EasyCAT test with SM synchronization - EtherCAT slave example
Dependencies: mbed EasyCAT_lib
The EasyCAT Shield and boards
- The EasyCAT Shield is an Arduino shield, designed and manufactured in Italy by AB&T Tecnologie Informatiche, that allow us to build a custom EtherCAT® slave in an easy way.
- This is the EasyCAT product page on the EtherCAT® Technology Group website.
- The TestEasyCAT_SM_sync program is a basic example that shows how to excange some I/O between the EtherCAT master and the EasyCAT slave, using the Synchronization Manager synchronization.
Import programTestEasyCAT_SM_sync
EasyCAT test with SM synchronization - EtherCAT slave example
Import libraryEasyCAT_lib
EasyCAT shield library - It allows you to make an EtherCAT slave