalError2= 0;
float motorValue1 = 0.0, motorValue2 = 0.0;
int counts1 = 0, counts2 = 0;
int counts1Prev = 0, counts2Prev = 0;
//set reference angle boundaries
float q1_refOutNew = 0, q2_refOutNew = 0;
float q1_refOutMin = 0;                 //Physical min angle 0.00 radians
float q1_refOutMax = 1.37;                  //Physical max angle 1.47 radians - 0.1 rad
float q2_refOutMin = 0.91;              //Physical  min angle 0.81 radians + 0.1 rad
float q2_refOutMax = 2.07;              //Physical max angle 2.17 radians - 0.1 rad
//set BiQuad filters/filter chains
BiQuad pidf;                    //PID Filter
BiQuadChain bcq1R;              //Right EMG filter chain 1: notch filter+highpass
BiQuadChain bcq2R;                  //Right EMG filter chain 2: lowpass
BiQuad bq1R(9.9110e-01,-1.6036e+00,9.9110e-01,-1.6036e+00,9.8221e-01);      
// Notch filter wo=50; bandwidth=wo/35
BiQuad bq2R(9.1497e-01,-1.8299e+00,9.1497e-01,-1.8227e+00,8.3718e-01);      
// High pass Butterworth filter 2nd order, Fc=10;
BiQuad bq3R(1.3487e-03,2.6974e-03,1.3487e-03,-1.8935e+00,8.9886e-01);       
// Low pass Butterworth filter 2nd order, Fc = 8;
BiQuadChain bcq1L;              //Left EMG filter chain 1: notch filter+highpass
BiQuadChain bcq2L;                  //Left EMG filter chain 2: lowpass
BiQuad bq1L(9.9110e-01,-1.6036e+00,9.9110e-01,-1.6036e+00,9.8221e-01);      
// Notch filter wo=50; bandwidth=wo/35
BiQuad bq2L(9.1497e-01,-1.8299e+00,9.1497e-01,-1.8227e+00,8.3718e-01);      
// High pass Butterworth filter 2nd order, Fc=10;
BiQuad bq3L(1.3487e-03,2.6974e-03,1.3487e-03,-1.8935e+00,8.9886e-01);       
// Low pass Butterworth filter 2nd order, Fc = 8;
// In the following: R is used for right arm EMG, L is used for left arm EMG
//define encoder counts and degrees
QEI Encoder1(D12, D13, NC, 32);                     // turns on encoder
QEI Encoder2(D10, D11, NC, 32);                         // turns on encoder
const int counts_per_revolution = 4200;                 //counts per motor axis revolution
const int inverse_gear_ratio = 131;
const float resolution = counts_per_revolution/(2*PI/inverse_gear_ratio);   //87567.0496892 counts per radian, encoder axis
void FilteredSample(int &Tout, double &envelopeLout, double &envelopeRout)
//This function reads EMG, filters it to acquire an EMG envelope and generates a 
//T-switch value which specifies the movement of the robot
    double inLout =;
    double inRout =;
    double outRfilter1 = bcq1R.step(inRout);
    double outRrect= fabs(outRfilter1);
    envelopeRout = bcq2R.step(outRrect);
    double outLfilter1 = bcq1L.step(inLout);
    double outLrect = fabs(outLfilter1);
    envelopeLout = bcq2L.step(outLrect);
    double biceps_l = (double) envelopeLout * EMGgain; //;
//left biceps filtered EMG signal with a gain

    double biceps_r = (double) envelopeRout * EMGgain;  
//right biceps filtered EMG signal with a gain
    if (biceps_l > threshold_l && biceps_r > threshold_r){
        //both arms activated: stamp moves down
        Tout = -2;
    else if (biceps_l > threshold_l && biceps_r <= threshold_r){
        //arm 1 activated, move left
        Tout  = -1;
    else if (biceps_l <= threshold_l && biceps_r > threshold_r){
        //arm 1 activated, move right
        Tout = 1;
        Tout = 0;
void GetReferenceKinematics1(float &q1Out, float &q2Out, float &q1_refOut, float &q2_refOut)
//This function reads current joint angles from encoder, calculates reference position from 
//T-switch value, converts reference position to reference joint angles and checks boundaries.
