Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of Laser_Rangefinder by jim hamblen

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Mon Feb 24 22:51:57 2014 +0000
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LRF.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
LRF.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r ccc26a94788d -r d576753ebd76 LRF.c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LRF.c	Mon Feb 24 22:51:57 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "LRF.h"
+LocalFileSystem fs("local");
+DigitalOut myled(LED1);
+Serial lrf(p9,p10);
+extern Serial pc;
+void LRFinit(void){
+   char lrfchar=0;
+   //Delay for lrf power on startup
+    wait(2.5);
+    lrf.baud(115200);
+    // lrf autobaud setup
+    do {
+        lrf.putc('U');
+        pc.putc('.');
+        wait(.2);
+        if (lrf.readable()) lrfchar = lrf.getc();
+    } while (lrfchar != ':');
+    pc.printf("\n\r");
+    // clear out any extra characters - just in case
+    while (lrf.readable()) {
+        lrfchar = lrf.getc();
+    }     
+int Verify(int* slope, int* s, int shape){
+    int i=0, num[4], count[4];
+    count[0]=count[1]=0;
+    // check if at least two of the 4 sides are parallel
+        slope[0]=num[0];
+        for(i=0; i<s[0]; i++){// find two most occuring slopes
+            if(slope[i] == num[0])count[0]++;
+            else if(slope[i] == num[1]) count[1]++;
+            else if(count[0]<2){
+                slope[i]=num[0];
+                count[0]=0;
+            }
+            else if(count[1]<2){
+                slope[i]=num[1];
+                count[1]=0;
+            }
+        }
+        slope[1]=num[2];    
+        for(i=s[1]; i<s[2]; i++){// find two most occuring slopes
+            if(slope[i] == num[2])count[2]++;
+            else if(slope[i] == num[3]) count[3]++;
+            else if(count[2]<2){
+                slope[i]=num[2];
+                count[2]=0;
+            }
+            else if(count[3]<2){
+                slope[i]=num[3];
+                count[3]=0;
+            }
+        }
+       if((slope[1]==slope[3] || slope[1]==slope[2])&&(slope[0]==slope[2] || slope[0]==slope[3])&&(shape==4))return 1;
+       slope[2]=num[0];
+       for(i=s[0]; i<s[1]; i++){// find two most occuring slopes
+            if(slope[i] == num[0])count[0]++;
+            else if(slope[i] == num[1]) count[1]++;
+            else if(count[0]<2){
+                slope[i]=num[0];
+                count[0]=0;
+            }
+            else if(count[1]<2){
+                slope[i]=num[1];
+                count[1]=0;
+            }
+        }
+        slope[3]=num[2];    
+        for(i=s[2]; i<s[3]; i++){// find two most occuring slopes
+            if(slope[i] == num[2])count[2]++;
+            else if(slope[i] == num[3]) count[3]++;
+            else if(count[2]<2){
+                slope[i]=num[2];
+                count[2]=0;
+            }
+            else if(count[3]<2){
+                slope[i]=num[3];
+                count[3]=0;
+            }
+        }
+       if((slope[1]==slope[3] || slope[1]==slope[2])&&(slope[0]==slope[2] || slope[0]==slope[3])&&(shape==4))return 1;
+    //else if(shape == 3);
+    //else
+    return 0;
+int Shape(unsigned char** array){
+        int i, j, k=0, lastk, prev, sides=1, s[4];
+        unsigned char location[128*4][2]; //filled with x,y corrdinates             
+        int slope[128]; 
+        FILE* fp;
+   fp = fopen("/local/file.xls", "wb");
+    if (fp == NULL) {
+        return -2;
+    }
+    // scan starts in bottom left hand corner of the fram x,y (0,0)
+    // scanning around the shape in a clockwise direction
+    // check for where edges start and save locations (scan left to right) 
+    k=0;           
+    for(i=0; i<128; i++){
+                 for(j=0; j<160; j++){
+                          if(array[i][j] == 1){ // if BLACK 
+                                         location[k][1]= i; // y
+                                         location[k][0]= j; // x                                        
+                                         k++;
+                                         j=160;
+                          }}}
+    prev= location[k-1][0]; // save last j value