    //get joint positions q feedback from encoder
    float Encoder1Position = counts1/resolution;    //angular encoder position (rad)
    float Encoder2Position = -1*counts2/resolution; //NEGATIVE due to opposite build                                    //up in tower
    q1Encoder = Encoder1Position*inverse_gear_ratio;
    q12Encoder = Encoder2Position*inverse_gear_ratio;
    q1Out = q1start + q1Encoder;                    //angular motor axis position (rad)
    q12Out = q12start + q12Encoder;                 //encoder 2 gives sum of q1 and q2!
    q2Out = q12Out - q1Out;             
    //float q1deg = q1Out*360/2/PI;                 //angle in degrees
    //float q2deg = q2Out*360/2/PI;                 //angle in degrees
    //get end effector position with trigonometry
    Position_x = (L1*sin(q1) + L2*sin(q1+q2));
    Position_y = (L1*cos(q1) + L2*cos(q1+q2)) + TowerHeight - StampHeight;  
    //get reference position from EMG based T-switch values  
    if (T == -2){
        //both EMGs active: stamp moves down
        ReferencePosition_xnew = ReferencePosition_x;
        ReferencePosition_ynew = ReferencePosition_y - 0.015;
    else if (T==-1){
        //left EMG active, move stamp left
        ReferencePosition_xnew = ReferencePosition_x - 0.0009;
        ReferencePosition_ynew = y_stampup;
    else if (T==1){
        //right EMG active, move stamp right
        ReferencePosition_xnew = ReferencePosition_x + 0.0009;
        ReferencePosition_ynew = y_stampup;
    else{ //T==0
        //no EMG active, no x-movement, y-position restored to non-stamping position
        ReferencePosition_ynew = y_stampup;
    //check reference position boundaries
    if (ReferencePosition_xnew > maxStampDistance){
        //target too far to be reached
        ReferencePosition_x = maxStampDistance;
        ReferencePosition_y = y_stampup;
        //pc.printf("Target too far! \r\n");
    else if (ReferencePosition_xnew < minStampDistance){
        //target too close
        ReferencePosition_x = minStampDistance;
        ReferencePosition_y = y_stampup;
        //pc.printf("Target too close! \r\n");
    else if (ReferencePosition_ynew < y_stampdown){
        //target under table surface
        ReferencePosition_x = ReferencePosition_xnew;
        ReferencePosition_y = y_stampdown;
        //pc.printf("Target too low! \r\n");
    else {
        //target within reach
        ReferencePosition_x = ReferencePosition_xnew;        
        ReferencePosition_y = ReferencePosition_ynew;
    //calculate reference joint angles for the new reference position
    float PointPositionArm2_x = ReferencePosition_x;
    float PointPositionArm2_y = ReferencePosition_y - TowerHeight + StampHeight;
    float PointVectorArm2 = sqrt(pow(PointPositionArm2_x,2)+pow(PointPositionArm2_y,2));
    float alpha = atan(PointPositionArm2_y/PointPositionArm2_x);
    float beta = acos((L2*L2-L1*L1-pow(PointVectorArm2,2))/(-2*L1*PointVectorArm2));
    q1_refOutNew = PI/2 - (alpha+beta);
    q2_refOutNew = PI - asin(PointVectorArm2*sin(beta)/L2);
    //check reference angle boundaries
    if (q1_refOutNew < q1_refOutMin){
        //new q1_ref too small
        q1_refOut = q1_refOutMin;
        //pc.printf("\r\n Under q1 angle boundaries\r\n");
    else if (q1_refOutNew > q1_refOutMax){
        //new q1_ref too large
        q1_refOut = q1_refOutMax;
        //pc.printf("\r\n Above q1 angle boundaries\r\n");
    else {
        //new q1_ref within reach
        q1_refOut = q1_refOutNew;
    if (q2_refOutNew < q2_refOutMin){
        //new q2_ref too small
        q2_refOut = q2_refOutMin;
        pc.printf("\r\n Under q2 angle boundaries");
    else if (q2_refOutNew > q2_refOutMax){
        //new q2_ref too large
        q2_refOut = q2_refOutMax;
        pc.printf("\r\n Above q2 angle boundaries");
    else {
        //new q2_ref within reach
        q2_refOut = q2_refOutNew;
    scope.set(0, ReferencePosition_xnew);
    scope.set(1, ReferencePosition_ynew);
    scope.set(2, envelopeL);
    scope.set(3, envelopeR);
    scope.set(4, T);
void FeedbackControl1(float q1_ref, float q2_ref, float q1, float q2, float &motorValue1Out, float &motorValue2Out)
//This function calculates the error between angles and refernce angles, and provides
//motor values via a PIDF controller.