+    // scan from top to bottom 
+    for(j=prev; j>160; j++){
+                for(i=128; i>0; i--){
+                           if(array[i][j] == 1){ // if BLACK 
+                                         location[k][1]= i; // y
+                                         location[k][0]= j; // x                                        
+                                         k++;
+                                         i=0;
+                          }}} 
+    prev= location[k-1][1]; // save last i value
+    // scan from right to left 
+    for(i=prev; i>0; i--){
+                for(j=159; j>0; j--){
+                           if(array[i][j] == 1){ // if BLACK 
+                                         location[k][1]= i; // y
+                                         location[k][0]= j; // x                                         
+                                         k++;
+                                         j=0;
+                          }}}
+    prev= location[k-1][0]; // save last j value
+    // scan from bottom up 
+    for(j=prev; j>0; j--){
+                  for(i=0; i<127; i++){
+                          if(array[i][j] == 1){ // if BLACK 
+                                if((location[k][1] != location[0][1])&&(location[k][1] != location[1][1])&&(location[k][1] != location[2][1])&&(location[k][1] != location[3][1])){
+                                         if((location[k][0] != location[0][0])&&(location[k][0] != location[1][0])&&(location[k][0] != location[2][0])&&(location[k][0] != location[3][0])){
+                                                    location[k][1]= i; // y
+                                                    location[k][0]= j; // x                                      
+                                                    k++;
+                                                    i=127;
+                                }}
+                          }}}                                              
+    // save the last k
+    lastk = k-1; 
+    for(i=0; i< lastk; i++)fprintf(fp, "%d\t%d\n", location[i][0], location[i][1]);
+    i=0;
+    k=0;
+    // find slopes of 8 segments
+    while(i< lastk){
+             /*if((location[i+1][0] - location[i][0]) == 0) slope[k] =100;// arbitrarily choose a number to differentiante num/0 with 0
+             else slope[k]=(location[i+1][1] - location[i][1])/(location[i+1][0] - location[i][0]); 
+             k++; 
+             i++; */        
+             if((location[i+4][0] - location[i][0]) == 0) slope[k] =100;// arbitrarily choose a number to differentiante num/0 with 0
+             else slope[k]=(location[i+4][1] - location[i][1])/(location[i+4][0] - location[i][0]); 
+             k++; 
+             i+=4;    
+    }
+    lastk=k-1;
+    i=j=0;
+    while(i<lastk){// check for slope changes
+        prev=slope[i];
+        printf("%d\n\r",slope[i]);
+        while(prev == slope[i]){
+                   i++;
+                   printf("%d \r\n",slope[i]);
+                   if((prev-slope[i])<=3 && (prev-slope[i])>=-3){
+                          if((prev>0) != (slope[i]<0)){
+                                       if((prev != 0) && (slope[i] != 0))prev=slope[i];  
+        }}}
+        if((prev == slope[i+1]) || (slope[i+1] == slope[i-1]))i++;
+        else if((slope[i+1] == slope[i+2])&& i<lastk){    
+                s[sides]=i;
+                sides++; // if just one number then, skip over
+                printf("SIDES %d\n\r",sides);  
+        }
+        i++;
+    }
+    // compare last two slopes with beginning two slopes
+    if((slope[0]==slope[lastk]) || (slope[0]==slope[lastk-1]) || (slope[1]==slope[lastk]) || (slope[1]==slope[lastk-1]))sides--;
+    fclose(fp);
+    // verify shapes
+    if(!Verify(slope,s,sides))return 4; 
+    if(sides < 4) return 3; // Triange
+    else if(sides ==4) return 2; // square
+    else return 1; // circle
+int CheckShapeInFrame(unsigned char ** Image){
+       int i ,j;
+       // check that outer edges are white (0)
+       //left edge
+       for(j=0; j<160; j++) if(Image[0][j] != 0) return 2; // move right 
+       //right edge
+       for(j=0; j<160; j++) if(Image[127][j] != 0) return 1; // move left
+       //top edge 