    //calculate error values
    float q1_error = q1_ref - q1;               // proportional angular error in radians
    float q2_error = q2_ref - q2;               // proportional angular error in radians
    //PIDF total error output
    float TotalError1 = pidf.step(q1_error);
    float TotalError2 = pidf.step(q2_error);
    //calculate motor values from the total errors    
    motorValue1Out = TotalError1/MotorGain;       
    motorValue2Out = TotalError2/MotorGain;       
    //prepare for next ticker cycle
    q1_error_prev = q1_error;
    q2_error_prev = q2_error;
    TotalError1_prev = TotalError1;
    TotalError2_prev = TotalError2;
void SetMotor1(float motorValue1, float motorValue2)
//This function sets the PWM and direction bits for the motors. 
//motorValues outside range are truncated to within range.
    //control motor 1
    if (motorValue1 >=0){ 
        //clockwise rotation
        //counterclockwise rotation 
    if (fabs(motorValue1)>MotorMaxSpeed){
        motor1MagnitudePin = MotorMaxSpeed;             //motor values truncated
        motor1MagnitudePin = fabs(motorValue1);
    //control motor 2
    if (motorValue2 >=0){  
        //counterclockwise rotation due to inverse buildup in tower
        motor2DirectionPin=cw;                  //action is ccw, due to faulty                                  motor2DirectionPin (inverted)
        //clockwise rotation due to inverse buildup in tower
        motor2DirectionPin=ccw;                         //action is cw, due to faulty                                   motor2DirectionPin (inverted)
    if (fabs(motorValue2)>MotorMaxSpeed){
        motor2MagnitudePin = MotorMaxSpeed;
        motor2MagnitudePin = fabs(motorValue2);
void MeasureAndControl()
// This function measures the EMG of both arms, calculates via inverse kinematics
// what the joint reference positions should be, and controls the motor with 
// a Feedback controller. This is called from a Ticker.
    FilteredSample(T, envelopeL, envelopeR);
    GetReferenceKinematics1(q1, q2, q1_ref, q2_ref);
    FeedbackControl1( q1_ref, q2_ref, q1, q2, motorValue1, motorValue2);
    SetMotor1(motorValue1, motorValue2);
int main()
 //pc.printf("Test putty IK");

 //set BiQuad chains
 pidf.PIDF( Kp, Ki, Kd, N, t_sample );                  //set PID filter
 //start up encoders
 counts1 = Encoder1.getPulses();                        //gives position of encoder in counts 
 counts2 = Encoder2.getPulses();                        //gives position of encoder in counts
 wait(20.0);                                            //time to sart up HIDScope and EMG
 MeasureTicker.attach(&MeasureTicker_act, 0.002);       //initialize MeasureTicker, 500 Hz
        if (MeasureTicker_go){
            ledGrn = 1;
            ledBlue = 0;
            MeasureAndControl();                    //execute MeasureAndControl
            counts1 = Encoder1.getPulses();         //get encoder counts again
            counts2 = Encoder2.getPulses();             //get encoder counts again
            ledBlue = 1;
            ledGrn = 0;