+       for(i=0; i<128; i++) if(Image[i][0] != 0) return 4; // move down  
+       //bottom edge 
+       for(i=0; i<128; i++) if(Image[i][159] != 0) return 3; // move up 
+       return 0;             
+int GetShape(void){
+    char lrfchar=0, end[3];
+    int i, j, repeat=0, move=0;
+    unsigned char c;
+    unsigned char** Image;    
+    Image=(unsigned char**)malloc(128*sizeof(unsigned char*));
+    for(j=0; j<128; j++){
+        Image[j]=(unsigned char*)malloc(160*sizeof(unsigned char));
+    }
+    //lrf.putc('E'); //Adjust lighting conditions
+    //wait(.2);
+    do{ 
+        // get grayscale image 
+        lrf.putc('G'); //Take Binary range reading
+        // read in each byte at a time filling in the Image
+        // 0= white
+        // 1= black
+        for(i=0; i<128; i++){
+            for(j=0; j<160; j++){
+                c=lrf.getc();
+                if(c>80)Image[i][j]= 0; // VERIFY THIS ! WAS 70
+                else Image[i][j] =1;      
+        }}    
+        // for error checking purposes
+        end[0]=lrf.getc();
+        end[1]=lrf.getc();
+        end[2]=lrf.getc();
+        move= CheckShapeInFrame(Image);
+        if(move == 1) pc.printf("Move Left\r\n");
+        else if(move == 2) pc.printf("Move right\r\n");
+        else if(move == 3) pc.printf("Move up\r\n");
+        else if(move == 4) pc.printf("Move down\r\n");
+        else repeat = 1;
+        if(!strcmp(end, "END"))pc.printf("Done!\r\n");
+        else repeat = 0; 
+        //eat CR & ":" command prompt
+        do {
+            if(lrf.readable())lrfchar=lrf.getc();
+        }while(lrfchar != ':'); 
+        //i=Shape(Image);
+        //if(i==4)repeat =0;
+    }while(!repeat);    
+    i=Shape(Image);
+    for(j=0; j<128; j++){
+            free(Image[j]);
+    }
+    free(Image);
+    return i;
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r ccc26a94788d -r d576753ebd76 LRF.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LRF.h	Mon Feb 24 22:51:57 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#ifndef LRF_H_
+#define LRF_H_
+void LRFinit(void);
+int Shape(unsigned char y[128*160]);
+int GetShape(void);
+int CheckShapeInFrame(unsigned char ** Image);
+int Verify(int* slope, int* s, int shape);
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r ccc26a94788d -r d576753ebd76 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Sun Nov 06 02:08:57 2011 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Feb 24 22:51:57 2014 +0000
@@ -1,50 +1,28 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-//Demo program for the Parallax Laser Range Finder
-DigitalOut myled(LED1);
+#include "string.h"
+#include "LRF.h"
 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
-Serial lrf(p9,p10);
+extern DigitalOut myled;
+extern Serial lrf;
+#define TRIANGLE 3
+#define RECTANGLE 2
+#define CIRCLE 1
 int main() {
-    int mm_range=0;
-    char lrfchar=0;
-//Print prompt
-    pc.printf("\f\nLaser Range Finder demo program\n\r");
-//Delay for lrf power on startup
-    wait(2.5);
-    lrf.baud(115200);
+    int shape;
+    LRFinit();
+    shape=GetShape();
+    pc.printf("Shape:\n");
+    if(shape == TRIANGLE) pc.printf("Triangle\n");
+    else if(shape == RECTANGLE) pc.printf("Rectangle\n");
+    else pc.printf("Circle\n");
-// lrf autobaud setup
-    do {
-        lrf.putc('U');
-        pc.putc('.');
-        wait(.2);
-        if (lrf.readable()) lrfchar = lrf.getc();
-    } while (lrfchar != ':');
-    pc.printf("\n\r");
-    // clear out any extra characters - just in case
-    while (lrf.readable()) {
-        lrfchar = lrf.getc();
-// Loop taking range readings forever
-    while (1) {
-        myled=1;
-        lrf.putc('B'); //Take Binary range reading
-        // read in the four bytes for the range in mm (MSB first)
-        mm_range=0;
-        mm_range=lrf.getc();
-        mm_range=(mm_range<<8)|lrf.getc();
-        mm_range=(mm_range<<8)|lrf.getc();
-        mm_range=(mm_range<<8)|lrf.getc();
-        myled=0;
-        //eat CR & ":" command prompt
-        do {
-            lrfchar=lrf.getc();
-        } while (lrfchar != ':');
-        //Display readings on PC Virtual Com port via USB cable
-        pc.printf("Range is %d mm\n\r",mm_range);
-    }